
Journey from mercenary to billionaire

DaoistGd51tS · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:: Escape

Amory wakes up the next night. He turns on his phone and sees a message from Robert. He said that all the things had been taken to a safe place, and the blizzard was coming earlier, the blizzard would come tonight and it would last all week.

Amory walks outside the house. It is worth noting that he sees that the firewood here is only half left. It was not by accident that he slept so soundly last night. He thought last night maybe they put sleeping pills in his water and took the firewood away.

Quickly, he walks to the food hiding place to get food brink back to his house. Putting in a bag of 10kg of dried meat and a few bags of spaghetti and ketchup. Finally, he come back to his firewood warehouse.

Arriving at the place, carefully he brings all his belongings to hide in a secret corner of the house and then goes to the firewood storage place to carry the firewood down to the cellar.

Amory had just stored firewood to use in the cellar when someone outside called out loudly, "Amory, come back to the mansion for dinner tonight. That is the order of Eirlys's grandfather. He has something to tell everyone."

Calmly, he replies: "Yes, I have not eaten for two days, I am very hungry. Thank you very much for informing me of this. I am worried that I will have to fast for a few more days."

The butler nodded and left when he approached the car. when the housekeeper meets the driver Amory hears him say: "You fool, having to cook for you makes me feel tired. you should die so everyone can live better."

The driver yells at him: "You fool, we have to take that stupid son-in-law back to the mansion for dinner tonight. What are you standing there for?"

Amory thought, maybe Eirlys's grandfather had found a new grandson for her, so he wanted to kill his old nephew-in-law. Should Amory be happy about this? But he is sure Eirlys will not be happy to hear that. Looks like tonight's dinner is his last meat if he eats any of the dishes on the table. So he needs to find a way not to eat them.

The butler returned to his house and said, "Amory, come with us to the mansion. Generally speaking, this is a special dinner, we don't want you to walk to the mansion by yourself and dirty your clothes."

Suddenly Gemma's son Grew appears and shouts: "That idiot is not allowed to ride, it's my car."

The butler sighed, he pinched the boy's ears. Finally, he is shouting at the kid: "You fool, you're just like him, which car is yours? This car is the Valois family and you're just an abandoned idiot."

"You're just a servant, how dare you?"

The butler angrily shouted, "You all have to walk. And you idiot Amory if you don't show up tonight I'll kill you. Don't make me angry. A bunch of idiots and cowards. Why should I be in a terrible place with terrible people?"

Suddenly Gemma rushed out of the woods and took a big stick of wood and hit the butler on the head. She is shouting angrily: "You stupid servant, how dare you hit my son? Who are the abandoned ones? You can only say those things to stupid Amory. How dare you touch my son? Damned servant."

Gemma repeatedly hit the butler on the head, causing his head to bleed profusely. The butler can't fight back, he runs away, and Gemma continues to chase. She grabs a stick and broke the windshield then pulls the driver out then beats him.

"How dare you treat my son like you treat that stupid son-in-law? Do you dare? You bastards, I'll beat you up like I hit that stupid son-in-law."

Amory ignored them and continued to carry firewood down into the cellar. An hour later he walked back to the mansion, behind him they were still fighting. When he arrived at the mansion, Gemma's three remaining sons were very unhappy, they shouted at the housekeeper:

"Why did you allow him to come here, he's just a stupid son-in-law. I told you not to let him come here."

The housekeeper said softly, "Master, that's your grandfather's order, we can't disobey."

Andrew shouted and grabbed the bowl on the table and hit the housekeeper on the head: "You're a bitch, a stupid bitch just like that guy-in-law. How dare you let a dog like him eat at the table with us? Stupid!" Then the boy turned to Amory: "Get the hell out of here, I won't let you in."

Gemma had stood in the house before the argument started. She rushed over and hit the housekeeper on the head: "You bastard, you dare to ignore my orders?"

The housekeeper was suddenly beaten, she fell to the ground, her head bleeding profusely. But Gemma doesn't care and is shouting:

"I told you not to let that idiot come here."

"Ma'am, this is the boss's order, we can't disobey."

"House Valois will never defend that idiot in-law. Are you trying to trick me? I'll beat you to death." Gemma hit the housekeeper's head with a porcelain plate. After one plate broke she continued to take another plate and beat until all the plates were empty.

Amory watched the scene and continued walking up the stairs.

He doesn't want to interfere in this mess. On the second floor, he saw that the table was full of dishes and wine, a meal that looked delicious but all of them had sleeping pills. He will not eat anything tonight. Amory looks outside, in three hours the blizzard will come, and he needs to get rid of the mess quickly. Amory is shouting toward the stairs, "Hey I'm starving, I'll have dinner now."

He went and sat in his seat. Quickly Gemma and her three children went up to the second floor. They sat down at the dinner table. Finally, they are insulting him: "Do you deserve to sit at the table like a human? You're just a dog."

Nonchalantly, Amory said: "That steak is delicious, I haven't eaten beef in a long time. Ah! The pork stew with beans is also very good, I want to eat that. There is also wine."

Quickly, Gemma's children took the entire dish that Amory had just talked about and then quickly ate it all. He said again: "Then I'll drink some wine, I haven't had a drink in a while."

"I won't leave you a drop of wine, you bastard." Gemma takes the bottle of wine and drinks it all.

Politely he said, "The foods I like to eat quickly run out, but the rest of the vegetables I like too. I'll eat radish stew with pork. And boiled cauliflower, even squash soup with cream too. Yes, I love bacon, I'll eat bacon with eggs."

"You won't have anything to eat you, idiot." Gemma took them all back to her plate and then ate them with her children. As they ate, they turned to taunt Amory: "You know what, you're an idiot."

Amory is thinking who is the fool? They were eating a table full of sleeping pills and he wasn't eating at all. Soon the blizzard will come, and he will get out of there and survive, and they can't.

After eating all the food on the table. Gemma and her children picked up the dirty dishes. Finally, they are throwing them at Amory.

But none of the plates hit him, and ten minutes later they collapsed. Sleeping pills worked.

"A bunch of idiots!" Amory pretends that he also eats food with sleeping pills, and lies on the floor.

Ten minutes later the servants come to the dining room. After confirming that Amory, Gemma and the others were asleep. They lock the dining room door and go out.

Amory quickly stands up. Fortunately, he had a hammer to break open the door. He'll climb out the window. He goes to the window, opens his bag, and takes out his hammer. After three times pulses by a hammer, the lock of the window broke. He tied a rope to the window frame. Then he is climbing down. Only half an hour until the blizzard will arrive. Quickly he needs to back to his house.

Finally, he reached the ground. Quickly, he ran towards his house. Outside, the wind and snow were blowing so hard, if he doesn't return to his house he will freeze to death.

After thirty minutes of running, he reached his home. He closes the door tightly and then uses large wooden slats to block the main door and all the windows. Finally, he goes to the fireplace and burns the wood. The warmth from the fire made Amory feel better. Luckily, he escaped from there.

Outside the strong winds were blowing, and he could hear the sounds coming from them. This blizzard is so big it will probably last longer than he guesses.