
Journey of Chaos to the Martial Peak

Martial peak or any other character doesn't belong to me. Their copyright belong to their original owners.

Golden_King2004 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Sky Poison Pearl

"It's because I was beaten by someone." Confronted by his sister's inquiries, Su Mu didn't dare to refuse to answer. As he answered, he also secretly went to measure up Su Yan's facial expression.

The latter's face was still apathetic, "Why did you get beaten by them?"

"My skill wasn't up to par..." Su Mu lowered his head a bit more.

"Why wasn't your skill enough?" Su Yan continued to question, in order to get to the root of the problem.

Su Mu could only honestly answer her, "I didn't practice diligently enough."

Su Yan lightly nodded her head. "You still have a bit of intelligence! Then you know what to do in the future?"

"I know…"

"Remember your words today, so if later in the future you want to go and play around then it will not be someone else who will beat you, instead I will do it personally."

Su Mu's face paled as he repeatedly swore, he would diligently practice and cultivate so as to meet his elder sister's expectations.

After she finished lecturing Su Mu, Su Yan finally lifted up her head to look at the people behind him. Sweeping across them, her gaze landed on Yang Kai and seeing him she was surprised to see a young man with a mask on his face having a strong and powerful aura around him.

Yang Kai before coming out had previously worn a mask on his face so as to avoid being bothered by other disciples of the three forces.

"So, were you the one, who helped my brother beat up those guys?" Su Yan asked Yang Kai in a cold tone.

"Yes" Yang Kai answered honestly to Su Yan.

Because of them being near the trading area. Those disciples from storm manor were brought to the place where Storm manor's cottage is located. Because of this, a rumour spread to everyone that a disciple from high heaven pavilion had beat almost a dozen disciples from storm manor half to death.

"Thank you for helping my little brother." Su Yan thanked while bowing a little to Yank Kai expressing her gratitude to him.

"You don't have to worry about it." Yang said while waving his hand to show that she didn't need to worry about it.

"Well then, I will be going back now." Su Yan said before continuing" and if you need any kind of help, I will be right here." before walking away.

Hearing her, Yang Kai understood the meaning behind her words.

'So, she will help me deal with the aftermath of beating I gave to storm manor disciples.' He mused.

After that, Yang Kai also bade them farewell to go and wander around the trading area.

He was looking around to see if he could find a treasure or not from here like some protagonists do in several novels he remembered.

While looking around, he saw something that caught his eyes. It was a item from a rundown stand which was selling some old used items. It was being run by a burly middle-aged man.

Seeing it, Yang Kai couldn't help but walk towards it.

"This little brother welcome to my little stand. If you are looking for something please don't hesitate to ask me about it." The man said with a smile on his face.

"If I need any help, I will ask about it." Yang kai said lightly, not letting the man notice his intentions.

After pretended to be looking around while thinking 'How could this thing exists in this world'

After a while, he picked up a green coloured circular sphere which was about the size of the palm of his hand before asking the man.

"Big brother for how much will you sell this sphere for."

After looking at the green sphere in Yang Kai's hand. The middle-aged man said in a very business man like style.

"Little brother really has a good pair of eyes for selecting this sphere. This sphere has been passed down in my family for a very long time. It can even be said to be a heirloom of our family so, I am a reluctant to sell this item. But looking at you, I see a image of my own little brother so, I will sell this to you for only 10 silver taels."

Looking at the man talking nonstop, while showing no sign of stopping at all. Yang kai quickly took out 10 silver taels put it in man's hand and took off from the stand. Not being able to listen to that middle-aged man's nonsense.

Looking at the green sphere only one word came to his mind.

'Sky Poison Pearl'