
Journey across the Multiverse [LitRpg]

Hamza's life unexpectedly turns when he receives a mysterious message on his phone while trying to sleep but can't. inviting him on a journey across infinite realms. Initially thinking it was a joke, Hamza responded with a chuckle and a sarcastic, "Sure." He soon finds himself jumping between verses like Naruto samurai jack etc., accompanied by Yandere elderlich God who is obsessed with him for some reason. With a goal to stop something that is hell-bent on devouring everything in existence. Can they stop a looming threat? Join Hamza as he ventures to five universes all having issues with things that shouldn't exist. These include Samurai Jack, Demon Slayer, DC, Naruto, and Full Metal Alchemist. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Grimdark/comedic undertones.--- yep it gets dark. characters and named characters like Naruto, ainz , and Samurai Jack will have serious challenges. Even the MC itself is in for a ride... Also funny at times... harem-- Won't be an obnoxious bunch. just a 2 girls or 3 maybe. 3 is a hard stretch.. maybe i can even call this a harem lol So this is a fanfic that will explore every single mentioned verse. first is samurai jack... This is a progressive fantasy .. you will see the MC grow and become stronger physically and mentally. Every verse will be an alternative timeline, some events are completely different and some completely original while following the original timeline somewhat.. Check it out if you are interested. It has a funny litrpg mechanic forcing the MC to be highly selfish later on. so hop on at least give it till chapters 4-5 so you can experience what's in store.

ManwX · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 18: Impending doom!

Standing on the crane massive cabin, Hamza felt a disquieting unease, as if something was terribly wrong. The reality, however, was far more chaotic than he could have ever anticipated. He had been attacked, yet he hadn't noticed or registered the assault. Despite his heightened senses, akin to those of Samurai Jack, he remained oblivious to the critical injury that had pierced his stomach until it was too late.


Pain was an afterthought as he struggled to utter a word while blood spewed from his mouth. The pain surged through him like a tidal wave, but through sheer willpower, he resisted the urge to succumb to unconsciousness. His bloodshot eyes remained open, darting erratically as he grappled with the excruciating pain coursing through his body.


A sharp, black metallic/crystalline object was lodged in his abdomen. Summoning all his strength, he turned to identify his attacker, only to be met with a sight he wished he could unsee. A dark mist shrouded the figure, its form as black as obsidian. Only its menacing yellow eyes were visible to both Hamza and the Observer. The entity towered over them by several feet, emanating an eerie and terrifying aura of pure malice. Its first words reverberated ominously in their ears, amplifying the horror of the situation.


"Found you! I've finally caught up to you, you rascals," Hamza exclaimed, recognizing the form before him all too well.


Could it be an Aku minion? Here? It certainly bore a striking resemblance to Aku. Perhaps a bounty hunter or a henchman?


As soon as his gaze fell upon the figure, a system message materialized.


"Run! That Thing… You will meet your end if you confront it!" The system notification echoed ominously, urging Hamza to flee.


Observer could only watch in abject horror. The exhaustion from creating the portal had left her incapacitated, unable to react. She was forced to witness Hamza's suffering, his pain and agony palpable. Yet, despite her trembling knees and the blood spewing from Hamza's mouth, she attempted to rise.


"Let the fun begin," the entity declared. Its terrifying, erratic giggles grew louder as its second hand morphed into a scythe-like appendage. A dozen more sharp protrusions appeared, ready to skewer Hamza like a kebab. Hamza watched in horror, giving Observer a heavy nod of trust. The realization hit her instantly; she could predict what he was implying. With trembling lips and a racing heart, she steeled herself. As the entity prepared to strike, Observer used her telekinesis to wrench Hamza from its grasp.


Hamza was yanked away forcefully as the sharp object was ripped from his abdomen. Observer caught him in her trembling arms as his blood gushed out at an alarming rate. The entity observed them in silence before speaking.


"Interesting. Can you dodge this?" No sooner had the words left its mouth than Hamza activated an ability he had never used before - a desperate measure for desperate times.


In his desperation, he even called out its name.






GP POINTS Required

Side effects



Time stop 5 sec. You can move and do things like that crazy vampire.

3 times a day limit


It's exhilarating while it lasts, but afterward, you might feel like you've been hit by a truck. The user will experience nausea for one hour after each use, making them wish they had never gotten on the ride in the first place.

