
Journey of Laurinda

story revolves around a group of soldiers which will perform different missions. Main character is Laurinda, she is a brilliant soldier but during mission she came across a man who had ruined her past, her truth will be revealed on her friends and she wills to get revenge but her duty stops her, in this story will she be able to get revenge

calmworld · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 05 (History Recalls)

17 years ago Summer fine day

A 6-year-old girl playing in a garden with her siblings and father suddenly the man got a call and then he rushes and takes his family back to his home. The man was much disturbed.

23rd June 09:00p.m. Heavily raining

Knock at the front door of man's house. His wife opens the gate and the gunshot voice is heard. His elder son(Andrew) took his two younger sisters and hide in a room. He hides her younger sister (Laurinda) in a closet of the old room and took his 2nd young sister(Alice) with her and hides in another room. After 30 minutes there was a silence in the whole house. Little girl (Laurinda) comes out of the closet and comes into a room where her other siblings were hiding but there is no one here. She comes down to stairs and enters a room where all family members were soaked in blood. The little girl (Laurinda) was afraid and become unconscious after seeing this. When Laurinda wakes up she is in hospital.

Laurinda: I remembered the last words of my brother.

Andrew: Never comes out of the closet. Until, I will come to find you, stay there everything will be fine.

Laurinda burst out in tears after narrating the story.

Laurinda: Army decided to send me to a child care center but the commander denied it. He was the only one who was standing for me. At that time he said to his Colonel.

Commander: Sorry sir! but I can't send this child to a care center. I will adopt her and raise her.

Colonel: This child has something special. she can be a good soldier.

After that when I got discharged commander took me to his home and starts to train me from next morning he said me one thing when I failed in my first task.

Commander: Never give up. If you give up it means you failed. speed is the key to success.

Then he trained me for the next six years when I was 12 he called me one day and told me that my training is complete, now...

April: And in the Summer of that year all of us meet and from that day onwards all of us are here and know everyone.

Jack: Yeah right.

John: Oh, that's why you always remain silent during training.

Lisa: What do you mean by during training days she even remains silent normally.

everyone laughs even Laurinda but Ray didn't laugh and seems to be lost somewhere. Mike notices Ray.

Mike: Hey dude. What are you thinking about?

Ray: I was just thinking about why did he kill Laurinda's family? Have you gotten any reason, Laurinda?

Laurinda: Because my father works for the army. He made chemical weapons for the army and that day when Stevenson called my father he was asking to give him the formula of that newly made weapon which my father made, but my father denied so he killed my whole family. Commander told me this.

Shawn: Oh let's leave this. Commander is calling us to a conference room.

Everyone stands up, leaves the dormitory, Margaret helps Laurinda in walking. They reach the conference room where the commander is also present. They greet him.

Commander: Sit down. I am sending all of you Washington for an important mission.

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