
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Shrek Academy part 9

After JoyBoy ran for some time and made sure that no one was around, he activated his first three spirit rings and amplified himself going all the way up to thirteen thousand times. He was worried about Tang San as he was also heavily wounded by the Titan Giant Ape's attack and wanted to make sure that he was alright.

After some time, he found Tang San sitting with his back against a tree, leaning on it while drinking water. He quickly went near him because he knew that soon he will face Man Faced Demon Spider. JoyBoy asked him to focus on healing and leave the protection to him.

Hearing him, Tang San didn't waste any time arguing and directly started cultivating to recover his spirit power and heal his wounds. Seeing him cultivating, JoyBoy didn't waste any time and used his fourth spirit ring and summoned one thousand shadow clones who went to hide in their surroundings while also circling around them. He was not going to take any chances in this forest while he was watching over Tang San just by himself.

After cultivating for a few hours, Tang San stopped cultivating and stood up. JoyBoy checked his cultivation and congratulated him on breaking through level thirty. Suddenly he got a message from his clones that a Man Faced Demon Spider was coming in their direction.

He asked Tang San to get ready for to absorb his next spirit ring and told him about the Man Faced Demon Spider coming in there direction when he got the message. Tang San was worried about facing the Man Faced Demon Spider but he had confidence in JoyBoy and wanted to see him in action. Soon it appeared before them.

Appearing before them was a monstrously big spider with the diameter of its bulk exceeding one meter fifty, eight spear-like legs exceeding three meters. Entirely covered by a glossy black carapace, the tip of the long legs were slender, and from each step forward noiselessly thrusting into the ground, it could clearly be seen how sharp they were.

As they discovered it, it seemed to also discover them, the eight long legs moving rhythmically at great speed, even leaving behind a string of mirages, in an eyeblink it already arrived before them. The two forelegs lifted in a flash, directly stinging towards their head.

Seeing this attack, they both jumped back from the place where they were standing on. Tang San saw that after the Man Faced Demon Spider tried to attack them, it was suddenly smashed in the ground. He noticed that JoyBoy was standing near it and looking at him with a gentle smile on his face. He realized that he must have used his amplification abilities and defeated the Man Faced Demon Spider with a punch.

"Brother San, you should quickly kill it and absorb its spirit ring"

Tang San did exactly that and killed it with his hidden weapons. Just as he killed it, JoyBoy received the message from his clones about three persons approaching their directions.

He quickly warned Tang San about them and asked him to prepare for battle just in case they try to attack them. As the Man Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring slowly appeared above its corpse, three persons flashed out of the forest.

Of the three spirit masters, Tang San recognized two of them. These two were the people that just left not long ago, the old lady and the young girl and beside them stood a third person, a tall and skinny elder.

The elder looked at least over seventy, with a head of silver hair just like the old lady. In his hand was a light silver Dragon Headed Staff over four meters long. The dragon head of the staff was lifelike, appearing extravagant and intricate. A face covered with wrinkles showed his age. On him was unbelievably eight spirit rings oscillating up and down slowly.

Two yellow, three purple, three black. Although judging by quality, he only had one thousand year spirit ring advantage on Zhao Wuji, he had eight spirit rings. This meant he was a rank eighty and above Spirit Douluo. 

The family of three didn't notice them at first. Their attention fell onto the dead Man Faced Demon Spider first, and instantly their faces became twisted. The young girl even shouted out loud

"No, how is it like this. Why, why? Who? Who killed my demon spider?"

Hearing the young lady, they couldn't help but smile bitterly in the dark. How could coincidences be that untimely. Some things might not happen in your entire life, but when fate decides to play with you, it can happen twice in a short period of time.

Just as Tang San was going to admit that he killed it, JoyBoy put a hand on his shoulder and with a gentle smile, gave him a look that meant 'just wait and watch'.

After the young girl was done venting her frustration, the old man asked them to come out and introduce themselves. Then he and Tang San went in front of them and he bowed and politely said

"Greetings respected Spirit Douluo and Spirit Emperor, I am JoyBoy and this is my brother Tang San. May I know who your esteemed self are ?"

Hearing his polite reply and seeing his scholarly appearance, the old man's face eased a little and replied

"This old man is Meng Shu and this is my wife Chao Tian-Xiang. That young lady is my granddaughter Meng Yiran. Tell me junior, what are you doing here and who killed that Man Faced Demon Spider ? We were hunting it for our granddaughter."

While they were talking, Meng Yiran saw the unkempt Tang San. At first she didn't recognize him but when she saw JoyBoy, tears started circling in her eyes.

"You…..you…..you...again it's you."

Seeing Meng Yiran and Tang San, Serpent Grandmother also frowned, whispering something into the Dragon Duke's ears which made him frown.

"Senior, while we were leaving this forest, we were attacked by a Titan Giant Ape but instead of killing us, it took all the female members of our team and went away.

While we were searching for our them, we met with other teams of spirit masters who were also facing similar circumstances and were searching for their missing teammates.

When we came here, we were attacked by the Man Faced Demon Spider but suddenly it was smashed in the ground and it died afterwards.

Everything happened so quickly that we weren't able to see the senior who saved us. After some time, you appeared with your family."

When he finished explaining, he noticed that the family of three were looking at him with wide eyes. Meng Shu looked at his wife for a moment and after they nodded at each other, they grabbed Meng Yiran and directly left.

Seeing their actions Tang San smiled. When he turned towards JoyBoy who still had his usual smile on his face and didn't looked surprised by their actions, he asked

"Brother JoyBoy, why did you said that the Titan Giant Ape attacked others and took the every female team members it saw ?"

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