
Heroes of the Foosha Village

Seth looked shocked at the scene before him. All the pirates were knocked out. It was him, his shout, his will.


Seth looked at the sky as if looking at the one who sent him here, into this world.

(So the stupid God provided me with the supreme Haki)


He had a good understanding of these powers from his previous life. The ability to dominate the will of others.

Those adorned with this ability are destined to be great. Powerful figures that aren't supposed to be messed around with. Dark King, Whitebeard, Luffy, Ace, Doflamingo, Sengoku, Boa Hancock, Shanks, Big Mom. Every name on the list were hot shots of the One Piece world. People who could shake the world with a single move.

This time it was completely involuntary. Must have been his strong desire to protect Luffy that awakened this power.

(Now that I have this power, I have to learn to control it.)

Seth tightened his fist, "But first."

He had to escape from this situation. The pirates weren't dead but only knocked out. It may take a while but they will come round. So escaping as fast as possible was in his best interest.

He walked to Luffy and picked him up on his back and walked forward. His entire body was still bleeding and each step was like an ordeal. But for Luffy's and his survival, he had to keep going.

After walking for about 2 minutes, he saw another crowd in front of him equipped with axes, forks and sticks.

But Seth wasn't afraid, more like relieved to see the crowd before him.

"So they came, huh" he muttered and as if the energy had left his body, he fell to the ground on his belly.

The villagers ran and picked him and Luffy up. Woop Slap said "Don't worry. We are here. We will take care of the pirates."

"A-ah. The pirates have been knocked out. Take care of them and fast. Ah! The captain may be somewhere - Hah - around the ship. Still - Ah - There may be a few pirates hiding. Take care of them."

The pain was getting intense and it was even getting hard to speak out a few words.

The villagers were surprised to hear that the pirates have been taken care of. But it was coming from a young boy. Can they believe him? It's not like he would be lying in such a dire situation.

Woop Slap was also surprised but he had no other choice "You take them to the doctor at the hall. If what he said is really true then all's good. Otherwise, prepare for the worst."

The villagers nodded and two of them carried Luffy and Seth to the hall, while the remaining moved to fight the pirates.

When they arrived at the location, they were in shock. What that boy had said was indeed true, hundreds of pirates were laying unconscious.

"What just happened here?" Woop Slap could only stand there in disbelief.

-:- Scene Change -:-

Seth opened his eyes to see a familiar ceiling. He got up and looked around. He had been here before.

(This place? It's Uncle Johnny's.)

He got down from the bed and walked towards the hall. He was healed and there was no pain but may be he has been resting for quite a long time, he was having difficulty walking.

In the hall, there was the familiar scenery, Uncle Johnny sitting in a chair sewing a shirt.

"Oh, so you have woken up, Young Hero."

Seth at first didn't understand what Uncle Johnny was saying but after giving a bit of thought, he was able to figure out the context.

"Yes, what happened with the pirates?"

"They were captured and later handed over to the Marines who came the next morning. The enemy captain was found passed out a mile away. He was also arrested. As for the few pirates who weren't knocked by you two, they were defeated by the villagers."

"I see" Seth got a brief understanding of what happened after.

"Even though you look so young, you are crazy strong. As for Luffy, we already knew that he was strong. After all he was Garp's grandson but still it is a surprise he was able to defeat a powerful pirate captain."

"The two of you are now referred as the village's heroes" he added.

Seth had no idea how to react to that. He was happy but also shy.

"The Marines wanted to award you boys but both of you were under medical supervision, so they had to leave. But they did award you two with four million beli, you know the bounty reward. It is with the mayor now. You can go and collect."

"Four? Wasn't the bounty five?"

At that, the old man started laughing, "Aren't you gullible for such a strong man? They don't give you the whole amount that is presented. A portion is kept by them. You can think of it as tax."

Seth nodded before remembering something else "How is Luffy doing?"

"He's fine. That boy woke up the next day. He may be at Makino's place now. His condition wasn't as serious as yours. As for you, it took you around three days to open your eyes. But I am surprised, your wounds really heal fast."

Seth bade goodbye to Uncle Johnny and ran straight to the Partys Bar.

The bar was broken here and there and seemed to have gone through a quick repair. The crowd inside hadn't decreased a bit nor did their zest. But this time there were a lot more villagers than the outsiders. Seems like they wanted to spend some time drinking and enjoying, to forget about the recent incident.

"The second hero has arrived."

"Great job, hero."

When they saw Seth, they started cheering and praising him but Seth didn't care. He came here for one person and that person was here, sitting and gobbling up meat just like the first time they had met.