
Journey of "The Origin Infinite Being"

Black_Blade07 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Stella Wincheaster

[Cultivation Universe]

[Lower Realm]

Lower realm is hundred times bigger than earth. Here there are cultivators who absorb qi from atmosphere and try to defy the heavens. There are 5 continents- Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern and Central- on lower realm and countless pocket dimensions.

[Eastern Continent]

Eastern continent consist of 3 empires - The Wania Empire, The Healan Empire, The Aicrantis Empire and 3 overlord sects - Shadow sect, Divine Sun Sect, Divine Moon Sect.

[The Wania Empire]

[Holy Sect]

Holy Sect is a low level sect in the outskirts of Wania Empire. This sect only consisted of women who practiced life dao. But now there only destruction and littered bodies could be seen. In the center of the destruction a woman could be seen surrounded by surrounded 20 people. The woman could be country toppling beauty if not for the deep wounds and tattered clothes.

You could see anger, despair, sadness, resentment and many more negative emotion on her face and eyes as she glared at the people surrounding her.

"Let's finish this quickly. Sect Master has ordered to kill her and take the unknown book and report back immediately."

One of the male surrounding the woman said to everyone. The nodded their heads and ran at the woman to finish her off.

'Is this I am going to die. Who would have thought that my sect elders who were always loyal to me would betray me to satisfy their greed for power and wealth. I should not have told about my fortunate encounter to anyone. Sigh, I should have expected this from this dog eat dog world. I do not even have enough qi to escape. If by god's grace I survive this situation I am going to eradicate Assassin sect from their roots.'

A she saw the attacks coming near her neck, it suddenly stopped and the whole world turned grey. What she did not know was that not only her surrounding but the whole lower plane time has been stopped but she would know that very soon.

Suddenly a white light entered her forehead and she heard a mature woman voice in her head.

[Mother of %&#^$*#^#%!#** System Activated]

[Synchronizing all Functions]

[Synchronizing complete, transferring all functions to master]

She was in disbelief when a screen popped in front of her vision.



[System : Mother of %&#^$*#^#%!#** System]

[Master's Name : Stella Wincheaster]

[Title : Mother of %&#^$*#^#%!# ,** Origin ****Goddess of life]

[Race : ∞THE ORIGINATOR∞ (Can become any race)]

[Lifespan : Origin Immortal ]

[Power : ∞]

[Agility : ∞]

[Origin Energy : ∞] (Because mc origin energy increase infinitely he used it to change her into origin being)

[Luck : - - - -]

[Items : ∞]

[Abilities : Due to being the mother of %&#^$*#^#%**!# you are allowed to use the power of origin. You are granted complete control over Life.]


-->Resurrection : (**Active); Can bring anything back to life ignoring the concept of time and fate.

-->Blessing: (**Active); Because you are a origin goddess, you have the skill to bless your followers and subjects, grant an infinite supply of mana to all blessed beings, and increase your life span by 100 million years upon every time subordinate bows three times to you.

-->Eyes of origin: (Active, Passive)

1. As mother %&#^$*#^#%**!#, you are granted the skill of visions of origin, as only those who have have eyes of origin can see the true form of %&#^$*#^#%**!#. (Passive)

2. When you activate eyes of origin and gaze on some they will become subordinate of Wincheaster Family with endless mana and lifespan. (Active)

-->Mother of %&#^$*#^#%!#** : Because you are the mother of %&#^$*#^#%**!#, you are granted the sub-skills; Creation, Destruction.

-->Origin Sharing : If %&#^$*#^#%**!# wishes to share his abilities you can use his abilities without limitation.

-->Womb of Origin : **With every offspring you carry, you are granted one wish from %&#^$#^#%**!# ; You can have as many babies as you want and can reproduce anytime you want. Only %&#^$#^#%**!# can be the father.