But wait, there's more! This delightful side effect can occur at any time and place, But hey, you can always spend your hard-earned GP points to specify a particular time for nausea to occur. Talk about a bargain! bruh

The world around them seemed to lose its vibrancy, fading into stark monochrome as time came to a standstill. Everything froze in place, suspended in a timeless void. Hamza's gaze fell upon Observer, his vision hazy yet filled with horror. She was on the brink of being impaled by the scythe-like black entity that had already pierced her shoulder. The remaining parts of the scythe-like entity were perilously close to her.


Could she move in stopped time? Was it because of their link?


One second passed.


Time was slipping away. Hamza let out a desperate scream, trying to capture Observer's attention.


"Observer!" His voice echoed through the stillness as blood gushed from his abdominal wound.


Two seconds passed.


Hamza's desperate cries caught Observer's attention. She struggled to free her shoulder, pushing back against the entity. With a final effort, she broke free, blood spewing from her shoulder wound.


"Teleport us out of here near Jack. We'll die if we face that thing," Hamza screamed with all his might, choking on his own blood. Despite the numbing cold spreading through him and the desperation etched on his face, he managed to utter one more word with his bloodshot eyes.




Three seconds passed.


Time was running out as their ability to manipulate it was fading. Observer mustered all her strength and energy to create a portal towards the massive central building in sight. She knew Jack's line of defense was closest to that building.


Four seconds passed.


With the portal now open, she hurled both Hamza and herself into it in a last-ditch effort to escape.


Five seconds passed.



Hamza lay sprawled on the ground, his lifeblood seeping into the earth beside Observer, who was too weak to stand. Drawing a ragged breath, she forced her trembling body upright to assess Hamza's condition. His body bore a gaping wound, his organs ravaged and strewn across the rocky terrain. Despite the severity of his injuries, Hamza clung to consciousness, weakly gesturing towards his pockets.


Tears welled in Observer's eyes as she frantically attempted to administer first aid. As Hamza's lips moved to speak, she leaned in closer to catch his faint words.


"The pills… My pocket. Hurry."


With urgency driving her actions, Observer rifled through his pockets to find seven pills. Two bore a familiar hue - the same ones she had been given earlier. The remaining five were stark white. Wasting no time, she forced two white pills into Hamza's mouth. His need for immediate medical attention was dire; he was losing blood at an alarming rate.


"Help! He's dying!" Observer cried out, her gaze sweeping over the seemingly deserted building.


The commotion reached the ears of all the dogs nearby. Recognizing the familiar voice, they turned their attention to the dire state of Hamza and Observer. The monocle dog issued a command - everyone was to rush and provide aid with whatever resources they had at their disposal. Like a well-oiled machine, all the dogs sprang into action, darting back and forth to gather equipment and assist their fallen comrades.


Ultra pills

Pills with extraordinary properties.


A pill that once consumed could heal any injury within some time. A miracle pill that could save lives. As long as there is no dismemberment or brain damage. The pill can heal the individual


Can only be used by Samurai Jack and Hamza. It won't have any effect on anyone else.

Has an expiry of 1 day. Will not be usable after the one-day time duration.

Can only be used in the daytime. It won't work in night time.

The user cannot move for 30 seconds after consumption

Active duration and healing time is 30 seconds per minute.

[Ultra-Pill][2000 GP points]


In a desperate bid for help, Observer pulled out her walkie-talkie and dialed Jack's frequency.


"Hamza is critically injured. Jack, we need you back at the central building immediately," she pleaded into the device.


Meanwhile, Hamza was wrestling with his own thoughts. As everyone around him scrambled to provide aid, his mind was consumed by the system's description of the entity that had attacked him. His bloodshot eyes were wide open, straining to make sense of the chaos unfolding around him. The world was blurring at the edges, his senses gradually numbing. Yet, amidst this disarray, his thoughts were singularly focused on the terrifying figure that had assaulted him.


Only Jack stands a chance against this thing. We can't face it alone.


This thought echoed in his mind as he lay on a stretcher, hooked up to an array of futuristic medical equipment. His world was fading fast, but the desperation in his heart was more intense than ever.


Gurina the Seductra (Humanoid): One of the 7th spawn of sins and creation of Akus personal army. Decedent of immortal Aku.


