
Journey of a Mad Man

A man who does not have any interest in life gets reincarnated by a God for his amusement. Now that the man is reincarnated what will happen to the naruto world is unknown to the God, and the God will be regreting his decision of giving power to a mad man. A/N--first time writing a novel, so expect a lot of mistakes.. I have not given much thought in which way i am going.. So i will just go along the way where my story takes me Note-i don't own anything other than the MC.. And this fanfic will be messing up story so be careful and don't expect much of me

Dyavol · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 17 - 8 Years Later

"Hado #63 : Raikoho" Ryuzaki pointed at Satsugai-sha as a massive concentration of energy which resembles a lightning strike shot from his hand.

"Bakudo #81 : Danku " a translucent barrier in the form of a large rectangular wall appeared in front of Satsugai-sha as he blocked the hado.

"You became proficient in fighting and using kido at the same time. All that's left for you is mastering your psychic powers." said Satsugai-sha as he looked at Ryuzaki who was smiling.

While Satsugai-sha was talking Ryuzaki used Shunpo to appear in front of him while swinging his sword in vertical to cut him in half but Satsugai-sha used Utsusemi as he moved behind Ryuzaki leaving an after image which was cut in half. Spinning from his position he pointed at Satsugai-sha "Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku " he made his hand into a fist and calls forth yellow energy, taking a form of very thick chain, which binds the upper body of Satsugai-sha.

"Hmm...good you now know which power to use when." Satsugai-sha commented on it as he shook his body and the chain got destroyed.

"Hmm....yes I know, but lets not talk about it now. It is time for me to laze around for at least some time right." It's been eight years as Ryuzaki fully concentrated in mastering his powers.

Ryuzaki at first didn't want to concentrate fully to master his power but he became annoyed by how much people started to follow him around. They were watching him day and night which made him angry and because of anger he released his reiatsu which terrified the ninjas to retreat in fear.

And the next day more ninja came to monitor him, so he gave in to his fate and concentrated on his powers. He thought after not finding anything they might just let him be.

They did let him go but it was only a year before and it was too late to change his schedule as he got used to it unknowingly.

"Okay than I am going back now." Ryuzaki saying that got outside of his subspace. But then again he got nothing to do in this boring world. < Now that I think about it becoming a ninja was not a bad idea. Well whatever let's go outside for fresh air.>

Ryuzaki stood in front of a mirror as he looked at himself. His black hair is little curly right now so he swept back his hair just like Aizen. His eyes which is purple and red become more dark in colour and he also got taller as he is at least 5.5 ft. < Though I don't care but why do I look like Aizen in some way or is it just my imagination. Well whatever I am pretty good looking to. >

He started wearing black kimono that he brought some time ago, which kind of look just like the shinigami shihakuso. < It's not like I was a die hard fan but this is really comfortable but I cannot wear it in traditional way as that will be too much of a hassle.>

Getting dressed he made his way to buy some dango and sat in front of the Uchiha playground while eating leisurely. Looking at the kids joyfully playing around he reminisced of his time as a kid.

Looking at the kids he thought < How did Itachi even kill so many kids is a mystery but why kill kids who have nothing to do with anything. Getting born in Uchiha is a curse I guess. >

Ryuzaki who was lost in whatever thought was woken up when a hand shook him. Getting out of his thought he saw a kid was standing in front of him. " What is it kid?"

"Can I have some?" the kid asked.

Looking at the kid of 4 or 5 years old he didn't know should he curse the Uchiha or himself. The kid was too cute to be not giving him some dango. " Here take it " He just gave the whole packet to the kid.

"Thank You" saying so the kid started to eat while sitting beside him.

"What's your name?" Ryuzaki asked the kid who was busy in eating.

"My name is Shinichi Uchiha." said the kid with a cute smile like a hamster as his mouth was full.

"Do you like dango so much?"

"Yes, I like it. But sadly my mother doesn't let me eat much. Saying if I only eat this then I will not be able stay healthy." said the kid with a sad face.

"Well your mother is right you shouldn't eat too much. You should eat healthy food to stay healthy." Ryuzaki said as he remembered the human interactions that he forgot to have all this years.

"I should go back now. Thank you for the dango. Bye bye." saying so the kid ran away after finishing the dango.

< Looks like not all Uchiha kids are arrogant, but even than they have the right to be arrogant as they are strong. But sadly this clan is going to became a history.>Ryuzaki got up and headed towards the village once again to look at what are the changes have happened. He was in training mode before so he didn't go outside, even if he did it was only for the daily needs he needed to buy.

Roaming around the village he didn't saw much changes. It was the same as before, ninja ran around doing their job and nothing more. he was contemplating if he should go back to his boring life when he heard someone shouting.

"Hey you demon child, go away from here, I don't want you in front of my shop. You will scare away my customers." said a angry shop keeper as he shooed away a orange haired kid.

Looking at the ongoing Ryuzaki thought < Is it some kind of children meeting day or what. Why am I seeing so many child.. >

While thinking to himself he saw Naruto going away with a sad looking face. Looking that Naruto ran away in some place Ryuzaki also started to walk towards his house. < This may be a world but this world doesn't have what I want.>

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