
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 57: The Organization Established by My Father

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After some contemplation, Zhou Cheng still decided to "reveal" his other identity to Wade Wilson.

Firstly, Zhou Cheng had been "cooperating" with Wade Wilson for quite a long time, even saving Tony Stark single-handedly.

Zhou Cheng's extraordinary abilities had already been undoubtedly exposed to Deadpool; there really was no further need for secrecy.

Secondly, Deadpool wasn't a fool!

Even if Zhou Cheng didn't spell it out, Deadpool had probably already pieced together the clues.

As Zhou Cheng had suspected, Deadpool had long harbored doubts about his identity.

"Since you're the devil, dude, there are some things I've been dying to say but didn't know who to tell."

"Your mask is ugly and low-class, and your costume, geez, you don't even have a costume."

"And your hairstyle, don't you think it doesn't suit such a domineering title at all?"

"In fact, apart from your wings, buddy, you're just a pathetic Cosplay."

Having recognized Zhou Cheng's identity, Deadpool's machine-gun-like voice continued to rise with a barrage of complaints, uninterrupted until Zhou Cheng rolled his eyes at him.

"Leave it to me, dude, it's no problem for me!"

"I assure you, I will design a super cool costume for you!"

"Of course, we also need to discuss your hairstyle," Wade Wilson then started to make enthusiastic pledges to Zhou Cheng.

A costume, huh?

Zhou Cheng also fell deep into thought.

To be frank, with his indestructible body, Zhou Cheng didn't really need bulletproof or other protection.

However, having clothes riddled with bullet holes all the time really lowered his prestige and was inconvenient.

There was also the need to protect his privacy.

Take the past, for example.

Although he wore a mask, because it was just a mask with no other disguise, Wade Wilson had spotted the flaw.

"Fine, I'll leave it to you."

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Cheng nodded.

He agreed to Deadpool's suggestion.

Then they briefly discussed a few other matters before Deadpool hurriedly left.

As for Zhou Cheng?

According to the original plan, he should have been keeping a close eye on the stock price of Stark Industries, ready to buy at the low point.

But now, that no longer seemed necessary.

Of course, even if he wasn't specifically following it, even with minimal thought, Zhou Cheng could imagine the bloodshed Stark Industries would face...


As Zhou Cheng predicted, Stark Industries was plunged into a massive whirlpool and faced a media storm following Tony Stark's earth-shattering decision.

Stark Industries' stock price, unsurprisingly, crashed.

It plummeted by 56 points!

The shareholders, the board members, and the executives of Stark Industries all went mad, as anxious as ants on a hot pan, trying to find an effective way to curb the situation.

But all efforts were in vain.

What could be done when a weapons company declared it would no longer produce weapons?

There was no turning back.


Even the normally arrogant and unconcerned Tony Stark, in a rare move, came to the company's headquarters. He entered his office.

However, what no one knew was that Tony Stark wasn't troubled by something trivial like a decline in the company's stock prices.

He had another purpose!

"Okay, Stane!"

"Let's reveal your true face!"

Tony Stark rubbed his hands together and inserted a prepared USB drive into his computer.

That's right.

Secretly investigating Stane was Tony Stark's real intention.

Having learned about Stane's actions from his diary, how could Tony Stark remain indifferent?

*Rapid typing sounds*

Tony Stark deftly manipulated his keyboard.

"Excellent, cracking successful!"

Tony Stark's skills were unquestionably top-notch.

Within a moment, he had successfully hacked into Stane's account.

The documents Stane had hidden in the Stark Industries database were silently uncovered by Tony Stark.

Initially, Tony Stark didn't hold much hope.

After all, how could a person of Stane's status not have a separate database for his secrets?

To hide them within the Stark Industries database?

That would be an act only a fool would commit.

But to Tony Stark's surprise, Obadiah Stane had indeed done just that!

He had found numerous startling documents in the Stark Industries database.

Among them were many transaction records between Obadiah Stane and various terrorists.

There were also numerous embezzlement records and records of other criminal activities.

Tony Stark was taken aback and could hardly believe his eyes.

So, this was the real face of Stane, just as the diary had revealed!

That cunning fox had been hiding quite well!

*Rapid typing sounds*

Tony Stark performed another set of operations.

He swiftly copied all the incriminating evidence, which was self-explanatory.

However, suddenly, Tony Stark paused.

A video appeared before his eyes.

"You didn't tell me the guy you wanted me to kill was the great Tony Stark!"

"Your deception and lies will cost you dearly, the price to kill Tony Stark has gone up!"

Along with this recorded conversation, a video of Tony Stark 'posing' with a group of terrorists was blatantly displayed.

Concrete evidence!

This was irrefutable evidence of Obadiah Stane hiring the Ten Rings to assassinate him.

Undeniable proof.

The diary didn't lie at all!

Everything written on it was now verified.

"Stane, I didn't expect you'd actually want me dead."

"Well then, don't blame me for what comes next."

After a brief pause, Tony Stark no longer hesitated and copied this most critical piece of evidence as well.

So who should he hand these key pieces of evidence over to?

Pepper Potts had already told him a lot.

The FBI, the CIA, the Department of Defense, etc., all wanted to get information from Tony Stark.

Right, and there was also SHIELD.

Tony Stark couldn't remember the name of that SHIELD agent.

Wasn't it some middle-aged man with a receding hairline?

Should he give all this evidence to him?

After all, SHIELD was the intelligence agency established by his father, Howard Stark.