
Genin Test- Trial by Fire Part 4

(changed the chapter to speed up the trial, the next one would be last)

after enjoying the hot springs, our mc started collecting all the weapons of fallen monkeys and sealed it as a gift to the village.

(mc pov)

'well hokage sama, these monkey weapons are for you. now lets dive', with that, i dived into the hot springs and got three swords , with two rings beside them. i got back to the ground above and checked out the swords.

two of them had burnt orange hits, they were a long sword and a short sword kinda like ichigo's final shikai.

the other one is a red sword of katana class. i removed the three and examined them while saying ' natsume chan and mito chan, hope you are seeing your new weapons'.

i also got two more rings... i am really sensing a theme here.. one burnt orange and the other red one.


when our mc was collecting his spoils of war and declared them to minato

minato- well they could be useful i guess if they are chakra conductive.

natsume- hey those twin swords look cool.

mito- i think the red katana is more beautiful.

just then they heard our mc saying its their gift and natsume squealed in delight while mito smiled brightly.

tsuki- che, my great sword is more awesome.

akemi- arent you just jealous senju

tsuki- shut up uchiha, i was not talking to you

mira and hinata just looked longingly for their own gifts.

kushina- those will be some good swords girls, but you need to start training in sword arts. how about i teach you four as i am one of the best sword masters around

natsume and mito gave her sceptical looks when they both received a punch as courtesy

(inside mc pov)

its been six hours since i entered this realm and i started travelling the east towards the pond i sensed earlier. once i made it there i sensed four strong auras. i went towards them by suppressing my presence and a beating heart while muttering.

'please be normal, please be something normal' .. after reaching there i saw four figures who look like they are practising different katas.

i slowly went forward to get a closer look and stopped suddenly when i got a good look.

i was aghast and with rapid breaths started cursing the creator of this realm. first its wolf monsters which were bizzare but kinda normal, then old man faces monkeys and now..

i saw four figures in different color karate gi's.

they look really familiar in the sense that what i saw were four turtles going through katas with violet, red, blue and orange uniforms and the orange one seems to be somewhat bored and clumsy.

'whaattt.. whyy .. its TMNT.. shit fuck shit.. i am sure someone is playing a joke on me.'

the four turtles noticed me too. they looked at me when they huddled together and started whispering. then suddenly the orange one looked at me and renewed their discussion while i was watching this with deadpan expression.

suddenly they got into a stance and started dancing...

the orange one 'i am mikey, the turtle with swift fists' , he gave a one two.

the red one followed ' i am Raphl, the turtle who dont give a shit' . he gave me a sneer.

then the blue one 'i am leo, the turtle with quick wits' he gave a tap to his temple.

and last the violet one 'i am donnie, the turtle with super kicks'. he gave a couple of high kicks

then all together, they said 'and we are Teenage

Warrior Awesome Turtles!!!'.

i looked at them incredulously and after a while i cleared my throat and said ' sooo, you guys are TWATs??'


minato- hiruzen sama, jiraya sensei, is there a turtle summoning realm??

jiraya with open mouth- are those turtles singing.

hiruzen- this trial is getting too bizarre. i blame the brat.

natsume- ohh their singing introduction is so cute.

mira- i agree, who knew we will see singing turtles.

tsuki- tsk, they are nothing special.

hinata- i liked the old man monkeys better.

cure incredulous looks from everyone and laughter when they heard our mc calling them twats.


everything was quiet and i can hear crickets in the background...

i stared at them while, they were thinking about what i said. they looked at me in understanding and then fury and then in hatred.

finally, they roared loudly while getting in different hand to hand stances

i just continued looking at them and said.. 'what ever, lets try to kill each other ... i dont think i have enough energy to even react anymore.'

with that, i started my third boss fight in this trial.


author interlude:

credits goes to 'This Bites!' an epic level one piece SI in fanfiction.net .... Teenage Dugong Warrior Squad.. And Jeremiah Cross with soundbite...

if you have not read it, read it cause it's epic.

if you have read it, the read it again.


I activated my haki and waited for them to make first move. I evaded Mikey's punches and Donny's kicks when I got hit by Ralph jump kick and was sent flying to leo who gave a punch to my stomach.

they were strong but I could take them one on one no sweat, but it's their teamwork which is really good that got to me.

'well atleast you twats will give me a good workout..' I said with a grin.

we started battling when I used shunshin soru to augment my speed and dispatched them into the ground.. they sure are tough than I expected.

'okay twats, listen up, is it not boring to stay here all the time. I have an idea, why don't you come with me , I am from a village full of Ninja's.

just think about it, you can find even stronger opponents outside here.

mikey scratching his head- but we cant go outside

leo- yeah, how can you take us outside.

Ralph- don't listen to him, let's just defeat him...

donny- don't be like that Ralph, let's hear him out.

'you can be Ninja's you know'

mikey and donny- cool.. lets do it.

'okay, so for me to get out, I need to find rings like this, do you have any?'

mikey exitedly - yes, yes let me get them from you..

leo- are you sure you can take us out??

'trust me' I said with a good smile.


minato- what is he doing?? why is he getting them out now??

hiruzen- let's wait and watch, he seems to have a plan and this trial has been going for too long...


mikey came back with twin silver sai's and a blue naginata along with four rings.. 1 blue,1 silver and two violet in color.

'thanks guys.. now follow me back'

our mc said as he moved towards the stone stelle near the entrance.

'okay now remember, when a light surrounds me, you all put your hand on my shoulder.'

I put all the eight rings in a circle on the stone stelle when suddenly a white light surrounded it and we five were teleported to a basement like room.

??: 'ohh, a boy and those turtles I picked up huh'

??: it seems you boy was the one who collected all the rings? now come here boy to receive my legacy

'i looked ahead and found....'

so cutting the releases for today... have work to do so the next chapters from tomorrow..

kalal91creators' thoughts