
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 61 - Mystique Secret Unveiled

While the Sweet Sharky is doing his adventures with the Avengers in Universe 12041. Rude Sharky also continued his journey in the Universe 11052.


Under the veil of night, the X-Men covertly infiltrated the heavily guarded base. Kitty Pryde and Spyke, moving like shadows, skillfully neutralized the guards, allowing Nightcrawler to teleport Cyclops inside undetected. The mission was clear: free Storm from captivity.

With precision, Jean Grey manipulated her telekinetic powers to levitate Cyclops and Nightcrawler just above the laser alarms embedded in the floor. The duo was tasked with liberating Storm, and Cyclops, using his optic blasts, obliterated the chains that bound her.

As Cyclops rushed towards Storm, eager to secure her freedom, a sudden revelation unfolded – it was not Storm but Rogue in disguise. Swiftly, Rogue seized Cyclops, absorbing his powers. Caught off guard, Scott instinctively halted the simulation.

Sharky, diligently recording the entire training session, made meticulous notes on the areas where improvement was needed. Charles Xavier, the mentor, emerged from the Danger Room doors, his presence commanding attention. He reminded Scott that simulations should only be halted in case of injury.

Scott, visibly flustered, explained to Xavier that Rogue's inclusion was unintended. In response, Xavier elucidated that unpredictability is a crucial aspect of their training; they must learn to navigate unexpected challenges during missions. Declaring the training session complete, he instructed the team to make their way to the school.

As the preparations for the school trip unfolded, Sharky reminded Jean of their responsibility to assist in loading the bus. Meanwhile, in the gym, Rogue, engrossed in her workout, overheard Sharky and Jean conversing outside. A subtle undercurrent of jealousy emanated from her as she sensed a connection between them.

Seizing the opportune moment, Ms. Darkholme, perceptive to Rogue's unease, approached her from behind. In a hushed tone, she delivered a sharp revelation, "Sharky will never be your friend."

Rogue's clenched fist revealed the intensity of her determination. "I will get him," she asserted, making a resolute decision that echoed in her words.

Ms. Darkholme, now a harbinger of truths, disclosed, "I just overheard; they're using you for enemy combat simulations." A ripple of upset crossed Rogue's expression. "Now, I will get him back," she declared, her resolve unwavering. Ms. Darkholme urged her to remember her true friends, emphasizing the importance of discerning genuine connections.

With a hint of melancholy, Ms. Darkholme wished Rogue an enjoyable trip.

Jean and Sharky diligently loaded the bus for the eagerly anticipated school trip, their excitement was abruptly dampened by the intervention of their teacher. She regretfully informed Jean that due to her excessive absences, she couldn't join the trip. Despite protest, the teacher explained that a replacement had already been arranged.

Jean, disappointed, swiftly grabbed her bag and left. Sharky, fueled by anger, demanded to know who had taken Jean's place. The teacher, with a nonchalant tone, revealed that a new kid had assumed the role. Sharky's gaze fell upon the bus, and to his surprise, he saw Rogue ascending the steps with a subtle, enigmatic smile directed at him.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Xavier found himself face-to-face with Magneto. Magneto spoke of the well-being of his children, but Xavier, ever cautious, urged him to reveal the truth. In a sudden turn, Magneto forcefully slammed Xavier into the glass doors, leaving an air of tension hanging in the room.

As the bus ventured towards the mountains, snowflakes began to dance in the air. The teacher, recognizing the intensifying weather, announced a change of plans, declaring they needed to turn back. However, nature had its own agenda. The bus, caught in the grip of the snow, started skidding perilously close to the cliff's edge.

In a moment of crisis, Sharky, discreetly wielding his Time Powers, intervened to avert disaster. Unbeknownst to everyone but Rogue, who observed the anomaly, Sharky halted the bus's descent.

In the midst of the snowy expanse, Rogue proposed a pragmatic solution to their predicament: ride the snowmobiles to a nearby cave and wait out the storm. Unanimously, the group embraced the idea, and they set out towards the sheltered refuge. Rogue, taking the lead, positioned Sharky on one of the snowmobiles. Though a tad perplexed, Sharky complied, settling into the seat as they left the others trailing behind.

