
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Talio_quin254 · Others
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16 Chs

05:force springs

I've been traveling through the forest which turned out larger than I thought, the average strength of the beasts have been increasing slowly over the days as earth nears the fourth dimension. As of me, my dream force could have pushed to the mid fourth dimension by now but I've waited for it to compound with the two other forces as I've gotten to using them together. My earth force is the only one to step on the fourth dimension but without a strong pathway, its uses remains strengthening my body which is now my strongest weapon but I'll allow my species to fool this beasts though, as I cross another territory the owner comes up with nasty growls from afar,.

It was a bengal looking tiger but with greenish stripes I'm guessing its ability, after measuring me for a moment it storms of at me with wind-like force boosting its speed until it ended ubruptly with it stumbling to the ground.

Its a new attack or more of an application to my two forces the dream and soul force, allows me to imprint an existential crisis in my presence, kinda like when a human sees a snake its brain will tell it to flee most of the time and with the now application of soul force its in their very being as no protection against such a complex soul attack can be held at this stage, I neared the beast with its head down like a sad puppy and implant a set of commands in its subconscious then letting it off.

With my now ability I can not benefit much from killing these beasts so I started my plan of contenders that can put their weight against anyone after me later on, i picked on several talented beasts I came across and then implanted ideas on utilizing their forces they have affinity with and commands to grow stronger while moving inwards not setting up territories thus later on bringing up elites. Imagining how the empire was struggling with the attacks from the ocean and now with me actively training and them they would be elites in no time. Its been two weeks and now our prince is still in the mayan temple getting a grind in what's going to come,witth a bit of coverage I'll be getting too my target which was situated inside the valley ahead, I can feel an unnatural amount of fourth dimensional force coming somewhere inside their but its not yet surfaced from what I could tell as it would not have been calm around here.

I remember there being a natural force art inside the force spring leonel found I hope there is one that can help me establish my nodal pathways in this body better than which would form while entering the fourth dimension.

As I walk into the valley, my thoughts go through my experience since awekening and I find my self with disbelieve at how its been easy till now through my journey but that's because of the absence of any protection against the mind and my savant like way of utilizing it as I remember Leonel having troubles influencing reality using dream force but due to my conjunction with soul force and the pecularity of my eye I've taken it for granted and not think it over but its a blessing for I'm more of a hands off guy. Am more to alike to scheme to you to your doom than appear before you to fight against you.

Finding the source coming from an an assuming cave I neared it to find a thin long snake coiled around the ground probably absorbing the force coming from underground as i can feel the rich earth force filling the cave. I've wrapped my senses so that it can't react to my abrupt appearance as i think its action of coiling in the cave was to mask the goings of the cave.

Unfortunately my senses can't pick up the presence of a force art but it looking at the snake i can see why I was thinking it was here, the ingenious way the snake moves earth force and releases its excesses outside makes one think the environment is just more conducive and by the time the spring matures or releases itself outside it would have grown strong enough to defend a territory near the force spring, looking at this I remember that earth is the planet with the greatest potential there is in the human domain. A scowl forms in my mind as I remember am no longer human 'I'll have to hole up here before i grow strong enough to adventure outside this planet' crying over my misfortune I sit down and rest my shell for the first time in a few days of walking and start to absorb earth force in a smooth manner speeding up my body upgrade and leaving its nodal pathway to the future as I watch the unusual snake continue its meditation.