
Journey from Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Journey from Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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385 Chs

Chapter 153

Chapter 149: A Brief Calm

Really scary kid.

Seeing that Li Xiangyang could compete with his full magic power, Hades couldn't help but sigh,

Fortunately, I have this, otherwise I am afraid I will really lose in his hands.

Hades' out-of-the-way vision flicked somewhere on the armor of his right hand.

Coming up, kid!

Hades starts with Amaterasu 28! This is his most proficient magic, which can be fired instantly.

The huge light cannon swept towards Li Xiangyang.

Li Xiangyang is also not a vegetarian and blocked Hades' attack with flames.

Natsu, can your flame do this? asked Gray, who was watching the battle.

Damn it, I will be like this sooner or later!

Although Natsu didn't say it clearly, this sentence can already indicate that his current flame can't stop Hades at all.

Little devil, it's a pity that you are not in the dark. If you were in the dark, you would definitely step into the abyss of magic before me!

Hades wanted to bring Li Xiangyang closer to the darkness.

Come with me, to the great magic world, a world where only the strong can survive.

Hades's tone was full of seductive voices, he used seduction magic, he wanted to distract Li Xiangyang.

Don't be kidding, I'm doing fine in this world now, and I won't go with you to that big magic world that doesn't exist at all!

Now that Li Xiangyang has many family members and many beauties, he will not fall into darkness.

If that's the case, then let you see my strongest magic. If you can die under this magic, you will not come to this world in vain.

The Book of Zeref, Chapter 4, Paragraph Twelve, in the execution of the magical heaven, the punishment of heaven!

As Hades' words fell, his scarlet right eye burst into a dazzling light.

Hades' own magic resonates with the magic around him.


As if there were evil spirits wailing around, it sounded from all directions.

From the stones, from the trees, countless arms emerged.

What are these!

Gray broke into a cold sweat after seeing it!

Demon's claws popped out from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, the claws slowly rose, and even their bodies were revealed.

Countless purple demons are roaring fiercely.

Ah ah ah ah!

The roar of these demons is so terrifying.

This was created by Hades, not by Zeref, but by Hades' own demon!

Use this trick to completely solve your Fairy Tail all at once!

These demons cannot be killed. Hades said mercifully.

Is it just such a move? Li Xiangyang asked.

If this is the case, I will accept it without hesitation!

Li Xiangyang clenched the spear in his hand, and the spear seemed to respond to Li Xiangyang's wishes, making it even brighter.

You look down on me, the magic closest to the abyss!

Go to hell! Hades gave orders to these demons.

These purple monsters are marching wildly towards Li Xiangyang.

Let you experience the power of Brahma!

Li Xiangyang raised his head high, ready to release this move from the air.

Hades looked at Li Xiangyang, Li Xiangyang's jumping position coincided with the sun, making him squinting his eyes․

Brahma, curse me!

Li Xiangyang's voice sounded from the air.

Li Xiangyang, who jumped into the air, projected his spear, releasing an avalanche of destructive light at the demons.

The light of destruction sounded on Sirius Island.

Hades' magic was completely broken, and even he was affected.

Ahhhh! Hades shouted loudly.

When the light dissipated, Hades was already dying, this was relying on the strong vitality emanating from Grimoire Heart to prolong Hades' life.

The stinky boy, he actually used such a big move to destroy the Holy Land!

Although Makarov said so, his expression was indeed relieved.

I actually, I will lose to this kid!

Hades noticed that the demon's heart connected to him had completely stopped beating.

I won't give up easily.

Hades stood up tremblingly.

Li Xiangyang little devil, let you experience the poisonous blood of the gods!

Hades teleported to Li Xiangyang's side, and the arm armor spurted out unknown blood.

Li Xiangyang absorbed the blood into his body and immediately felt unwell.

Damn it! Dragon Slayer Profound Truth! Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!

When Natsu saw Hades attack Li Xiangyang, he used the Dragon Slayer Profound Truth to knock Hades out of the sky.

Are you alright! Xiangyang Makarov and others quickly came to Li Xiangyang's side, asking if there was anything wrong.

I'm okay! Li Xiangyang felt unwell, but he thought there was nothing wrong and said to the crowd.

That's good!

We won! Makarov said.

Oh oh oh! Everyone is very excited, and this is up to them.

Defeat Grimoire Heart, one of the Balam Alliance.

Now everyone go to rest!

Makarov saw that everyone was injured and planned to take a day off before returning to Fairy Tail!

I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep for a while. Li Xiangyang breathed and said to Mila and the others.

OK, you go to rest!

As everyone knows, Li Xiangyang's body is undergoing a fierce confrontation.

The heroic spirit's instinct told them that this invading host was a troublesome being.

One side protects Li Xiangyang, and the other side destroys Li Xiangyang.

The two are at a stalemate with each other.

Li Xiangyang came to a place where he could sleep, lay down and fell asleep.

The people who wanted to see it did not go (Hao Nuo Zhao) to disturb him.

Wendy treated the crowd.

Sir, we have all defeated the seven family members, who among us will become S-rank mages! Natsu asked excitedly.

Well, they didn't make the cut! Makarov said.

Ah~ why! Natsu asked.

This is what I need to ask you. If Li Xiangyang hadn't said it in advance, would you have defeated the enemy so easily?

As an S-rank mage, you must be prepared for such emergencies.

You are still too young!

Makarov said.

Men should be fighting next year! Elfman is positive about Makarov's decision.

Well, I got it. Natsu is listless.

As everyone knows, far in the sky, a black dragon is flying to Sirius Island.

He felt the breath of darkness, so he came here.