
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Shrek Academy part 11

While they were leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, Xiao Wu asked Tang San how he killed the Man Faced Demon Spider to which he looked towards JoyBoy and told them what happened in detail.

Everyone started smiling when they heard about the lies JoyBoy told the family and were once again impressed by his quick thinking and stared at him. They had seen it first hand when he used it to help Oscar get his third spirit ring.

Xiao Wu was blushing and was feeling sorry for the Titan Giant Ape. JoyBoy was undisturbed by their stares and still had his gentle smile while he kept moving.

After finishing his story, Tang San showed the Zhuge Godly Crossbow he used to kill the Man Faced Demon Spider to everyone and gave them a demonstration of its abilities by using it on a big tree on the side.

Everyones' complexions changed, looking dumbstruck at each other.

As everyone reached the tree, they clearly saw, on that tree that would require three large men to encircle, right now already appeared two rows of altogether sixteen finger sized little holes. Light shone through the holes, and one could see in one end and out the other.

Zhao Wuji couldn't help but ask

"Tang San, what is this thing? How did you make it?"

Tang San held up the Godly Zhuge Crossbow before him

"I call it a Godly Zhuge Crossbow. It's a kind of extraordinarily potent mechanism type hidden weapon. Anyone could use it.

Filled with forty eight crossbow bolts, after each time the mechanism is set it can by the mechanism launch sixteen bolts in a moment. Like just now. With the mechanism set it has to be shot, otherwise after the mechanism is stretched for too long, the crossbow will take damage.

Because the strength of the mechanism included in this kind of crossbow is very great, even metal will be unable to easily endure it. This is also the drawback of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow."

While everyone was impressed by the speed of the bolts and observing the damage done by them to the tree, Ning Rongrong asked

"Tang San, is all this your research?"

Tang San stared blankly a moment, saying with a wry smile:

"It can be considered so."

Ning Rongrong probing asked

"Tang San, can't you sell this thing to me? You can set the price. You know I'm an auxiliary system Spirit Master, without any defensive capability. When everyone's lives are on the line, besides a bit of supporting spirit ability, I can only watch. If I had this thing, I could also have a bit of offensive strength."

Tang San let slip a smile, saying

"Sell what, later I will give you one as a gift. Only, making this thing requires very expensive materials, this material expenditure is on you."

After noticing that the conversation was going the same way as it went in the novel, JoyBoy decided to ignore the rest of it. Finally they had left Star Dou Great Forest.

Out of the forest's boundary, although they no longer had that fresh and clean air, everyone seemed to be unburdened from a layer of pressure, feeling much lighter. After leaving the forest, JoyBoy's clones disappeared.

"We will hurry on again, we can rest at the little town."

Zhao Wuji said with a smile.

The party rested at the small town for as much as two days. Recovering spirit power and physical power naturally didn't require this much time, but after continuously living in a stretched tight condition the mind needed to relax.

Dai Mubai was extremely grand, paying for everyone's expenses over the two days, everyone also didn't cultivate, each day drinking together and playing noisily, indescribably pleased.

Even the always ice cold Zhu Zhuqing's expression softened a lot. Only JoyBoy continued his normal routine and cultivated silently in his room.

After two days, everyone once again set off, following the one day's journey they smoothly returned to Suotuo City's Shrek Academy.

After returning to Shrek Academy, JoyBoy directly went to his room, cleaned himself up and started absorbing the spirit power cultivated by his ten clones one by one after he sat on his bed.

Then he summoned ten clones to start cultivating spirit power and started cultivating himself after summoning his martial spirit.

The next morning, he finished his daily workouts and went to the big grounds after the bell sounded punctually, already knowing what's going to happen next.

Today seemed especially bustling, not only did two heads Flender and Zhao Wuji come, in addition Grandmaster and the Academy's other several teachers also all arrived on the grounds.

Besides the two heads, the Academy originally still had three teachers, the three in charge of the three entrance exams. JoyBoy was only familiar with one of them, that old man who at that time had used a staff spirit to scare away a lot of people.

"Good. Everyone's present. Next I have some matters to declare."

Flender walked over before the eight students, his gaze solemnly sweeping across the eight.

"First. I will give you newly arrived four students an introduction to the Academy teachers."

Speaking, Flender indicated the one JoyBoy had already met, the Long Staff Spirit old man.

"This is teacher Li Yu-Song, spirit Dragon Pattern Stick. Sixty third ranked Spirit Emperor."

Indicating the second, even older, seemingly over seventy years old man, saying:

"This is Lu Ji-Bin, spirit Star Luo Chess, sixty sixth ranked Spirit Emperor."

The last teacher's was a bit younger than the previous two, seemingly about the same as Flender.

"This is Shao Xinshao, Spirit Sweet Pea. Seventy first ranked Spirit Sage, food system Spirit Master. Teacher Shao is among the food system Spirit Masters I know of, absolutely ranked in the top five powers."

The three teachers after Flender's introduction nodded towards the students. Respectively, the first teacher Li's face was wooden, the second teacher Lu following wore a smile. Finally that teacher Shao, the expression on his face was somewhat strange. His gaze all along fell on Oscar, the gaze even somewhat obsessive.

Finally, Flender walked over next to Grandmaster, grasping Grandmaster's shoulders, saying

"Lastly this, I must carefully introduce to everyone. He, precisely relying on his research, arriving at the Ten Great Spirit Competences, regarded as the best in spirit theory, the wisest Spirit Master, at the same time also JoyBoy and Tang San's Teacher, Mister Yu Xiao Gang.

Of course, he also is my old brother. We've already known each other for several decades. Perhaps you won't understand too clearly by hearing his name, but I think you should all have heard his title. Hereafter, you can call him Grandmaster."

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