
Jonny Test: Gill makes Jonny his slave

Gill wants to.make Jonny his slave and use him how he wants.

John_C_Garcia · TV
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9 Chs

Day 1 Part 3

Gill came back to his room and locked the door. Jonny's family was looking for Jonny, and asked Gill if he'd seen him, to which Gill said no.

Gill opened his closet and saw Jonny there, with the jockstrap still on his head. "Hey Jonny bro, your one hope of getting help is gone. Your parents won't be coming back here any time soon." After that, Gill pulled Jonny out of the closet and stuffed his jockstrapped covered face in his dick and ball.

Gill had more plans for Jonny, but he need to take care of something first.