Bounty: 100, 000, 000 million GP points.


----Transcendent Bounty


--- (T-8): Country Threat - Endangers an entire country or equivalent geopolitical entity.


As everyone was tending to both the wounded people a massive thug echoed as one of the crane fell that could be seen from the central bulling in the mining operation area. Everyone watched in horror. The desperation was now evident.


In the defensive lanes of the mining operation Jack was holding the line with his trusty katana in hand, Jack steeled his resolve and cut through the poring armada of the droids that charged. The droids overwhelmed him and tackled the steed he was riding and killing it. Their mechanical legs thudded against the ground, closing the distance with alarming speed. Jack lunged forward, meeting their onslaught with precision and grace.


The clash of steel against metal rang through the air, each strike a symphony of might and skill. Jack's katana danced and whirled, slicing through droid after droid. Their limbs and parts scattered like the metallic rain of a fierce storm, but they continued to advance, undeterred.




As the droids charged toward him with their relentless assault, Jack swiftly assessed his surroundings. He noticed the intricate network of tunnels and passageways that comprised the mining operation, each lined with potential traps. In the dimly lit cavern, Jack formulated a strategic plan to turn the tide of the battle.


With the droids closing in, Jack sprinted through the narrow tunnels, expertly leading them into a carefully laid trap. He lured them into a section of the mine rigged with tripwires and pressure-sensitive plates. As the droids activated the traps, concealed mechanisms sprang into action.


Large boulders suspended from the ceiling were released, crashing down upon the unsuspecting droids. The ground beneath them gave way, sending a group of droids tumbling into a deep pit. Jack's movements were precise, ensuring the droids met their demise at the hands of their own activated traps.


Taking advantage of the chaos, Jack redirected the remaining droids into a narrow corridor. He triggered a mechanism that closed off their escape route, effectively trapping them in a confined space. Jack then unleashed a barrage of strikes with his katana, taking down the trapped droids one by one in the confined space, leaving no room for their counterattack.


Emphasizing agility and quick thinking, Jack continued to utilize the environment to his advantage. He led another group of droids into an area where a hidden explosive had been strategically placed. A detonation triggered a powerful blast that sent droids flying in all directions, scattering their metallic forms across the mining operation.


In the midst of the chaos, Jack's movements were a blur of agility and deadly precision. He spun and parried, delivering blows that dismantled the droids without any wasted movements. Yet, their numbers seemed endless, and the fight grew more intense with every passing moment.


The droids, powered by a relentless algorithm, pressed their attack. Their razor-sharp appendages clashed with Jack's blade, creating sparks that illuminated the dark cavern. Jack's muscles strained as he pushed his limits, the energy of battle coursing through his veins.


One particularly large droid, a leader of the mechanical swarm, stepped forward, its red eyes gleaming with malice. It swung a massive pincer, aiming to crush Jack. With a swift sidestep, Jack evaded the blow and retaliated, severing the pincer in a single, powerful stroke.


The tide of the battle began to turn as Jack's relentless assault and strategic maneuvers decimated the droid horde. He fought with the strength of a hundred warriors, his spirit unyielding, and his resolve unwavering. The clang of metal on metal grew louder as the droids fell one by one, their once-formidable force reduced to a scattered collection of broken parts. With his torn of clothes and cuts all over his boy received by the droids striped from all the armor. Jack was still fighting with flair and intensity. Cutting and gutting every droid that tried to approach him with his magical sword. Oil spilled on him covering every inch of his body from the droid's dismembered corpse.


Yet it didn't hinder his ability to cut everything in his path. With a resounding war Cry

"Who wants some" Jack screamed at the few left droids scattered on the battlefield along slide the endless corpses the droids. The few that survived stood in fear and ran away after Jack's provocation.


In the end, Jack stood victorious amidst the wreckage of the droids. He sheathed his katana, its blade glistening with the remnants of battle, and surveyed the battlefield. His oiled walkie-talkie rang as he picked up it and hearing the dread news ran towards the central building.

  [author] Hey guys. i just made a Discord server. if you want to hang out with like-minded individuals and share your thoughts about the stories I write etc. like this fanfiction. here is the link  https://discord.gg/BaAMpw9QZ7  If you like you can join. [/author]