
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament part 14

Just as they entered the door, JoyBoy and Tang San was called over by Grandmaster. The others were all long since used to this, after all, they both were Grandmaster's direct disciple.

Following grandmaster to his office, JoyBoy closed the door.

Even though Grandmaster's expression was calm, his brows were slightly wrinkled. With a wave of his hand, he indicated Tang San and JoBoy should sit first.

"Little San, Little JoyBoy you overdid it somewhat."

Grandmaster's unexpected words left Tang San distracted, but he didn't utter a word, calmly waiting for his Teacher's rebuke.

Grandmaster said in a low voice

"What I mean is that you've already exposed too much of your strength. Among the academy team members in the tournament qualifiers, your show is too distinct. By now, not only is every academy paying attention to you, even those fellows in the VIP seats might be following you extremely closely. This isn't a good thing."

JoyBoy silently listened to what Grandmaster had to say while he nodding his head since he whole-heartedly agreed with him. If not for his martial spirit going out of control, he would have just continued to participate in the battles without showing off too much.

Grandmaster continued

"Today you've revealed your fire immunity and close combat ability. Honestly, even I didn't know your close combat had reached such a level. In later matches, there's no harm in using some of your own fighting skills. With your present spirit power and spirit ring amplification to your body, unless there's another opponent with a spirit bone, it should be very difficult for people to contend against you without using spirit abilities. You must grasp this point properly. As long as you can do it well, you won't be just a control system Spirit Master, but also a power attack system Spirit Master. But you must also pay attention in matches, your opponents will also try to restrain you according to your strength.

Although your control capability in matches is pretty good, you still can't draw out the full strength of your team members, otherwise you would have it a lot easier. This is also where you must pay attention. Among your later opponents, there's still the Godwind, Skywater, and Thunderclap Academies. Among them, I'm not too worried about Skywater Academy. Your greatest threats are the other two academies. Whether it's Godwind Academy's speed or Thunderclap Academy's burst power, they're both difficult to handle. What I mean is, I hope you can give up on these two matches. Like this, while you won't take the first position going into the next phase, but at the same time you won't have to reveal too much of your strength."

In terms of strategy, Grandmaster's proposal was no doubt perfect, as long as they could reach the top five in the qualifiers they would be in the clear. Tang San hesitated moment, but still firmly shook his head.

"Teacher, after the end of this tournament, we will all have to graduate. Let us leave behind something for the Academy."

JoyBoy who was listening from the side softly spoke.

"Teacher, with me on the team, you don't have to worry about us losing any match."

Hearing him speak, both Grandmaster and Tang San looked at him. They both remembered today's match and how JoyBoy used his new skills to easily defeat three members of the opposite team by himself. Grandmaster asked

"Little JoyBoy, what were those new skills you used today ? I am sure, you have never showed those skills before. You have told me about your spirit ring abilities and the skills you used were not included in them."

JoyBoy had already prepared a reply for this type of question and he gave him his reply. He told him a little bit about his martial spirit's condition but didn't explained his temporary abilities in detail, only saying that the new skills he used were his temporary spirit ring abilities. In this way he was able to answer his question without having to lie to him since he was technically correct.

Since he wasn't sure if any Title Douluo or worse a God level being was listening to their conversation, he didn't want to reveal any important information about his skills.

Hearing about his martial spirit surprised both Grandmaster and Tang San but not too much, since they knew just how unusual and powerful his martial spirit was from the beginning. Then Grandmaster looked at Tang San and JoyBoy and said

"You're still young, I hope you can cultivate without distractions. Once you obtain victory in this tournament, I'll arrange for you to enter a long period of secret cultivation. Let the outside world forget about you. Because right now, you're not strong enough to protect yourself, and even more unable to keep you out of the whirlpool of struggle between all sides."

What Grandmaster said made Tang San's heart shiver, master and disciple looked eye to eye, and Tang San silently nodded. JoyBoy also nodded and then returned to his room. He sat down on his bed and released his martial spirit to analyze the changes happened due to today's events.

"Although my cultivation is still the same, my physical body has been strengthened due to the energy transferred by the Power Stone after I defeated my opponents. The age spirit rings have increased by one thousand years and now they are thirty six thousand years of age.

Although the increase in age is good, its not enough to offset the danger I have put myself in after my today's performance in the battle. I am pretty sure that those in the position of elder or higher level in various clans especially spirit hall will definitely try to kill me once I decline their invitation to join them.

