
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 191

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After a brief conversation, the matter was quickly settled. Nick Fury granted Captain America significant authority, ensuring he personally oversaw the upcoming operations. Whether it was investigating the "thieves" who stole the Tesseract or the subsequent deployment plans, Captain America had the final say.

As for Nick Fury himself? He needed to rush over to the scepter's location to reconfigure its security measures. After all, the vault holding the scepter could only be opened by Fury. Moreover, the Whiplash Squad only took commands from him, and to this day, no one else knew of their existence.

Indeed, Fury intended for the Whiplash Squad to personally guard the scepter on-site. Cameras could be deceptive, potentially replaced by the other Stark. Security systems could also be manipulated, rendering alarm systems ineffective. But human eyes couldn't be fooled!

What about Dr. Banner? This brilliant scientist, almost on par with Tony Stark in certain areas, was undoubtedly tasked with helping Fury design a new security system specifically against Ant-Man.

Everyone's responsibilities were clearly defined, and they swiftly sprang into action. Captain America, Nick Fury, and Dr. Banner were occupied with tasks that would take some time to bear fruit. But Tony Stark had already arrived outside an abandoned factory building.

According to JARVIS, the Tesseract was inside this building. It was also certain that the future Avengers were inside.

Tony's guess was spot on, or rather, it was expected. At this moment, in a spacious hall inside the abandoned building, Future Captain America, Future Tony, and Future Ant-Man were gathered, their expressions grave. A delicate box lay beside them, undoubtedly containing the Tesseract.

"So, we can't steal the scepter like we did the Tesseract?" Future Tony's voice, tinged with frustration, broke the silence. "Your 'shrinking magic' is no longer available?"

"I'm really sorry, Tony. That was the last one," Future Ant-Man shook his head, equally frustrated. "But I used it to evade the Avengers' pursuit."

Furrowing his brow, Future Ant-Man continued, "I still can't understand how they found out the Tesseract was taken so quickly."

Their operation had been flawless. No one should have discovered the Tesseract was missing until the vault had been opened. Could their luck be so bad that it was discovered right after they stole it? But that didn't make sense either. Who would open such a high-security vault without reason?

"This isn't our primary concern right now." Future Captain America spoke earnestly. "What we need to consider is how to obtain the scepter."

With the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. alerted, security around the scepter would be extremely tight. Without Ant-Man's abilities, they would have to use conventional methods to acquire it, which would be tough even for them.

"Sir! Detecting another super AI!" Suddenly, Friday's voice filled the room, startling the future Avengers. They exchanged surprised and bewildered glances.

Could it be Tony? The other Tony? They couldn't believe they had been found so quickly. These Avengers were surprisingly efficient!

Just a moment ago, they had escaped from another Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. ambush and had been lying low, cautious not to leave any traces. Logically, they shouldn't have been found, let alone so quickly.

Whoosh! Thud! 

The sound of something cutting through the air reached their ears. In front of their eyes, an outdated-looking iron suit descended from the sky, landing heavily.

Clack. The helmet opened immediately, revealing the young face of Tony Stark. Instantly, Future Tony activated his suit's nanotechnology, donning his futuristic armor. He wasn't intending to fight his past self, but rather to hide their identical faces.

"I suppose I don't need to do this. You wouldn't know me at this point," Future Ant-Man's mind raced. He glanced at Future Tony, contemplating whether to cover his face with his time-travel suit's mask. Seeing Future Captain America hadn't done so, he decided to follow suit.

Despite their calm appearances, the future Avengers were on high alert. Future Captain America instinctively moved closer to the Tesseract, ready to protect it.

"I must admit, I didn't expect this!" Hidden beneath his helmet, Future Tony addressed his past self. "But you came alone?"

"Yes, just me." Tony nodded seriously. "And you don't need to be nervous. I'm not here to take the Tesseract."

"We both know that's not something I could do alone. So, I'm here to talk."

"Indeed, before we gather enough forces to defeat you thoroughly, I thought we should talk first."

"Talk?" The future Avengers hadn't anticipated this response.

"What do you want to talk about?" Future Captain America's eyes locked onto Tony's, his suspicion unwavering.

"You really haven't changed a bit, have you? Do you ever age?" Tony scanned him up and down, chuckling. "How many years are you from now? Ten? Eight? You look exactly the same. I'm tempted to study the serum myself."

Swish! Future Captain America was visibly taken aback, his composure shattered.

Not only did future Captain America react, but even future Tony Stark and future Ant-Man beside him showed similar shock at Tony's words.

