
Journey Of A Star : Pandora's Story

Entered Xion, someone who chose to enjoy the process to became either a heroes or a villain in his life where he embarks on a new path as a star. Equipped with systems, he learns to transform his desired world as he became someone who walks with determination after being given a second chance to redeem his life. Hardship one by one comes to him and the people close to him. Will he be blinded by despair or walk strong with determination is unknown, but one thing for sure, he needs help... that's when a hand was reaching him..

Aurakyria_K1 · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Debut Preparation

One month has passed as Pandora's members trained together on happy occasions. They have shedded their awkwardness and seldom eat out together, but since Juhyeon, Inhye and Miihi are still 19, they haven't drunk together at the company's dinner. Lee Joowon specifically called Pandora's members that day, he's about to discuss Pandora's music and asked for their preferences.

Lee Joowon sat and started to talk in the meeting room, " Do you guys have any direction on your music? Any concept maybe? Xion? Xuanyi? Juhyeon? Anyone?

Yeonjun speaks first " i want the music to have some element of pop-rock but still brings out classy style, Inhye then asked for longer duration of rap which can divided into 2 parts, Juhyeon then asked for school girl concept, overall the brainstorming turned into positive vibes..

Xion listens to each of their output and writes a note about it specifically. Lee Joowon then threw out 2 dice on the table. He then said, right now I want you guys to pick your order of Debut group, the highest score will debut first after the group debut in 12 weeks, starts from Xion, goes to Yeonjun, Xuanyi, then Ravn, Ran continues to Inhye, Juhyeon and Miihi the maknae.

Xion picked the dice and rolled the dice not noticing the others amazement on the sudden bomb that Lee Joowon just drop. "The group's debut is in 12 weeks? asked Xuanyi and Ravn together.. Yep. be prepared! CEO Lee just casually answered.

The other five gasped in astonishment , Juhyeon then said " but we just became trainees here for more than a month.. " CEO Lee then jokes,'' Are you doubting my company or are you doubting yourself, besides that most of you have been trainees in other companies for a minimum 2 years?"

The others that are about to voice their opinion choked up when hearing the joke.. CEO Lee then called their Seonho and Hyesoo to come and bring the Artist contract for All of them.

Each of them read the contract in daze except Xion since he's already signed his contract before he joined the Boys Republic Program. Last month, Boys Republic announced their winning group name " Longshot " with Wooseok, Chan, Juyeon, Kai, Leeyoung, Mark and Lai as the members.. This month is their debut with the song "Deja vu"

Hyesoo came and started to record everyone in the room as they read their contract, Lee Joowon then asked them if they were dissatisfied, they could talk to Seonho for the contract information.

They were stunned to see Hyesoo there as she herself is a famous vlogger with millions of follower in YouTube. Inhye even admit that she herself is Hyesoo's subscriber.. Seonho then came and give a detailed explanation on the contract point by point as to not make them signing some kind of slave contract which is common in K-pop scenes. The members are astonished to know how lax is the contract but still it has some perks and binds.

All of them discuss every detail in a small group for several minutes about things that they wanted to add to the contract and some more, Ran just signed it blindly as he knows that Seonho won't bring him to harm. That's how much he trusted in Seonho so far.

Xion then added some clauses for his team members which makes the team happy and smiles as each of the team should get 1 personal stylist, 1 personal make-up artist , 1 road manager and 1 driver besides Seonho as the Main manager that takes care of their schedules and contracts. It means Orpheus and Nyx will each get one team.

It was rare for a mid level company to have such privileges as they haven't got any income yet, which makes the members are about to be denied this clause but Xion says that CEO Lee already envision this long before, it just that they have to do their best if not this clause will surely be taken out if they didn't meet the requirements after the debut for 3-4 months after. So it depends on their effort to keep things that they already have to not be cut down.

All of them then nod understandingly that this is just temporary perks as the next part is their own hard work. Inside their mind, they vowed to work hard and give the best that they can to keep every perk that they got since the beginning..

