
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 62

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Chapter 62: A Weak God? This Green Bully is too Arrogant

[Iron Man, Captain America, Thor - the big showdown among the three powerhouses of the Avengers]

[The tragic death of Coulson.]

[The original Avengers assembling amidst the ruins.]

[The Hulk's "weakest of the gods" remark.]

[Missiles flying through the air and the wormhole above the city.]

[There are too many to count…]

Without a doubt.

These listed moments are what was referred to earlier as "iconic scenes."

Tony Stark glanced over them, and his expression instantly became priceless.

He, along with Captain America and Thor, had engaged in a massive brawl?

Tony Stark didn't understand how the brawl happened and didn't seem too concerned at the moment.

What really caught Tony Stark's attention at the moment was the fact that he, himself, was seemingly so formidable.

Could he actually hold his own against Thor?

Since Zhou Cheng used the word brawl, it suggested that the participants of the brawl were somewhat equal in strength, right?

Doesn't that mean I can go toe-to-toe with Thor?

Otherwise, how could I become one of the Avengers' heavy hitters alongside Thor?

Truly worthy of being the great Tony Stark!

It seems the diary was right; the future me is a cosmic-level powerhouse!

And that day might not be far off.

After all, the Battle of New York is set in the not-too-distant future.

From creating the Iron Man armor to reaching this level in such a short time, Tony Stark really wanted to ask, is there anyone else?

At this moment, Iron Man couldn't be prouder.

The only question remaining was that Captain America was also that impressive?

He participated in a brawl with Thor?

And along with me and Thor, we are the three giants of the Avengers?

That guy dressed like a circus clown has that kind of skill?

So does that mean the Captain America here is a different person?

"Director Coulson, he sacrificed himself in this battle?"

Black Widow's focus was evidently not on the same page as Tony Stark.

Aside from Coulson being someone Black Widow was familiar with, there was another important reason.

The diary had hinted that some of Black Widow's superiors were part of Hydra.

Of course.

Even though Black Widow was a level seven S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and held a high position.

Many still had authority over her and the right to give her orders.

Coulson was just one of them.

In other words.

There were many with suspected ties to Hydra, even S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury couldn't be excluded from suspicion.

But nonetheless.

Coulson was Black Widow's direct superior, and his suspicion was undoubtedly the greatest.

But now, the diary described Coulson's death as "tragic."

The word tragic isn't used to describe villains, right?

That term is reserved for absolutely positive characters.


Director Coulson wasn't a Hydra mole?

If Director Coulson wasn't the mole, then who might be?

Black Widow was lost in deep thought.

However, she couldn't find any answers immediately, so she then shifted her attention to other spoilers.

"A weak god?"

"What arrogance!"

Black Widow was provoked by the green bruiser's audaciousness.

That's a god we're talking about.

A god from the legends!

Shouldn't he be revered by mortals from down below?"The 'big green guy' actually had the audacity to mock and scorn a god?

It seems that this 'big green guy' must be a formidable figure after all.

I just wonder if he's the same one that General Ross turned into a behemoth? Regarding the mention of nuclear missiles flying about, did they actually resort to using nuclear weapons in this battle?

And what about flying into a wormhole? Where did that wormhole come from?

Was it created by a god?

There are just too many questions flashing through my mind.

But for lack of necessary information, Black Widow couldn't possibly clarify it all.

One thing for sure is that the incident known as the 'Battle of New York' was extraordinarily shocking.

It was a war where even gods participated, where nuclear weapons were used, and wormholes appeared!

[Of course, all this would have to be premised on one condition.]

[Stark would first have to solve his palladium poisoning problem.]

[Otherwise, there won't be any wait for a super-hero era, fearing he might not last much longer.]

[By the way, Stark should already be suffering from palladium poisoning now, right?]

[He might already be drinking freshly squeezed vegetable juice.]

Tony Stark's face suddenly turned dark.

You could say it became as black as it could.

Here we go again.

It wasn't long ago that his mood had just lightened up, and Tony had even been praised, but now he was back to his old self.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juice?

You do come up with ideas, that's chlorophyll, not vegetable juice.

Ignorance really is scary.

[Stark seems normal right now and hasn't gone crazy, the symptoms must not be too severe.]

[It's just unknown when he will lose it.]

[You should know that when Stark was about to die, he also contributed some memorable scenes.]

[Sitting on a donut eating donuts, urinating in the Iron Man suit.]

[And he even staged a fight with his close buddy Rhodes in a heavy metal battle.]


Black Widow almost sprayed out the ice-cold cola she had just sipped.

Urinating in the Iron Man suit?

How explosive is that?

Even though she has been through all kinds of turbulence and her mentality is as solid as a rock, seldom shaken, even Black Widow was provoked.

She knew Iron Man has always been impulsive, often doing things that drop jaws.

But urinating in the suit?

Could a normal person do such a thing?

Even for someone like Tony Stark, this was beyond outrageous.

"sir, you always know how to have fun, even taking it to new heights."

JARVIS, the AI, was astonished by Tony Stark's antics.

And it exhaled a sincere sigh.


"This must be nonsense!"

Tony Stark was about to throw the diary he was holding, and he vehemently accused Zhou Cheng.

"This Zhou Cheng always likes to slander me, you know that!"

"But this time, he's gone too far."

"How could I do such an absurd thing!"

"Even another version of me from a different world wouldn't do that!"

Iron Man argued with a tinge of irritation in his voice.

"Of course, sir, there is no doubt about that."

JARVIS naturally wouldn't contradict his own boss.

"However, sir, you did design the suit with a water filtration system, to prevent some extreme or emergency situations, and to take care of your personal needs, didn't you?"

Then JARVIS added a twist.

This caused Tony Stark's mouth to twitch involuntarily.