
Journey of the first magician

A wacky young teacher named James after her death woke up in the body of a 17-year-old prehistoric teenager, dressed in a skinny body. Hungry, he ate a poisonous plant, catching diarrhea, and thus awakened for the first time in the history of this planet the mana and became the first magician in history, the father of all magic.

Otaku_king · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 : I am a night light

James woke up the next day beside his companions who were still sleeping.

But he noticed that they were all sleeping away from him as if he was frightening them, shaking his head and lamenting the feeble courage of these prehistoric humans James stood up.

But suddenly he noticed something strange, his body was lighter and his muscles stronger, but the strangest thing was that he felt some kind of unknown fluid running through his body.

"What's going on? Is it an after-effect from what I ate yesterday?"

James, a little perplexed, concentrated slightly and noticed that he could control the fluid flowing through his body.

He closed and then opened his palms which suddenly became luminous, this surprised him so much that he fell to the ground looking at his palms in amazement.

"Have I become a night light in my sleep?"

When his companions noticed the noise, they opened their eyes and saw James with glowing palms which made them instantly forget the sleep and hunger they were feeling.

They all looked at James with fascination as a blue energy began to emanate from his palms.

James felt that he could control this energy at will.

But instead of being surprised, James' scientific soul was awakened. Although he was a professor of literature, he was nonetheless a scholar who had read hundreds of books on almost every scientific subject.

He had died and then resurrected in the body of a prehistoric boy in another world, he faced hunger for several days and saw a tiger 10 meters high.

What else could surprise him?

Even if he saw a Dragon stripper, it wouldn't surprise him.

He did some experimentation and noticed that he could get this energy out of any part of his body but when he wanted to continue his experiments the energy suddenly disappeared.

He felt his body weaken, then he passed out on the ground and slept for several hours in front of his wild companions who were starving and had no strength to move.

When he woke up, he noticed that the fluid, or rather the blue energy in his body had recovered.

"What is this energy? Is it the plant I ate yesterday that gives me some kind of super power?"

He began his experiments again, but this time he was more careful than the last time.

After almost a whole day of experimenting, he understood a little bit of the blue energy.

1- This energy uses his body as a container.

2- This energy is manageable and can obey his will.

3-Such energy is harmless to him but slightly repels everything that is not him.

For example, he touched one of his companions with his palm covered with energy and this had the effect of making him fly three meters away as if he had punched him.

4-This energy recovers slowly after use.

"Why was I the only one to possess this energy? This guys eat anything, if a flower could give super powers then everyone would be superman."

James looked around and saw that his fellow wretches were lying hungry, he shook his head and decided to go and get something to eat tomorrow, their water supply was already almost exhausted, they only had three pitchers of water left, if nothing was done they would not last more than two days.

Tired, he put his head on a stone and fell asleep with difficulty.

The night passed slowly but before sunrise James was suddenly awakened by a grunt.

He opened his eyes and jumped with surprise as his eyes fell on an animal about two meters tall with two horns and sharp teeth, resembling a cannibal cow on steroids.

The bull heading towards them, noticing James who had just woken up, suddenly uttered a mooing that woke the other sleeping savages.

Then the bull rushed toward James, who immediately fled.

"Why the fuck are you chasing me? Go chase them, their meat is softer! And isn't a bull supposed to be fucking herbivorous?"

The angry bull rushed even faster towards James as if his flesh was extremely attractive to him.

"Bastard! You think I'm going to let you eat me that easily.Sangoku lend me your strength!


James suddenly stopped and joined his hand and then the familiar blue energy condensed in his palms.


As the energy condensed in his palms the bull caught up to him and hit James with his head but as soon as the bull's head and the blue energy collided the bull as he pushed away lost his balance and fell to the ground stunned, James was thrown violently towards a tree, causing him to scream in pain.

Then he fainted, and James's companions, until then frightened by the bull and still stunned by the scene, stood for a moment without knowing what to do before approaching James.