
Journey from Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Journey from Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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385 Chs

Chapter 245

Chapter 241 The Key To Forced Closing

"No, the location here is wrong!"

After searching for a long time, Levy found nothing about the sphere.

"Here is the East Warehouse, the symbol of liberum is the South. 99

"Since there are east warehouses, there must be north, south, and west warehouses."5

Levy said analytically.

"But what's the difference between the east, south and northwest here?"

"After all, this is a circular building!

Yukino asked a question.

"It's up to Lucy for this kind of thing."

"Let's go back and find Lucy!"

Li Xiangyang remembered that Lucy seemed to have contracted a Celestial Spirit in the constellation of the compass, and this Celestial Spirit could easily distinguish between south and north.

The crowd returned.

On the way back, Levy asked Li Xiangyang.

"Xiangyang, aren't you worried about Lu Jiang?"

"After all, she doesn't have Celestial Spirit to use right now!

Hearing Levy's words, Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

"I'm not worried at all."

"Although Lucy's physical skills are not very good, his whip technique is very good.

"Erza is not necessarily Lucy's opponent in terms of whipping.

Li Xiangyang said.

As expected by Li Xiangyang.

Even if Virgo uses his own dungeon magic, he is no match for Lucy without leaving his hands behind.

Lucy has tied Virgo to the ground a few times in a row.

"Although I like punishment, I don't like being punished!

Virgo stood up and said.

"The combat power estimation is wrong, retreating first is the best method at present! 35

After speaking, it disappeared.

"Miss Lucy!"

Yukino called to Lucy.

"Yukino, Levy!

Lucy waved to the two girls.

"Have you found it?"

Lucy asked the three of Li Xiangyang.

"We need your help, we are looking for a warehouse location in the south."

Levy shared his analysis with Lucy.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!

"Open the door of the compass – Picuss!""

In the shape of a bird, Celestial Spirit with a compass on its head appeared in front of everyone.

"so cute!"

Yukino looked at the Celestial Spirit in front of him and said.

Although he also has a silver key, he is basically the Celestial Spirit of battle.

"Please, Picusis, we want to find the warehouse in the south!"

Lucy said to Picusis.

I saw the compass on its head spinning back and forth, and finally pointed to one direction, that is, the direction of the south.

It disappeared immediately.

Everyone hurried to the location of the warehouse.

After a hard search, I finally found the celestial ball.

"Is this the Celestial Ball!

Levy looked at the item in his hand and said.

However, before getting this warm in hand, Virgo appeared again.

Li Xiangyang rescued Levy immediately.

Li Xiangyang focused his attention on the celestial sphere, and did not find Virgo's breath.

"Who are you!?"

Li Xiangyang looked at a gem in Virgo's hand and said.

"That's right!

"This is the magic crystal of Celestial Spirit. 95

"It's usually used as a decoration, and another use is to remove the magic from our Celestial Spirit!"

No wonder Li Xiangyang didn't notice Virgo's breath, even if he focused his attention on Tianyi Ball, he should still be able to notice Virgo's breath.

It seems that there are still many restrained items in the magic world.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of magic in the world, there are restraints.

"Thank you very much for your search, I will take this!"

After speaking, Virgo disappeared in front of everyone.

"It's not good, Lu Sauce!"

"Let's hurry up and find the Holy Land, it's written in the documentation."

"The Celestial Spirits who have liberated their shackles have only twelve days to exist in the world, and they will disappear when the time passes!

Levy said to Lucy and Yukino.

"Let's get back to the guild and have a long-term plan, Miss Lucy!

Yukino was also very anxious, Lucy nodded and agreed with Yukino's suggestion.

Li Xiangyang and others returned to the guild and told everyone about this.

"I have a solution for this!

Emerald Princess's voice came through.

Everyone looked at the door, and Arcadios brought the Emerald Princess to Fairy Tail.

"Your Highness Princess, why are you here! 39

Makarov asked the princess.

"This matter is my responsibility, Celestial Spirit's rebellion! 35

Emerald Princess said in a depressed mood.

"Through four hundred years, let the dragon fly out of the eclipse gate."

"I didn't expect the huge magic power to affect the weather environment!"

Arcadios said.

"Wait a minute, when we were looking for liberum, we also saw the record of the eclipse gate!

"The eclipse gate was activated four hundred years ago, but why didn't the weather change!

Levy asked his own question.

"We also investigated this after this incident.35

"According to the information and information we have obtained, the opening of the eclipse gate requires 24 keys of the zodiac if the weather does not affect the weather completely!"5


Lucy and Yukino couldn't help but let out their voices.

"That's right, but only 463 have twelve golden zodiac signs at the same time.

"But two time periods are no problem!

"This incident was caused by only Lucy and Miss Yukino's twelve keys to open the door.

Arcadios said.

Lucy seemed to think of something after hearing that.

Because her mother had gathered the keys of the zodiac before she died, and disappeared for a while.

This made Lucy think of something.

"This treachery of the Zodiac is our responsibility.""

"And we made an emergency response to it!

The Emerald Princess gave Arcadios a wink.

Arcadios understood and stepped forward to open a box.

"these are?"

Lucy looked at the twelve keys in front of him.

"This is the key that can force the zodiac sign to close!"

The Emerald Princess said.

"I understand, as long as the forced closure is used, the Celestial Spirits can be returned to the Celestial Spirit world.""

Lucy was very happy that unnecessary fights could be avoided.

"But why does Her Royal Highness have these things?"

People questioned.

"Because I'm also a Celestial Spirit mage!


People were surprised.