
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament part 5

The audience instantly erupted in an enormous discussion. For a moment there were doubtful voices, praising voices, even more were still just shocked. The grand Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's second team was actually smashed in under a minute by some unknown Spirit Master team. The shock it produced was really too large.

JoyBoy noticed that Emperor Xue Ye stood up with an ashen complexion, his gaze falling on the despondent prince Xue Xing. With a cold snort, he brushed with his sleeves and left. Ning Fengzhi followed emperor Xue Ye from the VIP section with a smile on his face, but platinum bishop Salas still sat pondering in his seat, reflecting on something.

JoyBoy then noticed that in the seats specially furnished for competing academy spectators, Flender stood up with a smile across his face, saying to Grandmaster and Liu Erlong

"I'll leave first."

Liu Erlong distrustfully asked

"Boss Fu, where are you going?"

Flender laughed out loud

"The little monsters have made such an outstanding display, and the advertisement on our clothing has been revealed. I think that some people with a little bit of insight should have seen the power of our Shrek Academy. I still need to properly consider the advertisement, opening at a high price, to earn a bit of money for the Academy. This time I think it'll be impossible for our Academy's reputation not to spread."

JoyBoy saw him pulling on the lapels of his clothes and meticulously arranging the Academy symbol to reveal it clearly. While observing others, JoyBoy suddenly heard

"Third brother, Eighth brother, you're too ferocious."

Fatty greeted Tang San and JoyBoy with a bear hug and said

"Let's see if that Heaven Dou Imperial Academy still dares look down on us."

Tang San smiled slightly, saying

"But we also revealed strength. The later teams will certainly draw up tactics to counter us."

Oscar smiled and said

"In front of absolute strength, even better tactics might not be useful. If it really won't do, we might as well put the whole Shrek Seven Devils on stage and let them have a good look."

While speaking, he pulled at the uniform he wore

"What if it's snot green? As long as we can win, color is no problem."

"Let's go. We'll return to the Academy first. I don't want to have people standing around in a circle watching us later."

Dai Mubai called out to everyone, quickly bringing the Shrek Academy team into the competitor passage, quietly departing the stadium.

In order to keep from being the focal point, after returning to the rest area, everyone without the slightest hesitation changed out of their snot green uniforms, putting on their own clothes to leave the Great Spirit Arena. Since they left very quickly, when they left the Great Spirit Arena the spectator seats had only just started emptying. Today was after all only the beginning, tomorrow was when the preselection competition would truly begin. And when the round robin tournament went into motion, it would take up a full month of matches.

The moment JoyBoy left the Great Spirit Arena with others, he turned towards them and politely said with his usual smile

"Everyone, I will be going back first"

He bowed towards them and instantly disappeared with a 'pop' sound. Tai Long and the other three substitute members couldn't understand what happened but the Shrek Seven Devils looked at each other and saw the shocked expression in their eyes. Everyone of them had only one thought in their mind.

"That was just his clone! Just how strong is he ?"

Back in his room, JoyBoy opened his eyes after he got the memories from his clone and with a furrowed brows thought

"Thats weird. Today in the morning, when I was about to leave my room to join Tang San and others to participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, I suddenly had a feeling that a great change was about to happen and felt that my life was in danger. But from the memories of my clone, the only change that happened was my clone participating in the match instead of big sister Wu. Just where did this sense of danger came from ?

Since I felt a danger to my life, it means that the source of the threat is strong enough to take my life even with my current abilities. This could only mean that the threat should be from either a Hyper Douluo level assassin or a Limit Douluo with a God artifact with conceptual powers or maybe both. I know from the knowledge of novel that both of those are present in Spirit Hall especially Bibi Dong with the legacy of Rakshasa God. Even Tang San after reaching God officer level wasn't able to escape from her assassination techniques.

Although both are a headache to go against, the conceptual powers are far more dangerous. From my memories of Marvel comics, even Thanos with all six Infinity stones and perfect control over his own thoughts was still affected by conceptual powers of Cosmic Entities like Mistress Love for a moment.