If that's the case then I might as well be more active while participating in the battles. I can't even go and do my morning exercises properly since I am not sure if some Title Douluo will try to kidnap me or worse assassinate me during that time just like Poison Douluo did with brother San. After what happened today, I may have to completely change my plans for the future. What a mess!"

After having these thoughts, he communicated with his martial spirit.

"Since you are the one responsible for this, you must comply with my demands and in exchange, I will actively participate in battles to satiate your hunger, is that okay ?"

Once he got a cheerful affirmation from his martial spirit which didn't surprised him, he asked

"I need your help to make my physical body stronger. Since you are the source of all energy in existence, you must know what kind of energy is the most beneficial for my body just like a yellow or a blue star is for a kryptonian. Here is the information on them. Make sure to do it slowly because I don't want to face any problem controlling my powers like superman. "

The next moment he felt the Power Gem transfer a different type of energy than the one it usually gives him everyday after his morning routine. The moment the energy was transferred into his body, he could feel as if every part of his body was alive and cheering vigorously. He could feel himself slowly getting stronger every moment which once again confirmed to him just how broken his martial spirit and superman really are.

After some time, he summoned fifteen shadow clones for cultivation and then, he started meditating. The next morning, he only stopped meditating half an hour before it was time to meet with his team. He checked the changes in his physical body after one night of energy transfer from his martial spirit and saw that the age of his spirit rings had increased by one hundred years and it was still increasing continuously without stopping thanks to the Power Gem. Feeling satisfied, he cleaned himself and then went to meet with his team.

Once the Shrek Academy team reached Great Spirit Arena, they were told about their opponents for that day. Their twelfth opponent in this tournament was the Blue Sunshine Academy.

This opponent made Tang San somewhat excited, and left him even thirstier for victory than against Blazing Academy. The academy led by the Shi Nian who once had almost condemned Tang San to hell.

JoyBoy was also surprised not because of his opponent, but because he felt that the Power Gem had become restless ever since he found out about his opponent for today's match.

"Calm down. I will actively participate in the battle as I promised you."

He tried to soothe his martial spirit but it didn't help. So he could only helplessly sit down and start meditating till the start of the match.

It was less than an hour to the start of the match, and all academy teams were already waiting in the rest area. This time Shrek Academy wouldn't appear in the first round, but in the third. Everyone habitually rested in a corner. Even though a lot of people looked at them from all around, it was rare that anyone came close.

In the Spirit Master world, strength meant everything, and it was the same among Spirit Master academies. The feeling Shrek Academy gave everyone was of a team without any features, but it was this kind of team that had become a headache for each team they faced.

The Shrek Academy group gathered leisurely, While JoyBoy was meditating, Ma Hongjun, with a difficult to scratch itch in his heart, said to Tang San

"Third brother, why not let me go on stage today. I won't use my fourth spirit ability, alright?"

Tang San shot him a glance.

"No way. Zhuqing, you take over for Jiang Zhu today. Any problems?"

Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly a moment.

"No problem."

Oscar puzzled asked

"Little San, that's not needed. We didn't dispatch Zhuqing even when we faced Blazing Academy. Is it needed to deal with trash like that Blue Sunshine Academy?"

Tang San said in a low voice.

"Blue Sunshine Academy might not truly be trash. You haven't paid attention to their record. From the start of the competition until now, Blue Sunshine Academy has only lost three times, and that was each against Elephant Armored Academy, Thunderclap Academy and Godwind Academy. When confronting others, they've won. Right now they're even above Elephant Armored Academy in the total ranking. Moreover, don't forget that dean Flender once warned us that their coaching teacher isn't ordinary.

Right now Blue Sunshine Academy has lost to the Elephant Armored Academy, and later in the competition the powerful opponents they'll confront are us, Blazing Academy and Skywater Academy. In these three matches, they have to obtain at least two victories, the chance to advance to the next phase of the competition is in their hands. Further adding the grudge between our teams, I dare say that in today's competition they will inevitably go all out. I'm letting Zhuqing go up in order to ensure our victory."

Oscar nodded for a moment before he looked at JoyBoy who was meditating and asked

"Does it mean that he won't be enough to support our team in case something goes wrong ?"

Hearing this, Tang San looked at JoyBoy with a blank face before he cleared his throat and said to Zhuqing

"Zhuqing, forget what i said earlier. We will go with our usual team."

Everyone smiled at this. Dai Mubai said

"Good, we'll follow little San's plan. Aren't those Blue Sunshine kids too arrogant? Today we'll let them know trouble. Advancing to the ranking competition, that's lunatic ravings."

"Hey, are you Shrek Academy's team members?"

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