
Journey Of The Forsaken

On a night known as the *Dreadful Crimson*, where the moon's light turns bright red as if coated in blood. A boy was born to this world! Abandoned at a heartbeat and left alone to die in the wastelands. Having survived for a decade by unknown means, he wandered those harsh wastelands in other to survive. Journeying across great lands, making new acquaintances, and losing those that would soon matter to him. Will his journey bring about a reason for him to exist in this world. He! A Forsaken soul, one who was robbed the will to exist in this world we live in. What awaits him at the end of the road. [*********] Note: Hello, this is my first ever novel I'm working on. I will work hard to write a story that you the audience will enjoy, and with your support guide this novel to become great.

Raphaelchan · Fantasy
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Dreadful Crimson

The "Dreadful Crimson". An untold story of forgotten tragic events recurring as if in a cycle. Now known merely as a myth of the old ages, were tragedies of unknown origin shook the balance of the earth.

All that is known from this occurrence was that, "the heavens were in chaos and hell bliss". No one could grasp the reason why "hell" a chaotic abode by nature was bliss. However that statement alone was irrelevant to the situation considering how the world was shaken to its core.

How an event as such came to be known as the "Dreadful Crimson" was established by the holy church of "Saint Maria". Named after "Saint Maria Augustos" the man who founded the holy church after the first tragedy of the Dreadful Crimson.

Saint Maria Augustos with the purpose of bringing the people together under one faith, established the holy church in the hopes that prayers may be given to all those who lost their lives and families to the great tragedy.

Saint Maria Augustos himself was a strong willed person, who believed everything or action had a root cause. In establishing the church, it was also a means to gathering information to decipher and find the root cause behind the "Dreadful Crimson". To aid his cause, he found ten members with the same ambitions to uncover the truth behind the Dreadful Crimson to join him on this journey.

With their party of eleven they wandered the world searching ruins and ancient tombs, hoping to find texts associated with the "Crimson Moon".

On a night where the moon shines so bright as if coloured with blood. In the sky the moon was, casting it's light across all the lands even though night was present. In contrast to the Dreadful Crimson, the Crimson Moon came to be known as the catalyst that brought about the great destruction.

Saint Maria Augustos and his fellow men, after decades of searching came across texts of unknown origin that were hidden where life was forbidden. In the scriptures today, it is said that only Augustos came back after his journey with his fellow men. However the scriptures do not say how or why they disappeared.

Saint Maria Augustos, the only man who knows the truth of that journey would later on pass away never revealing it to the public.

The holy church for ages have hidden the truth of the texts found from the journey of Saint Maria Augustos and his comrades. The reason for this was to protect the people from finding out the truth and panicking.

Why the Crimson Moon is a catalyst to the Dreadful Crimson, why did such a tragedy come to our world, why are children born on such days referred to as omens of destruction and death? These questions cloud the minds of people who seek answers to them.

Seeing as a tragedy so great shook the balance of the world, the holy church came about with the name "Dreadful Crimson". The event was a dreadful one indeed, and it would be noticed that before the great destruction, the moon would always turn bright red as if "Crimson" followed by the tragedy. And hence the name was established "The Dreadful Crimson".

Apologies for the delayed updates

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