
Chapter 9 : return and meeting

after itachi stable his power he diced to return to New Moon Place

he look at red how awaken his bloodline completely and broke to the monarch


red nodded and said in is heart " i broke to the monarch level and still feel fear when i saw his eye"

before going itachi took a white dress from his ring after he dressed he look like a

moon walked in the earth , he's azure eye and soft hair he was completely a different

person he aura become faint azure with the help of dragon God soul he can seal his killing intent

within his heart

he said said " let's go "

red nodded with respect


after cross the death forest finally the gate of the empire become visibly

" blue wind empire it's been a will " itachi said

then he order red before approach the empire " enter the ring "

red entre the ring with a sorrow face

then he entered the empire a lot of voice feel in his ears

'how that man'

'wow , what a beautiful hair'

' ahh what a handsome man , please look at me '

it was like a hero how Have counted from the battle

then he go toward the new Moon place

When he arrived at the gate ,The guard intercepted him and said " how are you"

itachi release his aura and Answer " New Moon Place First Class Xiao Long "

the guard tremble and said " i have seen sir Long please go"

When he entered he went directly to the task room and look at the elder

and said "Xiao Long i have finish the mission please look at this "

and trow from his ring a five monster with earth realm and there core

the elder saw itachi and said " Good job Xiao Long these is the reward and because

you are the only one how select a 5 rate mission in there first you can go to the library

and select a earth profound skill "

itachi said humble " thank the elder "

the elder said " don't thank me you are the first these one see have your confident

and mature personality you well become a great person in the future "

itachi " thank the elder for prise "

"ah one more thing go to elder sikong he want to see you"

itachi said " ok "

after he finish in the mission hall he go toward the tets hall and saw elder sikong

" ohn it's xiao long hmmmmm what you broke though to sky realm " elder sikong

face and body become to tremble

" yes i was in a battle between life and death and with luck and training i broke though"

elder sikong look at itachi and said with a hint of gladness and said " with you we can broke

record and win hahahahah"

itachi puzzled look at elder sikong and said " what record "

elder sikong look at itachi and said " there is a tournament that all the great force fight for the first

place it name the Blue Wind Ranking tournament and a the imperial place who edit it "


" so with you we will win for sure " look at itachi like if he saw a treasure

I forgot what you wanted for it your niece Xiao che has come and joining the place

itachi said without any hint "oh so he came "

"he's now in the cave number 4 training he challenge Murong Yi but don't worry i asked

son to look for him"

" so the tournament will held in heavenly sword villa in two month if you need any

information go to ask elder Qin Wuyou " Elder sikong remind him

itachi replied with helpless " don't worry i will be in the time"


After he go to his room he grab a black rob and go toward the 3 cave

he push the cave and saw a two person a Man and Women

the man he know him but the women didn't know , he know the man because the man

is now one than his niece xiao che

Yun che said with a face and angry " who the fuck are you to push my door"

oh the woman saw itachi and suddenly his face become red she never saw

a beautiful and handsome man like him his face is even white than her

yun che Collect fingers and give punch to itachi , itachi grab his punch and

take a punch in yun che stomach , yun che knelt on the ground writhing from pain

itachi look at him coldly and said " it seem that you Do not have the literature to

talk good to your uncle"

the woman said with shook " uncle "

yun che look at itachi with fear and began to muammar " un....uncle Long weh are you here"

itachi " weh i am here of course because i am a disciple of The place , and it's seem that

you got another woman" he look at the woman in front him

then the woman look at xiao long with a red face and said "I will leave to let you speak "

itachi look at her and said "thank you"

the woman said and her face more red " no need "

after the woman leave a voice of a young lady fall in itachi ears " it's been a long time "

the woman is no one than jasmine

itachi look at her and said " yes "

"you have changed a lot if i didn't jet it wrong you have become the

successor of the dragon god"

itachi with a shocked face answer" yes" he was really shocked because only he and red know

that , he didn't know that other know

jasmine smile and said " you think how did i know , i well answer you first onl the dragon god

family have a azure hair and eye , second you don't know but you cause a defect in the Divine

realm with your roar , three your soul and aura have the hint of a true dragon that all"

itachi was shocked with every word she said Particularly with the final part

but what shook him more " the divine realm know me "

jasmine saw the disturb in face of itachi and said " don't worry even if they hear they roar

they can't find you because of the evil God barrier so don't worry "

"Evil God " itachi said with a puzzle look

jasmine said " yes the evil god or his true name the element god one of the four

creation god and his successors like you is that prevented"

yun che look at jasmine " i am not a prevet i am a gentleman"

itachi know that what jasmine told him is true he feel a divine power came from

yun che

then a red glow come from his ring , red said to itachi in his mind " sir the seed become

to glow with a strong heat"

itachi with a fast speed take it from his ring and a shook apread in jasmine " th.....hat evil God

seed , the fire seed when did you find it "

itachi look at the seed and said Evil God then the said become more shine then

he grab yun che body and give him the seed , the body began to absorb the seeb


after un che absorb the seed jasmine look at itachi and said " when did you find it "

itachi answer truthful " i take it from a cave in the scarlet dragon mountain"

"oh so that how is it" jasmine look at him with a red face even she saw how

beautiful itachi was , then saw yun che " you

have to thank him with these no, fire in these world can harm you"

He bent his head and said to itachi " thank you uncle"

" it's nothing "itachi said , " then tell me weh your sure name is yun not

xiao and the news about my sister and father "

yun che look at itachi "that...you have to be calm ok " the he told itachi everything

the xiao family and his family

suddenly a cold air no a dead air began to gather in the cave

itachi look at yun che and jasmine and a dark aura emission from he's body

yun che feel like if death look at him the a light aura burst from jasmine to protect

yun che from danger

after a minute itachi remember the dragon god warn regend his calm form and

said tojasmine "don't worry i will fix this " then he Leave the room

he swear in his heart that he well destroy the xiao clan and kill them all

"oh you have brokethrough to sky realm you really have talent no wonder you can

take the dragon god terial "jasmine said with a hint of prease

itachi look at the fainted yun che and said to jasmine"i well see you again"

jasmine face was tremble in her brain there only one question " what is these dark


she know dark energy it's the power of demon but what she saw was death

there is only death word to Explain these aura if a live being touch by it's

then only death Waiting for him

yun che wake up and said what going on , jasmine told him that nothing and he

fainted because of the merage with the fire seed

then he ask her " what about my uncle "

she answered" he have gone to train in his room" , then she said " Yun che don't even

angry him did you hire me don't even or you will die "

yun che look at her with a puzzled face but he listen to her word carefully he know

that these uncle of his didn't have a fun and nice character

after itachi approach his room he began to midiat in order to control his power

and emotion

after a 2 day of Meditation he look very cool and healthy then he remember

that the elder told him to go select a skill he want from the library

in his road to the library he a voice from another disciple said

" did you hear the new one well fight against Murong Yi"

"oh he have some guts her"

"hahaha he will cripple him"

itachi hear them and think it my be interesting then he go to toward the hall of war