
Journey for Atonement

Sasuke finds himself trapped in a series of different worlds after excessive use of the rinnegan. AN: Sasuke will have his arm eventually restored. Sasuke x Sakura will never happen (To prevent an Uchiha that needs glasses)

DenSai · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

It's been so long. Sasuke was still not back, perhaps where he went, time did not flow the same or maybe time had no affect on the place. They were in urgent need of back up, it was a full on siege. He said he was going to miss a singularity, not miss out on five! It was disappointing not to have a strong ally but nothing could be done. His servants did not know where he was either and communication was cut off.

Thousands of Lahmu had swarmed and killed the citizens of Uruk. Tiamat had been awakened to their horror. Gilgamesh was not happy, he was not happy at all. Tiamat was slowly approaching the city of Uruk as they could do nothing but do their best to hold her off. Gilgamesh fired off all the dingirs he had. Humanities collective efforts to fight back against the immortal mother Tiamat.

She continued to advance as a whole army of Lahmu flooded the skies and sieged the city. A beam of light traveled from Tiamat as Fujimaru was knocked out of the way by the king. Despite his mortal injury, he continued to fire off his dingirs. He was about to work himself to death. The Lahmu took this as an opportunity to get rid of the king and his subjects.

Strangely they were confused as the king grinned just before reaching the ziggurat. His red eyes gleamed with hope as he shouted "He's here!" A sound of a thousand birds chirping rang throughout the battlefield. Black and white mixed lightning crackled through the sky as a soft whisper of "Chidori" could be heard. In an instant the lightning spread its branches as it pierced multiple Lahmu as they dropped to the ground.

Fujimaru yelled "Ishtar are you ready?" A reply was soon heard as a large explosion took place as Tiamat was brought down to the underworld. The place collapsed as the king had fallen as he left it up to Fujimaru and the new-comer. Sasuke observed the beast as she howled and roared trying to make her way out. The goddess of the underworld and Ishtar were still not enough to keep her down.

Sasuke instinctively turned his head to stare at the man who had just appeared. Death, that was what Sasuke felt from that man. The mage explained Tiamat's immortality as the man dubbed "Death" soared towards Tiamat. His blade cut through all that stood in his path as he inflicted the concept of death onto Tiamat.

Sasuke new this was time but what he didn't expect was for the King to have revived himself in his prime?

"You were all making a ruckus! I just had to see what the trouble was about!"

The golden king rained steel upon the Mother Goddess forcing her down. Sasuke watched as he waited for the right time. Her vulnerable spot needed to be exposed as Fujiamaru steadily made his way there, assisted by the mage and Death. The King and him met eyes as they shared a moment of understanding.

Fujimaru could be seen falling as he yelled. "Sasuke! King Gilgamesh!" Sasuke's Rinnegan glowed ethereally as the purple gleam shone through the world. "Catastrophic Planetary Devastation!" Tiamat howled and struggled as she was brought into the air as the earth surrounding them started to pull towards Tiamat slowly trapping her within the boundary of the small moon.

The last rock was sealed tightly as Gilgamesh smirked.

"Very well Outsider! I suppose you should see the King of Heroes in all his glory before you go!"

"I shall perform this final blow as a parting gift to you!"

"I will tell you of the beginning. Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my Sword of Rupture cleaved the world!"

"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent..."

"Enuma Elish!"

A large concentrated beam of red hit the small moon as it completely destroyed everything in its path.

Sasuke sighed as everything was finished and he was better late than never. He would head back first and leave the collection of the grail for Fujimaru. He needed to get ready to leave the moment the last singularity is completed.

A black portal opened as he jumped in only to reappear behind Romani. A huge scare was given to the poor doctor as he yelped and spilt coffee over himself. "Sasuke! You gave me a fright!"

Sasuke nodded before apologising as he left to seal away everything he needed in a scroll.


Singularity: Solomon Temple of Time

It was time. After this he would leave, the last singularity had been found. "Grand Temple of Time, Solomon." Sasuke got everything ready as this was supposedly the King of Mages in this world. He would spare no mercy, everything in his way would be slaughtered. The moment everything was restored was the moment he left. Fujimaru and Mashu were taking the buggy. He would go on foot along with his servants. It would be faster that way.

The rayshift was the same as Sasuke made a mental mark as the coordinates were saved into his Rinnegan. Everything seemed desolate and the final white gate leading to the King of Mages seemed unguarded. His onyx eyes blinked as they were replaced with the mangekyou sharingan. His two servants were beside him ready to take on anything from behind him that he would miss.

The other master and servant pair started driving as Sasuke ran ahead blitzing as blue lightning streaks were left behind. His servants naturally failed to keep up but managed to maintain a reasonable distance. Sasuke's eye twitched as he gazed at the floor before jumping and twisting his body mid-air as a giant tentacle pillar with eyes emerged.

Before the pillar could register anything, everything blanked as a flash of purple struck its body. Sasuke had decided to take the easier route by simply destroying the pillars with brute force.

