

Joocies is a big strong and very muscular man he is the heir to the ASK Kingdom, when Joocies takes the throne he will want to conquer the whole world and enslave all inferior races

Potasheshaye · Fantasy
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39 Chs


Some of them have wounds on their bodies which Kyeongmin guesses to be caused by the wolves. Some of these people are still unconscious but some were able to regain their consciousness due to the blood they have coughed out.

Just as Kyeongmin is about to try asking one of them what was going on, the crowd grows silent. Everyone turns to look at one man dressed in all white. He walks forward, carrying a big dagger in his hands. When he stops in front of Kyeongmin, he begins to laugh menacingly. Kyeongmin tries pulling at his binds but to no avail. This makes him panic even more.

The man then kneels beside him, smiling evilly. Kyeongmin screams out in terror when he feels the man's icy cold fingers brush over his lips. Kyeongmin tries to push the hand away, but to no use. The man puts his free hand on Kyeongmin's chest and grabs a hold of his heart. Kyeongmin freezes in fear and closes his eyes tightly as the man starts to squeeze his heart painfully.

After almost 3 seconds of painful squeezing, the grip on Kyeongmin's heart disappears, but the man doesn't move from where he sits. Kyeongmin' s eyes fly open when he hears the sound of something hitting the ground. Kyeongmin turns around to see what hit him, only to freeze when he sees the large wolf, which is covered in blood, lying on the ground motionless next to him. A small cut is visible underneath his right eye. The beast had killed the man who had been torturing Kyeongmin.

A couple of other guards then run out of the woods carrying torches and swords. They approach the dead body of the animal and put a torch onto its corpse before turning and running away from Kyeongmin and his group.

Kyeongmin tries to talk to one of his group mates, but he can't get the words out of his mouth because his throat feels like sandpaper. The man notices this, however, and walks over to Kyeongmin before putting a hand on the prince's shoulder. As much as Kyeongmin hates being touched, he doesn't care if it is from a complete stranger. His only concern is getting away from this place.

Once Kyeongmin has enough strength to speak, he turns around and looks at the man. "Who is... you?" He whispers.

Before the man can reply, the king and queen arrive with the councilmen. As they see Kyeongmin and his group of people, all of their heads snap in Kyeongmin's direction as they gasp.

King: What's going on?!

Queen: We heard screaming coming from this area just moments ago. Who did this?! Is everyone okay?!

The queen steps closer to the group, clearly concerned over her son. As she reaches the edge of the group, her husband wraps her in his arms. The queen lets out a sigh of relief, burying her face in her husband's chest for comfort. King pulls away from his wife to look down at the ground and notice the dead wolf laying not too far from the group. A mixture of anger and sorrow floods his face as he takes a step back, glaring directly at Kyeongmin. King then shouts something to his council members, causing them to scurry back into the trees.

Kyeongmin watches as his father turns back to him to grab him by the collar of his tunic.

King: Why did you do this?! Do you know what could've happened to us?!

Kyeongmin: No, Sir. I didn't plan on doing anything that would lead to anyone getting hurt.

As the king keeps questioning Kyeongmin, the guard holding him tightens the grip on his waist and lifts him up high off the ground until Kyeongmin finds himself looking up at the king's face.