Ravn and Juhyeon later only added a small clause for dance choreographer fees, and Yeonjun added some for producer fees. These small clauses are for their work out of the company and not for the company's use. All their work for the company and the group is already covered, but if their product was being shelved by the company, the company can help them sell it to another company for additional income.

After the contract was renewed and signed, Lee Joowon then signed all the contracts as it was stated that they would have a 7 years contract and explained small details that they missed in the contract because of excitement. It was about the company's name and their relations to the main company and so on.

Xion then focused their attention back on the group and unit debut. Xion once again rolled the dice, he got 7, Yeonjun 5, Xuanyi 7, then Ravn 8, Ran 6 continues to Inhye 6, Juhyeon 7 and Miihi 8, the result is 26 for the boys and 28 for the girls which makes the girls debuted the unit first. Xion then focused on the group for the group album.

Xion then asked for one chance of rolling between boys and girls to decide who's concept will be used in the upcoming debut mini album, since it only has 3 songs in it, one is the group song, one is for the girls only and the other is for the boys only. Inhye wins as her score is the highest with 8 and her concept of teen crush will be used for girls. Xion won the concept for boys as he rolled 9 as the highest score. Since this is their first time, all of them feel good about the result.

Xion then played most of his collection of songs that he had prepared, many of these songs he bought from System Shop and learned while he was in Mirage because of his exhaustion. It took him 1 month to re-create all of his songs from the shop. He spent 5000 fame points to get all of the songs currently in his idea bank.

The first song is Wonderland, which told the story of struggling people in their dystopian hell, the song for the boys turned into a different direction where it became a song about liking a girl titled "really really" where all the male in suits and the girls perform a teen crush dance song " After school " which revolve around their activities after the school period ended.

For the whole one week, the company prepared the members one by one for promotions. The dancers, Ravn and Juhyeon prepared solo dance covers, the rappers, Yeonjun and Inhye did some rap covers, the vocalist Xion, Xuanyi, Ran and Miihi did a cover of solo artist songs, the company didn't push the members hard since the covers are only used for promotion only but the members still give their best performance overall.

Next week they will go out for the group photoshoot.. Everyone was excited for their group debut, even though they will only promote for 2 weeks only since the girls also have to prepare for their Unit Debut one month after the group debut.

It was a sunny day where everything was set for the group. The males take a shot at a long road in the Icefields Parkway and the girls in Spirit Island, Lake Maligne with the full group pictures taken in Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery. The Autumn vibe is so thick that the photographers are easily satisfied with every angle of the photos taken.

The Next Day, Tourniquet released the new album of Aventurine. A Major Bomb was dropped that day. Aventurine decided to part ways with Tourniquet Entertainment after they arrived at Seoul from their global tour, They decided to part ways as Tourniquet and Aventurine unable to come to mutual understanding after Aventurine's member request to make their own song is being rejected by the company as they are just 2 years old and the quality is not so satisfied by the standard of Tourniquet's artist.

The whole entertainment news is covering the story as one by one members of Aventurine. The members then paid back certain sums of money as compensation to Tourniquet and the company retained all their music including the one that they had prepared.

The title song "Ending Scene" peaked on the chart for 6 weeks after the announcement, but the trophy was sent to Tourniquet. All the members of Aventurine were gone from the music industry for some time as the heat was still on.

Unknown to the media, All members of Aventurine are in Hongkong avoiding the media. They boarded the plane 2 hours before the press conference was released so the media was caught unprepared.

Another two hours later, all the Aventurine members are in Yiren's house, waiting for Yuyeon to come home. Karina and Heejin are listening to some music, while Yuqi is playing another song when she sees a guzheng in the living room. When Yuyeon came home, they all had lunch together with simple chat about their family situation, and one week passed peacefully.

Everyone was eager for this one? No?? Hehehe....

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