
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 223

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"Heracles, huh?"

When his eyes fell on that name, Thor merely curled his lips disdainfully.

Being the son of Zeus, Hercules was undoubtedly a well-known entity.

Frankly, his status among the various pantheons was not at all inferior to Thor's.

In fact, gods from various pantheons often compared the two in their casual gossip.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Thor not to have heard of Hercules.

That other universe's Zeus, sending Hercules to face him?


Even Zeus nearly fell to his might, what of his son?

What would the famous Hercules count for?

Thor didn't take this piece of intelligence seriously at all.

"This famous Hercules has joined the Avengers?"

Nick Fury, with another diary in front of him, couldn't help but be secretly astonished.

The Norse god Thor and the Greek god Hercules, both joining the Avengers consecutively.

The Avengers of the prime universe seemed much stronger than those of his own universe.

When exactly had Zeus banished his own universe's Hercules to Earth?

Fury was quite looking forward to that.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury couldn't help but smirk a little.

Why do these high and mighty gods always like to banish their sons to Earth?

Is it because of a bizarre consensus among the big shots, or is there something special about Earth unknown to them?

"But setting aside the trouble with Hercules, Thor was also facing a heap of mess at the time."

"After the exposure of the Skrull's plan to assassinate the President of the United States by posing as Russian agents in an attempt to provoke a nuclear war between the two superpowers, the President was furious."

"He even issued an emergency act, declaring all 'extraterrestrial-born species' as hostile combatants."

"This was a declaration of war on all aliens on Earth!"

"The secluded and now tourist-attracting New Asgard in Norway was in a terribly precarious situation."

"It could very well turn into the 'Siege' event of the main universe."

"If that were the case, Asgard would truly be in a horrible predicament."


"The very thing I was most worried about has happened."

Tony Stark's expression turned extremely grave, and his breathing grew slightly heavy.

Having learned that Skrulls were not afraid of nuclear radiation, he and Nick Fury realized a very serious, indeed deadly, problem.

For the Skrulls to truly occupy Earth was far too easy — just need to let the nuclear weapons explode.

After all, nuclear radiation would kill all humans and not harm the Skrulls.

It was like a divine 'cheat' given to the Skrulls.

Considering that the Skrulls come from a civilization superior to that of Earth, such a 'cheat' was something Iron Man believed the Skrulls could clearly see through and exploit.

At this moment, Tony and Fury's worries became reality.

The Skrulls in that other universe had indeed done it!

Although the method wasn't very clever, even cliché — inciting a nuclear war between two superpowers.

But the fact remained that they did it!

This was enough to put Tony on alert.

"Hope Nick Fury can handle the Skrull situation properly."

Iron Man couldn't help but pray inwardly.

He knew Fury had entrusted Captain Marvel with this task, but no matter how it looked, it seemed not a short-term resolve.

The only consolation was that now the Skrulls were fully under their surveillance.

It wouldn't be easy for them to make any petty moves.

The secret war mentioned in the diary shouldn't happen again.

After all, if any signs appeared, everyone would intervene in time.

But that other universe wasn't so lucky — they ended up with the President declaring war on aliens!

Although that had not actually happened, Tony could imagine the huge impacts such a related act would create using his thighs.

After all, the diary had mentioned numerous times that the future era was the era of superheroes.

No, rather, an era of complete chaos!

Besides Skrulls, there could be other aliens on Earth.

And within the Avengers, wasn't there Thor?

Wait a minute!

What's this?

Not just Thor.

The future Asgard had actually "moved" to Earth?

So, after Asgard was destroyed by Surtur, it had relocated to Earth?

This was what was meant by New Asgard!

Though it was unexpected that New Asgard had become a tourist spot, as per Tony Stark, it seemed Asgard and humanity got along pretty well.

It's a pity, but as the diary said, even if relations were good, the effects of secret invasions would inevitably reach New Asgard.

It could even have a huge impact on New Asgard!

"A major event? Siege?"

The Thor looking at another diary furrowed his brows deeply.

Even looking like a withered chrysanthemum in late autumn.

Even if Thor's brain wasn't the sharpest, he understood what the term "siege" meant.

Clearly, it indicated that Asgard was under attack!

So, in the main universe, Asgard was besieged due to the "Anti-Alien Species Act" issued by the president?


Why should this happen!

This was something Thor could never bear to see.

Although he was an Asgardian, he had always loved Earth!

Not to mention, in another universe, he had even made Earth his home.

A war between Earth and Asgard, for Thor, was utterly unthinkable and conflicted.


"Hope you guys behave!"

"Right now, you are but refugees protected by Earth, hope you recognize your place!"

Knowing the Skrulls' current state as the holder of the diary, Thor couldn't help but murmur.

Frankly, Thor really disdained the Skrulls' ways.

