
Journey of A Reincarnator

Matthew, an orphan, and a bastard child ever since he was born, died during a war protecting his fellow orphans and caretakers. Now, being brought into a more dangerous world than he used to live in, how will he use his second chance? --- Warning! I haven't written anything for the past few months, so don't expect anything good. Don't read it if you don't like it... I have no writing schedule since I'm in the 'busy' year in high school now... so don't expect an upload every day.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

First Kill (1)




Rumble~ Rumble~

The creatur-no, the beast had finally arrived!

The tremor seemed to have affected everything within a few hundred feet, meaning Matthew was in range with the beast!

He scanned the area warily, 'Where is it?'


Whatever the beast is, it is getting closer, and the tremors became so intense that the branch Matthew was hiding on started to crack apart from his weight.


Matthew frowned in annoyance as he leaped from branch to branch, keeping a certain distance from the center of the forest.

'I am definitely getting a look at this monster before battling with it!'

His plan was to get the system to scan it, and if it couldn't, then having the element of surprise at his side would also be beneficial. The only problem... he doesn't know if it sensed him yet, or if it already had, and was now luring him somewhere.


Narrowing his eyes, Matthew turned his head to the right. He saw a round black and white figure appear from the stalks of bamboo.

There was a... giant panda?

It was like any giant panda, except that it was larger... no, much larger than any normal giant panda on Earth. Its figure was so round that it looked to be more comical than actually threatening.

'Huh... bamboo forest, pandas eat bamboo... fair enough, system.' Matthew deadpanned.

Either way, the pressure released from this panda still suppressed him quite heavily. Matthew could already tell that whatever realm this giant panda is in, it was several levels higher than his own.

'Since the system wants to make it hard for me... I might as well take what I can... System, can you scan this... panda?' He asked in his mind.

[My apologies, Master. This creature is more than two realms above you... I will not be able to scan it.] The robotic voice respectfully stated.

Even though there was no emotion in its voice, Matthew could tell that it wasn't lying. He wouldn't yell at the system just because it couldn't do something, especially if it was because of his own weakness. The system was going to be his one true friend from now on, so he'll cherish it, no matter what.

'Don't worry about it then.' He replied to the system.

Matthew examined the giant panda himself, drawing some clues about its strengths and weaknesses.

'Since its main diet is bamboo, it's fine to assume they'll have strong teeth and jaws. I'll watch out for their bite. Like many animals, they should be weak in the eyes. Let's hope that my weapons are strong enough the cut it.'

He also took into consideration that since this specific panda was rounder than normal, it might have some sort of reflection ability now that it was enhanced by natural energy.

As he was planning on how to kill the giant panda, he noticed that it sat down to eat. This time, more controlled as it didn't cause much of a tremor this time.

'It's feeding time? Perfect timing...'

Matthew waiting for the panda to start eating bamboo before ambushing it. He took extra care in moving around to not make any noise. Since normal pandas already have great hearing, one that had evolved should have even better hearing, no?

Chomp~ Crunch~ Crunch~

Confirming that the giant panda had successfully lowered its guard, Matthew drew his bokken, positioning himself to ambush it.

'Just... a little more... be patient...' He narrowed his eyes on the panda, his target.

3... 2... 1...



Matthew leaped from the tree, and without hesitation, slashed horizontally in an attempt to blind it before attacking again. Since the system wasn't able to scan it, he decided to go all out normally to see how it would respond. If it could block him or counter, then he'll have to use his other skills and abilities.

Bang~ Boom~

Right before Matthew could slash its eyes, he saw a large black paw with claws block his bokken. He was completely caught off guard with its reacting time and defense. However, what surprised him further was that the panda was materializing its aura!

At this point, Matthew already knew that at the very least, this panda should be in the {Energy Body Realm} as only cultivators at this realm would be able to physically manifest their auras to pressure others.


Gritting his teeth, Matthew manifested his own aura to resist it.

Two fierce auras appeared, intensely clashing with each other. One was pure white while the other was pale green, sometimes repelling each other, sometimes smashing into one another.

Noticing that he was losing the clash, Matthew activated {Energy Burst}, increasing all energy-related abilities by 250%!


Both Matthew and the giant panda were pushed back by several feet, now staring at the other with hostility.

"Tch. It failed... Let's see if you can block it again!"

Considering the fact that the opponent he was facing was at least three realms above him, and how he failed to ambush the panda, using {Adrenaline Rush} is now essential for his victory.

{Adrenaline Rush}!


Matthew felt a rush of power course through his entire body, but now wasn't the time to relish in it!

He dashed towards the giant panda, clearly aiming for its eyes again.

"Now that the panda can see me clearly aim for its eyes, it'll definitely defend itself or counterattack!"

Just according to Matthew's plan, the giant panda raised its paws to defend itself. However, instead of attacking with his bokken, on his left hand was a small wooden shield that crashed onto the paws, stunning the giant panda.

'Got you!'

In an instant, Matthew was already side to side with the panda. Twisting his body, he jumped, reaching eye to eye with the panda.

He clenched the bokken in his hands and slashed horizontally!


The tip of the bokken managed to reach the eyes of the panda, completely slicing the eyes into halves, causing the panda to bleed from the eye sockets.

But! Matthew wasn't done yet! He was still in the air, so he wouldn't waste this chance for a second attack while the panda was still shocked from the pain.


He spun in the air while falling, Matthew struck the giant panda again!

Right when the bokken was about the reach the panda's neck, Matthew saw a wooden shield crash into him as his strike was blocked by a black paw.

The force the shield slammed into him was enough to send him flying into a tree. The impact wasn't able to break any bones, but Matthew definitely felt the pain!

"Kah...! Ack!"

Landing onto the ground, Matthew coughed out blood, painting the grass red.

'FUCK! I forgot that beasts are usually stronger than cultivators of the same level! How could I forget such obvious information!?'

Finally figuring why the panda was so strong, Matthew wanted to slap himself for being so arrogant to fight a creature several realms above himself!

Now that he was in this situation, he had no choice but to fight. Compared to other pandas, this one seems to be extremely swift, meaning he won't be able to escape, especially now that he's injured and tired from the extensive use of {Adrenaline Rush} and {Energy Burst} at the same time.

'Keep... fighting! I... won't be weak anymore! I would rather die trying than be powerless like before!' Matthew roared in his heart, screaming at his body to move.

"Ptui! Are going to just stand there or what, you fat panda!" Matthew glared at the panda that seemed to be mocking him.

Although the giant panda didn't understand his language, it still got the gist from hearing the contempt in Matthew's voice.


Picking up his shield that was still in perfect condition, Matthew strapped it to his back to protect him from potential attacks behind him.

Matthew smirked at the panda's reaction to his... amateurish but effective taunt.

"That's more like it, come at me!"