The pillars did not like emerging only to be cut apart. His muscled Susanoo was soon covered in armour as it stormed steadily towards the gate. Lev Lainur was not impressed, no, he was having the worst day of his life. No matter what the pillars threw at him nor what spells were thrown, the purple spectral warrior was not fazed as it roared slicing and dicing everything to bits.

His servants were helping the others make quick work of the other pillars. Lev Lainr stared at Sasuke with strange hatred. Everything planned was burning up in flames because of him. It was at that time, the King had changed plans.

"Kill Sasuke Uchiha first."

All the pillars gave up as the servants summoned were confused. They stared as the pillars moved and started to congregate onto Sasuke. Honestly it was bad, no it was simply a nuisance, an annoyance.

Their magic circles and beams of magic prepped as all of them aimed at Sasuke surrounding him. A glare from the Rinnegan was enough as they all fired only for a soft whisper.

"Shinra Tensei."

In an instant the surrounding pillars were uprooted and blown away creating a massive crater with Sasuke as the epicentre. The wave of force was felt even by the servants as they stood their ground as the pillars soon congregated again as they were revived.

Sasuke sighed as he stared at the sky. "Lucky that Onii-san told me about the Totsuka Blade and Yata Mirror." His susanoo quickly formed around him in his armoured form as the armoured arm grabbed at the air. A gourd soon formed as a blade pierced out as continued to seal away the multiple pillars.

Somewhere else a golden king laughed before firing a beam of destruction as the pillar was torn apart by the re-enaction of genesis.

Sasuke waited as he sat down on the stairs as the screaming Lev struggled while being pulled into the gourd. His susanoo dissipated as he waited for the others to arrive. His chakra reserves were still at a level that he was happy with. Namely he only expended the minimum to maintain a portal later.

The group soon arrived as the servants were coming slowly from the back. They stepped into the gate as they arrived at the throne room. Sasuke was not going to wait for him to finish his grand speech or anything. No mercy was going to be given.


Somewhere the goddess perked up. "Ara~He's calling for me?" Her ears drooped as she laid back down. "Thought he needed me. Turns out he was just using those lack flames."

The black flames caught onto Goetia's arm as it burned away at his arm. Of course he was fast enough to catch onto what the flames did. In an instant he discarded the surface of the burning skin. A quick slice was avoided as Goetia dodged for one of the branches to be separated from his eyes. Sasuke was relentless as he soon decapitated Goetia.

Fujimaru pointed towards his back as his eyes widened. Goetia smirked as his fist came down with the intention of smashing him to a pulp. In that small instant, time slowed down as Goetia's fist hit a boulder instead. "Nani?" Goetia stared at Sasuke who simply stared back.

Romani's voice entered through as he exclaimed "He can't die in this space unless you seal him like you did to the other pillars."

Romani was fidgeting with his fingers as he secretly hoped that he wouldn't have to do "that".

Sasuke sighed as he suddenly had a great idea. If he couldn't kill Goetia and he had to seal him instead. Then wouldn't it be better to use him as a power source? They did mention that the each demon pillar had magical energy comparable to Kingu who had a grail as his core. If he was made up of 72 it would make sense to use him as a battery instead of killing him. And it would result in the collapse of the singularity.

It would do. As he was thinking he had to constantly keep Goeita at bay from using that giant ring of light to destroy them all. He might be able to survive if he teleported out to another realm or maybe a perfect susanoo coupled with the Yata Mirror.

A kunai was thrown as it flew above Goetia's head. He paid it no heed as he punched towards Sasuke only to have the blow knocked away by Mashu as she retreated before a few other servants joined the fray only for them to have their summoning canceled. Sasuke threw another few Kunai as the punch knocked them away. Mashu nodded as the instant the punch arrived Mashu replaced Sasuke. Her shield did not knock Goetia away this time. Her body strained as Sasuke prepared to have Goetia knocked away.

Goetia's smirk put him off guard as he retreated with Mashu.

"You were too slow!"

"Third Noble Phantasm: Ars Almadel Solomonis!"

Mashu stared at Fujimaru who shook his head.

Sasuke stared at the incoming beam of light with a grimace. He accepted that the girl would most likely die. He would respect her wishes.

"Lord Camelot!"

Her valiant figure stood tanking the blow that could pierce a planet. In that instant the perfect susanoo covered them as the Yata Mirror manifested. Her last gaze was towards her senpai, her master. Her shield remained standing despite the master gone. Her shield stood proud despite the lack of master.

Goetia laughed as he blinked. In an instant Sasuke was behind him, his hand crackling with black lightning as he punched Goetia with it. His body was thrown towards the ground as black rods impaled his body all over.

He couldn't move with the rods piercing him. They seemed to have a paralysing effect on the body as it hurt to even touch them. Sasuke stared at him "You'll be a perfect replacement for the tailed beasts."

"Six Paths Yin: Planetary Devastation"

His hand grasped at the air as the chunk of rock Goetia was impaled on, slowly rose as the floor of the temple began to tear up. Multiple chunks hit him as it slowly formed a small moon in the sky with Goetia cursing him at his last moments.

Sasuke picked up the rings discarded after the fight as he handed them over to Fujimaru.

"I'll be going then."

A portal opened as Sasuke could finally leave the universe.