Upon reaching the cave, a considerable distance from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, an unexpected revelation awaited them. The cave, adorned with Rogue's personal touch, revealed itself as a clandestine retreat complete with a bed. Intrigued, Sharky couldn't help but question Rogue's choice, "Why didn't you bring us to the Academy?"

Rogue, initially silent, responded in a rather unconventional manner. She playfully threw him onto the bed. Then she jumped on top of him. Her hands caught him. "You and Jean want to enjoy each other. Forget about it, I will enjoy you. Since Jean hasn't lost her virginity yet, I will be the first one to take you from her. And then I will make you mine." She whispered into his ear; jealousy was clearly visible on her face.

"So, it's all your plan, Darkhölme had to do this because you replaced Jean with yourself." Sharky said as he realized why Jean was replaced; he found himself now standing there in just his underwear, which was about to be removed by Rogue.

Lemon Warning

"Yes, it was all my plan; I wanted to show you who is the boss," Rogue replied as she stared at Sharky with a lovely smile. She removed his underwear and started caressing his dragon.

"You know, Darkhölme is Mystique, she's dangerous, and she's just using you," Sharky replied as he looked towards the Rogue, who was still sucking on his dragon.

Rogue saw him, gave a naughty smile. "Maybe, but I don't care right now." She said, as she took Sharky's Dragon and started giving him oral sex.

"So, you want to conquer me, let's see, who will conquer whom," Sharky said to her with a mischievous smile, since he was also in the mood.

After noticing she was wet, she undressed herself and positioned her Sacred Forest towards his Dragon, and was about to take it by herself, but Sharky stopped her, as he put her down and leaned himself up on her.

Noticing Rogue's confused look, Sharky said, "It is painful to do by yourself; I am experienced in taking virginities." Sharky explained how he had taken many girls' virginity and that it was much less painful than Rogue's experience.

Rogue saw the large Saber pierce her, and all the red blood flowing out afterwards, she realized her hymen had been broken. Feeling some pain, but she began to enjoy it, with every stroke from Sharky. She gave a smile and a victorious look to herself, having conquered Sharky before Jean.

But just a few minutes later, her confusion cleared up. She hadn't conquered Sharky, but Sharky had conquered her. She now understood why Jean had still accepted Sharky, even when he had fucked Kitty right in front of her. Her jealousy of Jean had vanished.

She realized, whomever fucked by Sharky, they belonged to Sharky. Just like her now, as she finally experienced her first sexual encounter. After ingesting the Dragon Tonic within her sacred forest, she fell into Sharky's embrace.

In the cave, Sharky and Rogue were again busy in sex when someone knocked on their door. Sharky wore a towel as he walked over to open it; he found Paul standing outside. "What are you doing here?" Paul asked them.

Rogue was slightly flustered by their situation. But Sharky's words amazed her. "Come in your true form," he said. She was confused as to what he meant; she watched Paul morph from his human form into Darkholme and then into Mystique.

"Why?" Rogue asked, now confused.

"I'm just trying to protect you from Xavier and the X-Men." Raven explained.

Rogue grabs Mystique, "Now, there will be no more secrets." She gets flashbacks of Mystique morphing into the X-Men and chasing her, and of all the lies. Mystique passes out and Rogue sees Sharky, she said in a meek voice. "Sharky, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." He rubbed her back as he noticed Mystique was waking up. Since she was a mutant, she woke herself up. "After all, you gave me a huge gift." He undressed Mystique and threw her into bed.

"Sharky, what are you doing?" Both Rogue and Mystique asked. Mystique noticed she was naked in front of Sharky, and since he had also removed his towel, his dragon was staring at her.

"Nothing, ever since I saw Darkhölme, I just wanted to fuck her, but now I finally got the chance." Sharky replied as he started playing with Mystique.

Mystique said, "Sharky, what you're doing is wrong; you're my student." She wanted to stop him.

But Sharky didn't give her a chance, as he positioned his Dragon in front of her nether region, slapping it. "You know, I want to fuck your Nether Region so much, and now I am going to enjoy it." He said as he pushed his Dragon inside her Nether Region taking away her anal virginity.

Raven didn't want it, but she felt his Dragon enter her Nether Region. Slowly, she even started enjoying it, even though she didn't want to. Then he had pushed his Dragon into her Sacred Forest, and again started fucking her.

After a half an hour she found her both Sacred and Nether Regions were filled with Sharky's fluid, when she noticed that Sharky was now fucking back Rogue, she quickly transformed into a wolf and ran away. Before transforming into a bird and flying away from them.

