
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 59: The Legend of Iron Man

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Zhou Cheng and Black Widow's reactions are, of course, something that Tony Stark could never be aware of.

Iron Man, after sending his dear Uncle Obadiah to prison, once again locked himself in the basement, completely indifferent to the world outside.

Regardless of how Stark Industries was being battered by storms and instability, it had nothing to do with him - Tony Stark didn't care in the slightest.

Rather than thinking of a way to alleviate the company's crisis, Iron Man didn't even bother to look at the related news.

He had JARVIS filter it all out.

Now, Tony Stark's entire focus was on one thing: building the Iron Man suit!

And indeed, it has to be said that Tony Stark is a super-scientist operating on a whole other level.

The Iron Man suit, an article beyond the scope of contemporary technology, was something others couldn't even plagiarize.

Yet, from scratch, Iron Man managed to construct it in just over half a month.

Less than twenty days!

What can be accomplished in twenty days?

In any normal research team, just clarifying the concept would be an achievement.

But Tony Stark directly forged the fully operational suit!

Not the Mark Two, plagued by icing issues that almost led to his premature demise, but rather truly a finished product ready for use.

Mark Three!

Yes, the iconic Mark Three series.

Looking at the cool, powerful, and aesthetically beautiful red-gold suit in front of him, Tony Stark nod approvingly.

This is "Iron Man"!

The "Iron Man" recorded in the notebook.

Initially, Tony had mistakenly believed it to be about some transcendent power to control metal, but now it was clear he had been misled.

This supremely cool suit that caught everyone's eye was definitely his style.


Not only would he become a superhero with this Iron Man suit, but also he would become a cosmic-level powerhouse?


This was classic Tony Stark, always excelling.

"Sir, you have succeeded."

"From now on, you are 'Iron Man'."

JARVIS, his devoted artificial intelligence butler, immediately sent his congratulations.

"Of course I succeeded. There was never any doubt."

Tony Stark nodded as if it was the most natural thing in the world, his usual arrogance never knowing the meaning of modesty.

But then, Iron Man changed the subject, "But 'Iron Man'? That name is a little too old-fashioned. Plus, the suit is made of an alloy, not actually iron!"

"That version of me from the other universe has such poor taste, doesn't he?"

While Iron Man was actually quite satisfied with the "Iron Man" moniker, he just didn't like feeling as if everything was predetermined by that diary.

It was terrible.

Yet, as for other matters, so far Tony Stark couldn't change anything.

But when it came to his own nickname, Iron Man could still rebel a little.

"'Iron Man' is indeed a bit straightforward and doesn't match your consistently understated and humble style,"

JARVIS, the considerate butler, agreed.

To some extent, the nickname indeed didn't suit Tony Stark's character.

"So, sir, do you have any better ideas?"

JARVIS asked again.

"Please, anything is better than 'Iron Man'. 'The Destroyer', 'The Crusher', 'Alloy War God'... just pick one!" Without a second thought, Tony Stark spoke up.

"This fits your style of modesty and discretion."

Jarvis, always keen to please his master, flattered him smoothly.

"Then, 'The Destroyer' it is!"

Tony Stark, after a moment's contemplation, made this decision with evident pleasure.

"As long as you're happy, sir."

"Alright, Jarvis, is 'The Destroyer' ready for its debut?"

Ignoring Jarvis's teasing, Tony Stark clapped his hands, his face showing a mix of solemnity and anticipation.

"Are you really going to do this?"

Jarvis, being highly intelligent, naturally understood what Tony meant by "debut" and so sought confirmation.

"What do you think? Why else would I make an armored suit?"

"As you wish, sir!"

Clang, clang, clang! At Tony Stark's command, mechanical arms reached out, holding various pieces of the armored suit. They surrounded Tony Stark, assembling around him.

After a dazzling flurry of activity, Iron Man slipped into the stylish Mark III suit.

Iron Man—no, I should say The Destroyer—made a dazzling entrance.

"Sir, have you decided where you will make your debut?"

"Of course, the town called Gulmira!"

Tony Stark replied without hesitation.

He remembered all too well that Gulmira was Yinsen's hometown!

So, when Tony Stark saw on Stane's list that the Ten Rings also had a base in Gulmira, he selected it as his first target without any second thoughts.

"What are we waiting for, Jarvis?"

Whoosh! In the next moment.

The Mark III suit shot up from the ground.

It flew out from Tony Stark's luxurious mansion and disappeared into the sky.

Boom, boom, boom! Bang, bang, bang! A few hours later, tremendous explosions could be heard in the town of Gulmira.

Every weapon from Stark Industries in the town was destroyed, and every last remnant of the Ten Rings was annihilated.

And this was just the beginning! After Gulmira,

The cool-looking Mark III frequently appeared in each corner of the world, targeting terrorist bases listed by Stane.

Wherever it went, there was smoke and gunfire, enormous roars, and blazing flames.

Thanks to Tony Stark's tireless efforts,

The weapons from Stark Industries that had fallen into the hands of various terrorists and armed groups were continuously destroyed.

But at the same time, Tony Stark, or rather, his Destroyer, inevitably stirred some people.

It attracted some attention.

And no wonder.

Tony Stark was making a lot of noise, and the military, not being fools or incompetent, were not to be trifled with.

A few isolated incidents could be overlooked.

But how could they fail to notice when Tony Stark was continuously making moves?

Even Colonel Rhodes, Tony's good friend, covered for him.

Otherwise, the military would have been on Tony Stark's case much sooner.

And apart from the military,

The media, who could be ubiquitous and sometimes even had a keener sense than official agencies, also smelled something.

Even with Tony Stark's caution, some blurred information still leaked out.

In this way,

A legend of an "Iron Man" combating criminals around the world slowly began to spread.