He sympathized with their tragic fate of losing their homeland, but they also couldn't harbor such ambitions against Earth, which had kindly sheltered them.

Who caused all this, the instigator of the secret invasion, Nick Fury? After leaving a huge mess on Earth, he just dusted off his pants and left the planet again to handle the peace negotiations between the Kree and the Skrull. He really is bold. With Earth in complete chaos, barely maintaining peace, he still cares about the peace between two alien races. Is it because of his Skrull wife? Interspecies, truly complicating love!

This is more impressive than the Scarlet Witch. Tony: "..." Iron Man really doesn't want to say much more. What exactly is that other universe's version of the character up to? After the American president declared war on the aliens, he just left Earth? Look at this, could a human do this? After triggering the war between humans and Skrull, now he's out of sight, out of mind? What a joke! Is the entire Earth supposed to pay for his mistakes? As SHIELD's director, well, according to the spoilers in the diary, that version of the character might not even be the director of SHIELD anymore. Anyway, doing such a thing is too irresponsible, too scum-like, just a terrible boss.

"Kree and Skrull peace negotiations?" "Are you serious?" When Tony's gaze landed on this peace negotiation, he felt even more speechless. Weren't the Kree nearly wiping out the Skrull? The few hundred thousand Skrulls that survived are all hunkered down on Earth. And the Kree? Tony already knew from Thor, they are still the supreme galactic entity in the universe! When we talk about dominant planets in the universe, that's the Kree! Not to mention, the Accuser Ronan almost scared Xandar witless. Honestly, to the Kree, the Skrull are like ants compared to a full-grown man. It's only because the Kree don't know where Skrull are hiding, otherwise, wiping out all of the Skrull would just be a matter of minutes. In this context, what's the point of negotiations? What are the Kree thinking? Have they lost their minds?

No one's brain is more scrambled than Fury's though. The diary got it right, Earth is almost unable to maintain peace, and here he is, rushing ahead to worry about aliens' peace, is it a joke? Fury, are you really a human or an alien? Maybe an alien spy? Wait a second! Skrull wife!

While stewing over this, Tony's eyes widened in shock, severely frazzled by this major piece of news. Nick Fury married a Skrull? What? Intense! Amazed, Iron Man practically starts worshiping Nick Fury. Such a god-like character, one just has to admit! Such complex tastes? Having dealt with Skrull matters alongside Nick Fury, Tony had seen a true Skrull. To call it a "humanoid" by Earth's aesthetic standards is quite generous. How did that catch Nick Fury's eye? Could it be that a Skrull replaced Nick Fury's wife and Nick Fury has been oblivious the whole time? But according to the tone of the diary, it seems not! Fury most likely knows his wife's true identity.

"Skrull?" "Priscilla is a Skrull?" In front of another diary, Nick Fury himself was stunned, utterly flabbergasted. He, who had always been following others' misfortunes, has once again faced it himself? His wife too was replaced by a Skrull? When exactly? Now, the one staying in his house, is she the one he remembers, or already a Skrull? Just thinking about possibly sharing his bed with an alien gives Fury chills. Moreover, a series of questions also emerged in his mind: If his wife was indeed replaced, who is behind this? Gravik? That restless guy became Fury's first suspect. If it truly is Gravik, what's his purpose? Could it be that Gravik had already begun planning a secret invasion in this timeline?

While reflecting on this, Nick Fury couldn't sort out a clear thought process straight away. But one thing was for sure. He needed to find out as fast as possible if his wife had been replaced. This was of utmost importance!

Speaking of interspecies matters, of course, we can't forget Star-Lord and Gamora. They're a beloved couple in the Marvel universe too. But Gamora, being an alien, matches Earth's aesthetic standards much better than a Skrull. Then there's Dane and Sersi? Strictly speaking, Sersi, as an Eternal, is also an alien, right? Now, it's confirmed that Sersi and Ikaris have split, but it's unknown if she got together with Dane. But even if they ended up together, Sersi is probably unaware that Dane isn't just an ordinary person. That's the renowned Black Knight, also a member of the Avengers in the prime universe. While his own power might not be very imposing, his family's legacy, the Ebony Blade, is a divine artifact! Even the Valkyries of Asgard have wielded it!

"Dane?" Sersi's eyebrows raised slightly. The Dane mentioned in the diary, could it be Dane Whitman, the history professor who often shows great courtesy to her? Is her future with this man? If it's that guy... Sersi began to ponder deeply. Honestly, he is quite handsome and well-mannered. Sersi doesn't feel any repulsion. If her future boyfriend is indeed this Dane, well, it's not unacceptable... wait, what? Black Knight? Sersi knew Dane for quite a while now, they are pretty close. All this time, Sersi thought he was just an ordinary person. He had such a deep secret and a secret identity?