Because of this, I even decided to make my clone actively participate in the team match against the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's second team, even though I knew that brother San and others would easily win against them, hoping to make the threat appear in the open. Unfortunately, that didn't help and instead I ended up making a change in an event that I know from the novel. I hope that my actions don't end up creating a butterfly effect and result into something very bad.

It seems that I have to change my plans a little bit. Right now my cultivation is at rank fifty two because I didn't used my clones for cultivating and slowed down my cultivation on purpose. Even at my current level, the moment the Spirit Hall finds out about me, I am sure that they will do everything possible to either make me join them or kill me.

I remember that in the novel, they tried to kill Tang San only because of his ten thousand year old fourth spirit ring and I am pretty sure that they will try to do the same with me. Alright, its time to speed up my cultivation."

After making his decision, JoyBoy released his spirit rings to summon one hundred clones and send them in random directions to hide and cultivate spirit power for a day for him to absorb. He made sure that everyone's face was hidden so that others don't recognize his clones. After doing that, he sat down on his bed and started cultivating.

Because Shrek Academy had already finished their fight of the second day of the qualifying competition in advance, on the second day they simply didn't go to the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, but stayed at the Academy to cultivate.

JoyBoy returned to his room after finishing his morning workouts and sat down on his bed. He summoned his martial spirit and started absorbing the spirit power cultivated by them one by one. His cultivation reached level fifty three after he absorbed spirit power from sixty clones.

He didn't absorbed spirit power from his remaining forty clones and let them continue cultivating spirit power for one more day.

The next morning, after he finished his morning workouts, he absorbed the spirit power from his remaining forty clones and his cultivation reached level fifty four. After finishing his breakthrough, he left the room and joined Tang San and others to go to the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena for the tournament.

The tournament had already been going for two days, and all Spirit Master academies had also completed their first round of the qualifiers. Among these twenty eight Spirit Master teams, the unluckiest was certainly Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's second team. Even though they had the help of healing system Spirit Masters, broken bones, snapped tendons and popped family jewels wasn't something that could be healed in one or two days. To recover from the advance match wasn't very likely. Even the strength of their main force was so ordinary, let alone their substitutes.

Today was the start of the second round of the qualifiers. When the Shrek Academy team members arrived outside the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, they immediately felt the difference in treatment. When the spectators assembled outside of the Great Spirit Arena saw their green attire, they took the initiative to get out of their way. There were still comments, but they were a lot fewer. Those gazes like brambles and thorns had also disappeared, replaced by respect.

Today Flender didn't run forward on his own. Instead he was dressed in the same kind of uniform as the students, striding forward with his head high, a proud expression on his face. Even though there weren't any jeers from the onlookers, the Shrek Academy team members still lowered their heads. Sure enough, they had used strength to tell everyone they weren't nobodies. But now the words on their backs had changed.

As a result of Shrek Academy's perfect display in the first match, and further adding Flender's silver tongue, they successfully found sponsors. That was a business selling top quality flower nectar. Reportedly, half the flower nectar in the entire Heaven Dou Empire was produced by them.

By now the letters on the Shrek Academy team member's backs had become, 'Bottomless charm, wonderfully fragrant flower nectar, bathe healthier'.

The price for those 'wonderfully fragrant flower nectar' words was also rather attractive. One thousand gold spirit coins for one match, until the whole competition ended, through the qualifiers. When the promotion competition came the award would increase to two thousand gold spirit coins. If they could reach the final three, there was another fifty thousand gold spirit coins.

Calculating it, if the Shrek Academy could take the championship, then they could also receive more than a hundred thousand gold spirit coins. Obtaining such income simply by having words like that on their backs made Flender quite satisfied. In order to make the Shrek Academy team members wear the clothes, today he led by example.

As they entered the Great Spirit Arena under the gazes of the spectators, this time they were greeted by two functionaries, bringing them to the competing teams' rest area. Starting from yesterday, each day would have fourteen matches. Seeing the Shrek Academy's arrival, there were a lot of gazes from the other teams.

The one who earned the most attention was no doubt Tang San with the ten thousand year spirit ring. The skill he had revealed indeed proved his peak skill.

By now the words on the backs of the Shrek Academy uniforms had changed, but these Academies about to become their opponents didn't pay attention to that. What they cared about was how to defeat the Shrek Academy.

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