Sharky noticed Mystique had flown away from him, but he didn't stop; he had already fucked Mystique, and now whenever he wanted, he could go back to her. His main focus was on Rogue.

Rogue woke up after having a great sex session. She was sleeping in Sharky's arms. She saw from her eyes, Sharky had fucked Mystique right in front of her. She wanted to stop him, but she couldn't. If this were any other girl and boy, the girl would have instantly broken up with the boy. But Rogue couldn't do that with Sharky, and after fucking Mystique, he even went on to fuck her too, and she enjoyed it. She is now fully his property.

Lemon End

Amidst the hidden secrets and unfolding storm, Xavier and Logan engaged in a conversation about the students, unaware of the mysterious identity of Darkholme, who was, in reality, the shape-shifting Mystique. The discussion took an abrupt turn when Storm and Jean entered, bearing news of trouble brewing on the mountain—a blizzard was imminent. Xavier, puzzled by Jean's absence from the group, learned that Ms. Darkholme had pulled her away to accommodate Rogue.

Later that evening, Xavier, Wolverine, and Storm embarked on a journey toward the mountains in the Blackbird, their mission to locate Sharky. Xavier, utilizing his telepathic abilities, attempted to establish a mental connection with Sharky, reassuring the others that he was okay. Despite the treacherous whiteout conditions of the impending blizzard, the reassurance from Xavier alleviated some of their worries.

The X-Jet arrived, a beacon of hope in the snowy expanse, to pick up Sharky and Rogue. On the jet, Storm's expression had transformed, a subtle shift in her demeanor as the truth unfolded. The worries that had gripped the team were replaced with a nuanced understanding—Sharky was enjoying his time with Rogue.

As adults, they comprehended the dynamics at play. Wolverine, in his characteristic gruff manner, welcomed Rogue into the fold, his expression carrying a mix of awkwardness and curiosity. The enigma of how the seemingly unsuspecting Sharky had managed to captivate Rogue's attention lingered, and took her in his pants leaving even the astute minds of Kitty and Jean in speculation.

Storm sees Sharky looking at her and gives him a naughty smile, causing a shiver to run down her body. As she tries to get away from him, but since they are inside the X-Jet, she can't.

Sharky put his hand on Storm's leg as he whispered in her ear. "Don't be afraid of me, when I eat you, you will enjoy it more than anything else in your life. You're a mature woman and even a virgin. It's time for you to give up your virginity to someone, like me." His hands were advancing towards her middle of both legs, slowly going towards her Sacred Forest.

The Storm quickly removed his hands from her leg; he said, "Kid, don't try to test my patience." Her eyes turned white as she threatened him. Sharky gave her a peck on the lips, causing her powers to fade. She didn't know what to do.

"Well, let's see how long it takes for you to escape my Dragon," he whispered in her ear and bit her ear. His hand caressed his Dragon. As his other hand started playing with her body, she continuously removed his hand.

They had returned back to the Xavier Mansion, but now Storm was afraid of Sharky. She tried to get as far away from him as possible. She didn't know that the devil was about to catch her. He clearly whispered in her ear that he would eat her. In the Blackbird, this devil not only just gave her peck, and bit her ears. He was more daring, he constantly touched her legs and her body. He even groped her oranges, and rubbed them.

At the institute, the kids confront Xavier about withholding information about Mystique, who is their principal. Xavier asks Rogue what she thinks. When Rogue says it isn't her place, Kitty tells her she's part of the family now. Rogue tells them that she's found that honesty is very important. Xavier promises to try to be more open with them in the future.

As the sun heralded a new morning, Mystique orchestrated a daring escape, liberating Juggernaut from his high-tech prison cell at the Stokes County Maximum Security Facility, where he languished in stasis. Promising him the opportunity for revenge against Xavier, she presented a simple condition—he had to retrieve Cerebro for her. However, Juggernaut, unyielding and defiant, knocked her down with a resounding declaration that no one controlled his movements or impeded his path.

Meanwhile, at the Institute, Professor Xavier diligently monitored the activities of the X-Kids using Cerebro. A sudden disturbance caught his attention as Cerebro detected a unique signature—the unmistakable presence of Juggernaut on the loose. Xavier, sharing the revelation with Wolverine, unraveled the complex history that intertwined them. Juggernaut, now virtually invulnerable, harbored a burning desire for revenge against Xavier, the architect of his imprisonment.