Another Stark had just revealed their identities with a single sentence?

He knew they were from the future?

What's going on here?

How could this universe possibly work like this? They had no reason to know this!

"Wait, wait a minute, Stark. Are you implying... the person who looks a lot like Captain America next to me is from the future? Buddy, isn't this a bit too crazy?" 

Future Ant-Man rubbed his messy face, looking disarrayed as he probed Tony.

"Come on!"

"You're not that dumb! Let's skip the useless prelude, Scott!" 

Tony shook his head, a bit frustrated.

"You know who I am? You know I'm Scott?"

"Okay, that's not important. What's important is you also know I'm from the future Scott?" Future Ant-Man was genuinely bewildered.

"How did you know?"

Future Tony's mind also raced, and he removed his armor, revealing his true appearance, staring at Tony with confusion and gravity. 

Tony's words left no doubt that he knew their identities; all disguises were now meaningless.

Might as well lay everything on the table.

"We have our sources."

Tony gave a vague but impressive answer, "We not only know you're from the future but also know your purpose."

"Banner isn't around? Looks like he really went to Kamar-Taj, right?"

"And you guys, stop aiming for the scepter. You won't succeed."

They were shocked.

All the future Avengers were truly shocked.

What is going on?

How did this other Tony know all their objectives?

"You know why we're here."

Future Tony paused for a few seconds, calming down before continuing to ask, "Do you know why we're doing this?"

"The snap?"

"To save the half of the living beings that were erased?"

Tony shrugged, answering naturally.


This other Tony even knew about the snap?

He knew what Thanos did?

What's going on!

It was clear this Tony was extremely knowledgeable about all their plans and future events!

But how could this be possible?

"You're scaring me, buddy, you're really scaring me."

"How do you know everything?"

Future Ant-Man could no longer remain calm.

Future Tony and future Captain America beside him were equally agitated.

What kind of universe did they travel to?

"If you know everything, then I assume you completely understand our actions, don't you?"

"Then why are you stopping us?"

Future Tony logically demanded of his counterpart.

"Yes, I completely understand."

"In your position, I would do the same thing."

"But understanding is one thing. I still can't let you take the stones. This is risking our universe."

"Sorry, I can't allow it."

Tony's attitude remained resolute.

The Infinity Stones were crucial for solving the Celestial problem and fighting Thanos; they were too important.

"We'll return them, I promise!"

Future Tony was just as earnest.

"You've already failed once in the Infinity War. How can you guarantee you won't fail a second time?"

Tony retorted.

Indeed, in Universe 199999, which was very similar to their world, the Avengers won in the Endgame. 

But who knows if their world is really Universe 199999?

Tony's words left future Tony speechless and somber.

The Infinity War was an undeniable significant failure for them.

A shadow over all the future Avengers.

"We will do whatever it takes to accomplish this!"

Future Captain America added sincerely from the side.

"No, Cap, no offense, but your verbal guarantee isn't enough for us to bet our future."

Tony's attitude remained firm, unyielding.

"But we must save our future!"

Future Ant-Man's determination matched Tony's.

"That's why I'm here."

Tony spread his hands, "You want to save your world? Sure, no problem. I'll aid you as much as I can."

"But not by lending you the Infinity Stones."

"You can't touch the stones. Instead, we'll work together to find a solution to your problem."

"That's my condition!"

"Come on, with the wisdom of two Tony Starks, what problem can't be solved?"

The negotiation had reached this point; Tony finally laid out his terms to the future Avengers.

The future Avengers exchanged glances, communicating silently.

They understood each other's intent; they still intended to seize the Infinity Stones from this parallel universe.

Not just them; other teams scattered to different locations to collect stones, all determined to succeed at any cost.

They embarked on this mission with a resolve, even at the expense of their lives.

Though the alternate Tony's proposal was somewhat convincing, it wouldn't easily sway the future Avengers.

"I've said what I needed to say."

"You can choose to get beaten up and have the stones taken back, or return them amicably—it's up to you."

"By the way, I'll remind you, I think you don't have much time to decide."


After dropping these words, Tony didn't delay further.

His helmet closed, his hands and feet emitted intense energy flows.

He flew away with an impressive grace, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Leaving the future Avengers staring at each other.

"Come on, say something! Cap, Stark?"

Future Ant-Man glanced at future Captain America, then future Tony, unable to hold back.

"Let's get out of here."

Future Captain America thought for a moment before calling his two companions.

No matter what their next move would be, this hiding place was now compromised. 

They needed to relocate to a safe place.