
Journey of Laurinda

story revolves around a group of soldiers which will perform different missions. Main character is Laurinda, she is a brilliant soldier but during mission she came across a man who had ruined her past, her truth will be revealed on her friends and she wills to get revenge but her duty stops her, in this story will she be able to get revenge

calmworld · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 (Hidden Informer truth)

Army dormitory 29th December 08:00 a.m.

Ray and Margaret talking to each other. Suddenly Lisa enters the room.

Lisa: Have you guys seen Laurinda?

Margaret: No, but she seems to be confused and lost somewhere after getting that call.

Mike: Did she tell you something about that call?

Lisa: No, not to me.

Laurinda enters the room and moves toward the board in the room, sticks a map on it.

Laurinda: It's the map of the building where Stevenson will come on 1st January. Mike, you should stay on the main switch side. John tries to reach the position where you can easily view everything. The rest of us will enter from the main gate and kill him. Did all of you get that?

All say yes.

Mike: Is there anything you want to tell us?

Laurinda: What does it mean?

John: We all have seen that from yesterday after getting that call. You are much lost and upset.

Listening to this there is a flashback and Laurinda remembers that call which is from Stevenson.

Stevenson: If you want all your friends to be alive then don't come to my meeting point. There is one thing more I wanted to tell you that on 23rd June that night. I was not alone. There was someone else who intensely wanted to kill your father.

Then flashback's end and all notices Laurinda's absent minding and thinking about something else. Lisa shakes Laurinda.

Laurinda: No, there is nothing special about that call. And one thing more we have to be more careful.

Then Laurinda's cell phone rings and she leaves the room. It's from Commander and he asked her to come to meet her in person.

Commander: I have got information about his coming. He will reach them at 10:00 a.m. Inform this to all others.

Laurinda: There is someone who is giving our Information to Stevenson. Do you know about this?

Commander: I also think about it. Because how could he know about your arrival at Washington.

Laurinda then reveals the call from Stevenson. She got it yesterday.

Commander: I will find about that person who is giving him Information.

Laurinda: One more thing, it's strange that firstly we have to arrest him but now you said to kill him.

Commander: I was also surprised when the colonel said this. I have sent some hidden spies to

get full information about this matter.

Then Laurinda leaves the room but she is thinking about Stevenson's call. She is somewhere afraid of that warning from him but trying to focus on her mission.

30th December Army dormitory morning 10:00 clock

Mike and Margaret coming from exercise. Breathing heavily enters the room where they see Lisa standing in front of a wall where she is watching the picture of her friends tears in her eyes showing her pain.

Margaret: Are you okay Lisa?

Lisa(wiping tears): Yes I am okay. What about Ray Laurinda and John? Where are they?

Mike: They are coming. I have seen them in the corridor.

Then all three enters John having some pics in his hand. He moves toward the board and attaches them there.

John: Stevenson is not alone. Someone is helping him from Army. It's confirmed. The man in veiled (pointing toward a picture on board) is from our Army. He is among us.

Lisa: But who could this?

Laurinda: Don't know about that person.

Mike: So the person gives our Information to Stevenson. That's why he knows about our attack. This means he also knows about this one also.

Ray: Yeah maybe or maybe not.

Laurinda: But this time we won't fail. We will teach him a lesson this time. We will do everything according to our plan.

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