
Journey began from Azeroth: Head of Windrunner family

Oops! He was she. She transmigrated into the World of Warcraft, the most dangerous universe. What's more, she became a mother of four daughters surnamed Windrunner. You heard it. She was Lireesa Windrunner, a character who didn't even have a page. A proper cannon fodder for her daughters to become fierce warriors. If she wanted to live, she must change and strengthen herself, even if her daughters are all protagonists. What fate awaited, when Lireesa took part in Azeroth's History. What role would she play trying to stop all these disasters. Image source: Pinterest

PraiseElune · Video Games
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89 Chs

Time to upgrade?

After Sena finished applying the potion, she was reluctant to remove her hand from Lireesa's skin. Perfect and moist, not too white nor too brown. Skin unlike someone who experienced many wars.

It wasn't the first time Sena touched Lireesa thoroughly; she'd done once during the duel when Lireesa was at the weakest point. She lamented her friend recovered too quickly as time for her enjoyment passed. The reason for excitement this time was her hands were all tracing along the naked skin unlike the prior over-the-clothes feeling.

Although Lireesa only removed her robes and some parts of her upper body armor, Sena was at the happiest moment to lick her goddess. Ahem. To feel closer than before.

Back, shoulders, collarbone, neck, arms, and sides of the waist. Anyway, Sena's state was no mistake to call at cloud-nine.

From afar watching Sena taking care of Lireesa, received nods and sighs from the rest of the rangers. To outsiders, the scene appeared the friendships between the two were very deep and attracted envies around. But they weren't jealous as the deep trust wasn't something the current rangers could aim for.

There were very few who walked along the time with Lireesa; most passed away during the times of the Great War. Rare confidantes stood alongside facing several tribulations. Somehow Windrunners remembered the age of Lireesa and became worried as the twilight neared despite the timeline being 400 years away.

Under the leadership of Lireesa, everything was going in a better direction. Even though her heir, Alleria, which they believed was, showed meticulousness and seriousness, they preferred Lireesa to be a matriarch for a very long time.

Nevertheless, the wonderful and mesmerizing sight in front cast those thoughts aside. Everything would be perfect if one didn't see something shining on the corner of Sena's mouth.

Alleria who was pretending to be asleep had opened her eyes for some time and watched Sena mess around with her mother. She knew exactly what was shiny—Sena's drools.

Her clenched fist throbbed desiring to beat the shit out of Sena but after understanding the level difference she gave up. Noticing Sena's reluctance to end, Alleria couldn't bear it any longer and coughed.

Hearing a sudden disturbance, Sena retracted her arms quickly and coughed lightly. She said to Lireesa: "It's done."

Sena pouted her lips when Lireesa redressed her attire. Not for long, Lireesa paused and asked: "So, you're not helping me?"

"Of course!" She giggled after speaking instinctively. "Everything for milady."

Alleria rolled her eyes and raised her body up, attracting the eyes of Lireesa and Sena. Of course, Sena already knew Alleria was awake as soon as she heard someone coughing on purpose. Lireesa was aware her daughter was awake and pretended to sleep; it was also her purpose to allow Sena to grope around so that Alleria would be prepared in the future.

Fortunately, none of her daughters complained about forgetting her so-called husband. In fact, the past Lireesa indulged herself in a lovely relationship although her daughters weren't too close with their father. Despite being sad, they weren't heartbroken. At least, she was able to move around for another possible relationship.

Perhaps starting from Alleria, the rest of her daughters would find out the situation. It was good news for Lireesa as Alleria didn't express apparent disagreement. Lireesa smiled gently at her eldest daughter and asked.

"How're you Alleria? Any other unnatural feelings inside your body?"

"No, mother. I'm fine except a bit exhausted." Alleria replied smiling back at Lireesa while she glared at Sena for a brief moment.

"Good to hear it from you. Tell us immediately as soon as you found something wrong." Lireesa warned her daughter though she had already scanned with her mental realm from outside. "Besides, I don't know what to say about your luck. You met Berserker yesterday; today you faced a Legend. Your luck is envious."

Sena nodded exaggeratedly to tease the young ranger, who deliberately ignored her existence. Alleria rolled her eyes at Lireesa's remark and shook her head. She was also dumbfounded by her 'blessing'. Attracting a stronger opponent might be her attribute.

"You should examine yourself inside. I feel it from outside you're about to enter Level 6 soon." Lireesa continued her speech and turned her head to Sena while Alleria closed her eyes to sense what her mother said. "I'm going to return soon. The expedition will end here and this area will be patrolled by dragonhawk's rider. Now it belongs to us, Windrunner. No trolls are allowed here but don't fight big until I solve my problem in the capital."

"Got it. I'll order the rest to withdraw soon after preparation is done." Sena agreed and looked strangely at Lireesa. "By the way, aren't you going to fix your cheek? My heart itches just from looking at you. It'll be disrespectful if you attend the king's summon straightaway with this face."

Lireesa touched her wounded cheek and felt a rough sensation, uneven due to swelling. So, she slightly tilted her face, showing the injured side to Sena, who understood immediately and poured some amount of potion on her palm to apply on the swelled skin.

Lireesa noticed Alleria's contented eyes and realized her daughter should also rest in a safe area. She decided to bring her back along but since she treated Alleria as mature, Lireesa asked first.

"My dear, I'm flying to Silvermoon afterward. I believe bringing you along is a better option than marching back for you and I'll drop you off at our manor. Are you flying back with me?"

