
Journey of a Lone Transmigrator

For Viktor it was just a normal day, riding the subway on his way home. A series of unexplainable events, that lead to his amazing journey on an adventure of a lifetime, where he will come across heroes of old and new. From self proclaimed gods, to demons hiding amongst the populace. Join him on his journey, as he stands his ground through all sorts of trials and tribulations!

IcySquid · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Helplessness

As I run through the hedges, being out of breath and feeling my skin get scratched and scraped, I think to myself

"this is quite comical if you think about it". My name is Viktor, I used to be a graphic designer doing freelance work, while reading novels and books in my free time.

I read all types of novels, fantasy, magical realism, horror and even some harems. The latest book I had been keeping up with was one named "Magic Order : The Eternals".

I know, it sounds cliché but it was genuinely really interesting and quite good.

Basically it was a story about a main character Daniel who had his adventures and whatnot and met people he could connect with and started the so-called "Magic Order" with them as a group.

I hadn't gotten that far in, only around chapter 200 when he started the order with the main group.

Anyways to get to the point, i was reading the next chapter while in the subway going home from a friends place, when all of a sudden the train went off track and all the people flew all around the place, in the midst of this chaos I swear I saw someone end up in the cliché trope of having a young teenage girl land on their face, ass first.

It would've been comical if not for a glass shard getting shot into that man's head!

I had no time to focus on that though since I was tumbling all around and getting knocked into people and all the objects flying around getting cut in all sorts of places, after what felt like an eternity i was lying still on the ground in the middle of the wreck, my consciousness was hazy and i was close to passing out.

Every part of my body ached in unbearable pain and agony. It felt like I had broken every bone and tore every ligament, but I was awake, awake to register this pain in my last dying moments, I knew I was about to die.

I could feel it, it was getting colder and I felt like I was no longer in control of my fate. That feeling was horrendous, knowing I was dying but unable to do anything about it.

And that was the last i remembered, the feeling of powerlessness, of being unable to change the outcome no matter how much i wished for it no matter how i tried.

Then I woke up, on a dirt road in the middle of a forest full of autumn leaves of all colours and shapes. Being confused about where i was i tried to check my phone and while doing that realised that nothing hurt, i was completely fine with not so much of a scrape on my body.

I was dumbstruck, how is this possible? I vividly remember all that happened in the subway, the pain, the suffering and those images of people being flung all around.

Being befuddled by this I tried to continue reaching for my phone but I didn't find it in any of my pockets. I searched some more and looked around where I was to see if it was in the mud on the road.

A little while later after confirming the phone was not here, I looked around me, the trees were majestic and huge. Reminding me of a smaller version of the giant sequoia trees that can be found in California, they seem to go from four meters tall, all the way up to what I

would guess to be twenty meters.

It was honestly quite beautiful, with birds I couldn't recognize chirping and flying between the branches.

After having a good look at the surroundings I pondered over which direction I should follow the road in, after thinking for a while I decided to just walk in the direction I was facing when I woke up.