
Journey of an Unmarked

Prius Prime was besieged by invaders from Alkan and had to fight for their survival. Alexander a sixteen year old was devastated to find out that his body could not house any ability like the others his age. Devastated and heartbroken he wished he never existed. An unprecedented accident wakes a powerful soul living deep within his body.

Choas_redefined · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter Twenty Nine

Mum returned home a few minutes after lunch. She came straight up to my room and confirmed if I was still home and she heaved a sigh of relief when she saw me on the bed looking outside the room.

She dragged the chair into the room and sat opposite me and she said "I don't know how you got this seal in your eye but I would never allow it to become a source of danger in your life. I visited the library and searched for the symbol and remembered where I saw it last and it was actually on a sword. According to legends, the sword fell from the sky about two hundred years ago. They said it was cursed and no man had successfully wielded it. The sword chooses its user. If the sword was found by the wrong person, it would bring that person immense misfortune, and the person would either die or become mad. Two years ago a friend of your father found me and said your father was the holder of the sword and that the sword had to be passed down through his descendant. I had already forgotten about it because there was no need but after reading about it and pairing it with your marking I saw it was the same. I also had to buy an eye patch. I have also done a thing or two on it to cover the pressure that would leak out in some instances. You are in no condition allowed to remove this eye patch. If for any reason this eye patch falls out nobody must be alive to tell the story".

I was shocked that mum who never talked about bloodshed was saying that I should kill anyone who saw my eye.

Yasrina was equally shocked. She had never expected mum who was a peace lover to suddenly say that I should kill whoever saw the eye. This was the most unexpected thing that had happened all my life.

Mum stood up and looked outside from my window and she continued "Do you know that a soul seal can be used for two different things? I should have known when it happened yesterday that what happened was no ordinary event. In the history of my family, we have seen and recorded different things. Many of which if told today would be classified as a myth but they were all true events that had transpired in the past".

Mum paused and looked at the sky before she continued "Long ago, it was believed that the entire world was the domain of gods and immortals. The mortals only served as slaves to them. The gods were few but they had the powers needed to control millions of mortals. The immortals on the other hand wanted nothing but to destroy the gods. They believed that the gods would lead everyone to damnation and in the end destroy the world. So they rallied the mortals and formed a huge army and attacked the gods. Many planets were destroyed and the gods started falling one after another but there was a certain god that refused to fight he said he wasn't made to cause havoc but was meant to bring peace and he gifted himself to the immortals and mortals and he was brutally killed. When he died, his fellow gods went berserk and attacked the immortals and mortals and the damage was becoming more, it finally led to a single showdown between the last god and immortal, and they fought for years until the god saw that if he wanted to eradicate the immortal he had to make a sacrifice. There was a forbidden art, one that used one's life force to create a weapon that would kill one's foe. If the foe was a hundred times stronger and you made that life pact then no matter the strength, he must follow you to the grave. The god finally accepted he was going to die and he made use of the forbidden art. He suddenly vanished but what came in its place was a sword filled with hate, pain, anger, fury, unwillingness and finally happiness of fulfillment. The immortal believed that there was nothing he could not stop with his strength but the sword cut through him like a hot knife through butter and he died.

"After the battle ended, five creatures landed, the people around said their bodies were so huge, they had scales surrounding them and their tails could easily cut a planet into two places, they were known as dragons. After they landed, their sizes reduced and it was recorded that they all agreed that this weapon was not something that they would want to fall into the wrong hands. They casted a spell on it and together with their magic, they sealed the sword in another dimension so that it may stay away from mankind till the end. It was also recorded that the five persons who came were known as Dragons. They were the guardians of our world from the invasion of the other worlds. They took over from the gods and immortals because they later were meant to protect not to rule but the failed and their pride got into them and made them feel that had to be in charge".

I was amazed at such a story. I never knew things like this ever happened.

Mum turned and looked at me and said if that seal is true with I think it is them whatever is sealed in there would cause you more pain than what you have ever gone through. You would know that in time. But always remember my words and keep them in your heart, because I would not always be there for you".

Mum walked to the door and said come with me, I have something for you in my room.

I stood up and followed her. She walked in and I followed closely after her.

Mum's room was extremely beautiful even though it was arranged simply, everything was well placed.

