
Journey of pain

"clearly I was born to suffer but what can I say, its an evil world we live in, will it end if I become an African god"

Tim_Memet · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1.1 Escape from hell

A line of people in Chains from different points in time line up as they wait for the big Gate in front of them to open,the legs of these naked people start shaking and trembling. As the huge spine chilling gate opens in front of them, a two horned giant demon. With a freezing smile.That spells doom.∆ "Welcome to hell".

"I can't do this no no no how is this possible how is this real, the fat chubby person on the front line says to himself with a disappearing voice. the shock travels to the rest of the line like an electric signal, it leaves everyone stuck on the same position.

A smaller demon same height as an average human jumps out of nowhere with a whip dripping with lava

'slam! the demon whips the first guy on the face,"that is just a taste of pain walk or i'll make you walk,my name is Zhode I will be escorting you to your suffering".

Though afraid the line started moving l, the giant demon looking down on them his eyes follow them as they enter through the gate.

Inside the humans finally see what they had been tought to fear ∆ hell, screams were heard from every corner, the scenery displeasing as nasty looking demons roamed everywhere.they did whatever they wanted to the women and men sexually displeasing.

"uuuh diabolical i see this scene everyday nothing new just pain pain pain oh yeah am a demon thats all i know, is there any other existence apart from this",

" Diablo mind what you talk about if the demon lord ears of this you will go through worse than this humans, escort this humans to there chambers if you have nothing better to do",

" Zhode don't order me around but seeing as you are my only friend in this hell whole i will take them off your hands,helloo! humans follow me" , Diablo shouts as Zhode goes on a different path.

Diablo arrives at the final destination with the humans behind him and uses a mystical art to remove the chains "libire zutak , everyone pick a hole and enter you will be spending your time in this holes welcome to your new homes its not like you have anywhere else to be hahahaha".

As Diablo finishes his task he starts heading back when he scences a weird aura from a huge hole with a gate made of gold, even him a demon is filled with chills from the aura, a telepathic voice speaks to Diablo ∆" kiiiid oooopen thiiis gaaate iii caaan giiiive youuuu whaaat youuu desiiiire ",