"Of course, mother. But I want to follow you to the capital. You have never brought me once. Staying inside the manor is tiring and after going through battles a change of environment might just be the cure." Alleria voiced out her desires.

Lireesa didn't say much but acquiesced. Sena at the side wished to replace Alleria. Riding together must be romantic. How many times had she thought of swapping with Alleria? She was satisfied by merely being able to stroke Lireesa's skin today.

"Sena don't use it too much. Although I want the swelling to heal, it's better to leave some mark to last for a day or two." Lireesa said out of nowhere causing Sena to stop her movement to inquire about the reason. "It's to show to the royal family how much I've paid for today and how fierce the battle was. I can ask for some benefits by selling poor."

"Selling poor?" Sena's mouth twitched. She discovered a new continent of Lireesa's shamelessness. Using her injuries and exaggerating the events, what else Lireesa had planned in mind? Her brain circuit really worked in a distinct direction.

Alleria on the side was confused. Although she was initially shocked at the sight of Lireesa's unbearable figure, her heart calmed down after Sena helped to heal her mother. According to Sena, Lireesa's injuries were mostly on the outside.

Unlike herself, she was internally wounded several times consecutively. The real selling poor version should be her. But since Lireesa was her mother, what could she say but silently nag.

Lireesa's words silenced the two of them. Sena exhaled after she completed; Lireesa asked for her magic camera to see for herself. Tweaking for a while until her eyes showed approval, Lireesa gave back the device. She stood up and whistled in the air.

Soon after a dragonhawk flew in the air and landed at a distance, far away from the wounded Windrunners' place. Lireesa nodded in gratification for her mount's understanding to not disturb others. Lireesa, Sena, and Alleria walked toward it.

Lireesa climbed over the saddle and patted the vacant place in front of her to Alleria, who jumped over and leaned against her mother gleefully. How long had she desired to nestle in Lireesa's embrace since the first day of the expedition? Lireesa stroke her head lovingly and said to Sena whose eyes burned with jealousy.

"I'll be leaving the rest to you. Stay safe." Sena watched on like the rest of the rangers as their Lady soared in the air. Sena was upset. Her time with Lireesa was too short and she ground her teeth annoyed. However, her eyes glimpsed at her subordinates; a sense of responsibility spawned inside her heart and she discarded her unimportant thoughts.

She paced back with heavy footsteps until a whisper blew into her ears and her whole mood sublimated into high frequency as the footsteps lightened. It was Lireesa's promise which delighted Sena. "Next time, I'll ride together with you. I promise."

Everyone around felt peculiar after seeing Sena jumping and twirling her fist upward. They even heard her repeated subtle cries: "Yes! Yes!"

In the air, Alleria giggled inwardly whenever she recalled Sena's deflated look. Lireesa behind was helpless at her daughter's behavior since her sternum reverberated due to Alleria. She knew for a fact there was something going on between Alleria and Sena.

Now, she understood the problem but was thankful Alleria didn't oppose too much. She merely posed as a boulder toward Sena. It was weird to see Alleria and Sena happy to learn about each other's dejection.

Should Lireesa tell Alleria what she'd told Sena, her jubilant mood might fall. Shaking her head, Lireesa concentrated on flying. To avoid Alleria's hair from interfering with her sight, Lireesa leaned over Alleria's shoulder and pressed the hair underneath her robe.

Flying for half an hour, Lireesa somehow had an inexplicable urge which prevented her from concentrating and caused the flight to slow down. She searched for a place to rest and find out what was wrong with her body.

Alleria noticed somehow the speed slowed down and asked, "Mother, what happened?"

"I don't know. Let me land somewhere safe first." Lireesa answered. Her sixth sense told her it wasn't anything dangerous but rather beneficial. She used to feel it every time the wind brushed over her, especially during flight. Somehow, she even sensed wind elements dancing around her as if in celebration.

All these signs pointed out the good news. Because Lireesa was unsure she didn't tell her daughter and explaining out could instead produce worry. Her premonition was that she was about to breakthrough to the next level and this sudden upgrade was unstoppable.

She wasn't definitely shocked if it occurred since she had been accumulating a lot these past few days. It was just so sudden. As soon as she landed, she strode some distance and sat down underneath the shade, while Alleria was stunned by her mother's odd actions.

Alleria waved her arms and legs around, stretching her limps from time to time. The toll taken during the flight wasn't easy; she walked around and sometimes peeped at Lireesa to study the situation. She would poke the dragonhawk in boredom which whined in protest. Both of their voices were only slightly audible to avoid disturbing Lireesa. Even the mount understood Lireesa required full concentration.

Lireesa at the moment was unaware of the surroundings but she had circled around and checked for dangers in the air. Meditating on the spot increased her palpation of wind elements as they rushed around her body, yet couldn't enter. Lireesa knew she only grasped part of the law related to the wind and she must comprehend it in order to absorb these elements. The previous fights against the legend and her repetitive usage of Thas'dorah allowed her to delve further regarding Wind elements.

As long as she comprehended the initial stage, it was the time when she already upgraded herself into Legend. Just the mere thought to become the first-ever ranger to enter this realm was amazing. She drove away unnecessary thoughts and analyzed the Wind elements, shown in cyan dots roaming around inside her mental vision as they got bigger and bigger.

I should read more wuxia. The enlightened scene seemed so hard now. I'll be fixing the scene later.

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