Her bed was facing the window in such a way that the first sun they shone through would meet the bed every day. Fr her bed you could see the skies especially the setting sun. The view was always breathtaking. She had a make-up table that had multiple drawers. The table had a mirror carved into it and it looked ancient. In fact majority of things in mum's room were ancient antiques that no one wanted.

Mum returned home a few minutes after lunch. She came straight up to my room and confirmed if I was still home and she heaved a sigh of relief when she saw me on the bed looking outside the room.

She dragged the chair into the room and sat opposite me and she said "I don't know how you got this seal in your eye but I would never allow it to become a source of danger in your life. I visited the library and searched for the symbol and remembered where I saw it last and it was actually on a sword. According to legends the sword fell from the sky about two hundred years ago. They said it was cursed and no man had successfully wielded it. The sword actually chooses its user. If the sword was found by the wrong person, it would bring that person immense misfortune, and that the person would either die or become mad. Two years ago a friend of your father found me and said your father was the holder of the sword and that the sword had to be passed down through his descendant. I had already forgotten about it because there was no need but after reading about it and pairing it with your marking I saw it was the same. I also had to buy an eye patch. I have also done a thing or two on it to cover the pressure that would leak out at some instances. You are in no condition allowed to remove this eye patch. If for any reason this eye patch falls out nobody must be alive to tell the story".

I was shocked that mum who never talked about bloodshed was saying that I should kill anyone who saw my eye.

Yasrina was equally shocked herself. She had never expected mum who was a peace lover to suddenly say that I should kill whoever saw the eye. This was the most unexpected thing that had happened all my life.

Mum stood up and looked outside from my window and she continued "Do you know that a soul seal can be used for two different things? I should have known when it happened yesterday that what happened was no ordinary event. In the history of my family, we have seen and recorded different things. Many of which if told today would be classified as a myth but they were all true events that had transpired in the past".

Mum paused and looked at the sky before she continued "Long ago, it was believed that the entire world was the domain of gods and immortals. The mortals only served as slaves to them. The gods were few in number but they had the powers needed to control millions of mortals. The immortals on the other hand wanted nothing but to destroy the gods. They believed that the gods would lead everyone to damnation and in the end destroy the world. So they rallied the mortals and formed a huge army and attacked the gods. Many planets were destroyed and the gods started falling one after another but there was a certain god that refused to fight he said he wasn't made to cause havoc but was meant to bring peace and he gifted himself to the immortals and mortals and he was brutally killed. When he died, these fellow gods went berserk and attacked the immortals and mortals and the damage was becoming more and it finally led to a single showdown between the last god and immortal, the fought for years until the god saw that if he wanted to eradicate the immortal he had to make a sacrifice. There was a forbidden art, one that used one's life force to create a weapon that would kill ones foe. If the foe was a hundred times stronger and you made that life pact then no matter the strength, he must follow you to the grave. The god finally accepted he was going to die and he made use of the forbidden art. He suddenly vanished but what came in its place was a sword filled with hate, pain, anger, fury, unwillingness and finally happiness of fulfillment. The immortal believed that there was nothing he could not stop with his strength but the sword cut through him like hot knife through butter and he died.

"After the battle ended, five creatures landed, the people around said their bodies were so huge, they had scales surrounding them and their tails could easily cut a planet into two places, they were known as dragons. After they landed, their sizes reduced and it was recorded that they all agreed that this weapon was not something that they would want to fall into the wrong hands. They casted a spell on it and together with their magic they sealed the sword in another dimension so that it may stay away from mankind till the end. It was also recorded that the five persons who came were known as Dragons. They were the guardians of our world form the invasion of the other worlds. They took over from the gods and immortals because they later were meant to protect not to rule but they failed and their pride got into them and made them feel that had to be in charge".

I was amazed at such a story. I never knew things like this ever happened.

Mum turned and looked at me and said if that seal is true with I think it is them whatever is sealed in there would cause you more pain than what you have ever gone through. You would know that in time. But always remember my words and keep them in your heart, because I would not always be there for you".

Mum walked to the door and said come with me, I have something for you in my room.

I stood up and followed her. She walked in and I followed closely after her.

Mum's room was extremely beautiful even though it was arranged simply, everything was well placed.

Her bed was facing the window in such a way that the first sun they shone through would meet the bed every day. From her bed, you could see the skies, especially the setting sun. The view was always breathtaking. She had a make-up table that had multiple drawers. The table had a mirror carved into it and it looked a lot ancient. The majority of things in mum's room were ancient antiques that no one wanted.