In response to the imminent threat, Storm piloted the X-Jet above the region where Juggernaut was making his unrelenting journey. With a calculated move, she conjured a dense fog to obscure his path. Wolverine, clad in his distinctive suit, geared up for the impending confrontation, ready to confront the formidable Juggernaut and thwart his vengeful rampage.

Nestled in the rugged mountains, Scott, Jean, Kurt, Kitty, Evan, and Rogue found themselves at a survival training camp, a crucible for honing their skills. Scott, distinguished by his academic prowess, assumed the mantle of group leader.

While the team navigated the challenges, Sharky, ever-watchful, monitored their progress, tweaking and refining their strategies to foster improvement.

The dynamics took an unexpected turn when Sergeant Hawke arrived, urging the inclusion of the Brotherhood team—Todd, Fred, Lance, and Pietro. Tensions simmered as the Brotherhood expressed their discontent, particularly directed at Scott, the appointed leader.

The departure of Sergeant Hawke left room for animosity to flourish, with Blob proposing a plan to lead the rival team astray in the dense woods.

As the teams prepared for a head-to-head race, Lance and Scott engaged in a spirited competition over an intricate obstacle course.

Lance, harnessing his seismic powers, dunked Scott into the frigid river. Undeterred, Scott retaliated with an optic blast, sending Lance careening out of his raft. Then Scott took Lance's raft and won the race

The shrill blast of Sergeant Hawk's whistle echoed through the mountain air, signaling the groups to do push-ups. When he found X-Men and Brotherhood of Mutants were still provoking each other.

"If you want to prove yourself how tough you are, then prove it by retrieving a flag from the peak of the imposing Mt. Humiliation," Sergeant Hawk said.

A spark of competitiveness ignited as Quicksilver, confident in his speed, asserted his ability to secure the flag in mere minutes. Nightcrawler, not one to back down, interjected with a swift claim that he could accomplish the feat just as swiftly.

However, Sergeant Hawk quashed their individual aspirations with a sobering reminder. "Not a single person, but the entire team must reach the top and retrieve the flag together," he declared, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in this arduous task, after he leaves from there.

In the midst of this challenge, Sharky, the ever-watchful overseer, chimed in with a reminder of fairness. "You all try to play fair, without using your powers," he suggested, fostering a level playing field for both the X-Men and the Brotherhood. Agreement resonated among the participants, setting the stage for a test that would not only push their physical limits but also demand cooperation and strategic thinking in the unforgiving terrain of Mt. Humiliation.

The X-Kids sprinted full tilt up the mountain, the chorus of complaints about Scott echoed through the frosty air, with murmurs of discontent asserting that winning the race was his sole concern.

While the X-Kids voiced their grievances, Todd, acting as the scout for the Brotherhood, forged ahead, navigating the rugged terrain. Meanwhile, Blob, using his immense strength, dragged Quicksilver and Avalanche upward with secured ropes, carving their path up the mountain. Noticing the Brotherhood's progress, Scott, displaying strategic acumen, dispatched Nightcrawler to verify the flag's position.

Scott then enlisted Evan to propel a rope to the summit, a move designed to secure victory. As Scott commenced his ascent, he found himself met with a disapproving stare from Sharky, prompting a shift in approach. "Everyone climb by the hand," Sharky commanded, redirecting the X-Kids to a more hands-on and collaborative approach.

Simultaneously, the Brotherhood reached the tunnel's end, only to encounter an unforeseen obstacle. Avalanche, fueled by frustration, contemplated using his powers recklessly. However, Quicksilver and Todd intervened, persuading him to employ a controlled seismic shake to dislodge the debris. In an unforeseen twist, the tunnel collapsed upon them, leaving the Brotherhood trapped.

As the X-Kids neared the summit, the mountain quivered beneath seismic tremors. The instability proved perilous for Spyke, who was unseated from the wall. Swiftly, Jean, employing her telekinetic prowess, intercepted his fall, showcasing the dual nature of her abilities – a force not only for offense but for rescue.

Sensing an opportunity to expedite their ascent, Scott turned to Jean, proposing the utilization of her telekinesis to lift the entire group. However, Sharky, standing firm in his commitment to fair play, dismissed the idea. "No, it's only used to save lives, not win the game; everyone will climb by themselves," he declared, maintaining the integrity of the challenge. With newfound determination, the X-Kids embraced the physical exertion of the climb, each member navigating the perilous ascent independently.

Meanwhile, Rogue, on a separate path, discovered the trapped Brotherhood at the bottom of a shaft. Todd, burdened by guilt, implored them not to abandon the group, acknowledging his responsibility for their predicament. Sharky, displaying a measure of empathy, assured Todd that they wouldn't leave anyone behind solely due to his actions.

Amidst the race against time on the mountain, the X-Kids successfully rescued the Brotherhood, with Avalanche being the last to be pulled to safety. Abruptly, the X-Jet soared into view, piloted by Storm. Over the loudspeaker, she relayed distressing news – Xavier and Mystique were in trouble.

"Training over," Sharky declared, his tone leaving no room for ambiguity. The convergence of X-Kids and Brotherhood marked a temporary truce, they gathered together, a collective acknowledgment of a greater threat that transcended their rivalry.

The thunderous arrival of the Juggernaut at the institute sent shockwaves through the tranquil grounds, with Mystique trailing not far behind. Wolverine, ever the stalwart defender, confronted the unstoppable force at the front door. A fierce clash ensued, resulting in Wolverine being flung through the front of the house, the structural integrity of the institute giving way to the brute force of the Juggernaut. Their tumultuous battle wreaked havoc, causing widespread destruction, with Cerebro falling victim to the onslaught.

In another part of the institute, Mystique stumbled upon the shattered remains of Cerebro, her fury palpable. The Juggernaut, undeterred by the chaos, marched inexorably toward the Danger Room. There, he incapacitated Wolverine, while Mystique, irate, entered, berating him for not upholding their supposed deal. He knocks her away and tells her that he doesn't make deals.

As the institute crumbled under the force of the Juggernaut's rampage, Xavier attempted to reason with the colossal foe. But Juggernaut won't listen to Xavier and continues destroying everything in his path. The moment of reckoning neared as he approached Xavier, intent on causing harm. However, the unexpected arrival of the X-Kids and the Brotherhood injected a ray of hope into the dire situation.

In a daring move, Jean employed her telekinesis to pull the Juggernaut away from Xavier, momentarily disrupting his relentless advance. Yet, the strain proved too much for her, and she collapsed under the immense effort. It was then that Sharky, with his unique time-stopping power, intervened, freezing the Juggernaut in place, offering a respite in the face of imminent danger.

Wolverine said, "First we have to take off the Juggernaut's helmet." Nightcrawler teleported in while the Juggernaut was paused, and unlatched one of the four latches holding the helmet in place. Quickly, Kitty and Rogue phased out of the wall and were able to get the other two latches. Todd used his tongue to grab the Juggernaut's helmet and yank it free. Then, Xavier was able to use his powers to subdue the Juggernaut.

As the X-Kids and Brotherhood cheer and congratulate one another, Mystique comments on it not being a sight you see every day. Xavier agrees and Mystique takes the Brotherhood home.

Later, Xavier returned Cain to prison. On the way out, Storm told Sharky, "It was still good to fight alongside the Brotherhood. If they stay on the right path..."

"Yes, but it's also fun when we fight in bed," Sharky teased her and grabbed her behind. Storm became shy, so she quickly removed his hand.

But Sharky didn't stop here, he again caught her from behind, and started kissing her neck, while his one hand went inside her clothes and grabbed her oranges, "Why not try today?" He asked.

"Please don't do it now," Storm pleaded as she was feeling his awakened Dragon touching her Nether Region, although both of them were wearing clothes, but she felt it.

"Okay, but there is one thing you need to do," Sharky agreed with her but he also asked for his demand.

"What?" Storm shyly asked, she can't know what this devil is going to ask.

Sharky turned her face towards his, and then he pointed at his Dragon, "Give it touch of your hands. And then you are free."

Storm didn't know how to do it, but still, she put her hands inside his pants, she caught the hot rod, she wanted to take back her hand. But still she completed her deal, and started rubbing it, and giving him the handjob, Sharky was enjoying it. But when he goes into full mode, she takes back her "You are a pervert!" she shouted as she fled away, while Sharky looked at her, and he caressed his dragon.