Death is technically the End for Everyone. However, for one unusual soul, Death is just the beginning. Self Insert is Reborn in Young Justice as the Son of Superman, Jon Kent. Advance chapters on
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(Jon's P.O.V)
"You got your lunch money?"
Ma asked, glancing back through the rearview mirror.
I patted my pants,
"Yup. Got it safe and secure."
"And my number? Your Pa's number?"
She questioned to which I tapped my head.
"Got your cell phones, office and home contacts memorized. It's all in here."
"You forgot your Grandma's and Jimmy's contacts."
Mom shot back.
Okay. Keeping the understanding smile on, was hurting my face, I meaningfully looked at the back of Dad's head.
Feeling my stare, he cleared his throat,
"Um honey, don't you think you're being a little too...overbearing?"
Ma's sharp gaze landed on him.
"Wow, Smallville, you're going to tell me how to raise my babyboy, now? Where were you when those...villains showed up, huh? They almost hurt Jon! Call me overbearing one more time and you're on the couch for a week mister."
After that, Dad feel silent, eyes on the road as we crossed the bridge connecting Metropolis to Gotham.
""Don't worry Dad, on the flip side we can play video games all night if she does kick you to the couch.""
I spoke too fast for Mom to catch with her human ears. To her, it registered as me just coughing.
Dad's brows raised on the rearview mirror.
""Sorry Jon but Video Games got nothing on your mom's @#*'ss. Also, neat trick, who taught it to you?""
The first part of his statement almost had me choking on the water I was drinking. Too much information dammit!
""No one, I learned to do it myself.""
I told him with pride coating my voice. It was all about controlling the breath as it left my throat. Otherwise, you could end up creating a shockwave my moving your tongue and lips too fast.
"Is it drafty in here? You both keep coughing."
Ma said, rolling up the window.
"More importantly, Jon, you got your schoolbag?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"It's literally sitting on my lap."
"Don't take that tone with me young man."
She sharply admonished.
"Good grief."
I sighed, putting my headphones on and looked out of the window.
After defeating Metallo and the lightning chick, Livewire was it? Anyway, I had made it back to mom and told her what happened. A slightly different version of the events of course.
For starters, she and Dad thought Livewire had escaped after I 'accidentally' took out Metallo.
'Accidentally', because an ignorant kid like me had no way of knowing the Kryptonite core basically acted as his heart. My thinking process had been along the lines of, 'if I pull out the glowing rock thingy in his chest, that's making me hurt all over, it might weaken him.'
They believed me.
I got away with murder. And it's a secret I'll take to my grave.
Ridden with guilt, Dad did all he could to figure out how the 2 supervillains came to learn about me.
Turns out, it was my fault.
A teacher at my previous school had taken note of my academic excellence, and together with my astounding athletic ability, he raised some flags.
Smallville being a strange place where many freakish things happened, was under the government's watchlists. Otherwise such information would have had no value.
Unfortunately the info got leaked and someone made the connection between Superman and I, or at least the possibility of one.
My guess is that Mom's name was the trigger. Lois Lane was a known associate of Superman. My other guess is magic, or some sort of clairvoyant ability.
In any case, we packed our bags and despite my Parent's reluctance(Dad wanted to raise me on the countryside), moved to their Metropolis apartment.
And now I was going to another school. A safe school(their words, not mine. An academy to be exact. One of those rich types.
"Gotham Academy."
I read the sign and almost gagged. It was all so...posh.
The three of us were standing in the school's parking lot, watching the crowd of neatly dressed students, file through the entrance of a castle like building complex that screamed nobility.
Kill me. Kill me now.
"Stop making that face."
Ma pinched me. 'Hahaha, sorry woman, I've been working on my durability these past few weeks. You can't hurt me with your weak human strength. Haha...'
"Can we even afford this?"
I asked Pa, adjusting my glasses, identical to his own in almost every way- square rimmed with black frames.
"Jon, we may not be Waynes or Luthors, but your Mom and I work hard. Besides, the farm earns more than enough to pay for your tuition. Not to mention, you got accepted on an a Wayne Foundation academic scholarship."
He answered, taking a knee that put us at eye level, though I was taller now and he had to slightly look up,
"Be honest, you don't really want to attend this place."
I said nothing.
Dad continued,
"It's okay, you know. We can turn this car around and figure something out later."
Mom placed a hand on his shoulder with a genial smile,
"He's right, Jon. If you're unhappy, tell us. Your Dad and I can homeschool you while looking for a more suitable school."
To be honest, anyone with metaknowledge of DC knew enough to stay far away from Gotham. But what can I say, I'm a filial son and didn't want to disappoint them. Even if it meant going to school with a bunch of spoiled rich kids.
"Nah, it's fine."
I shrugged,
"Can't wait to make friends already."
Watching the car pull away with mom waving through the window, a sigh- equal parts relief and dread,escaped me.
I didn't have to deal with her nagging anymore but on the other hand, a new school awaited me.
Oh well, new school jitters can suck it. Gotham Academy is just another place for me to conquer. How hard can it be to fit in with Kids half my mental age?
Palming my pendant for good luck, I turned towards the entrance, bag slung over one shoulder and walked in.
The halls were white and clean, also deserted- classes had already started.
Fortunately, getting to the administration office was easy. I simply followed the map on the student handbook we were given at the gate.
The small booklet contained a list of school rules, It's history (turns out Gotham Academy was founded by Nicholas Wayne in the 1800's, Bruce Wayne's ancestor), mission and a list of activities.
Turning a corner while reading the Handbook, I came upon what most would describe as a 'bullying incident.'
I called it 'The universe trying to involve me in the Plot'. A common troupe with Superhero worlds.
2 tall boys surrounded another slim one at the end of the hallway.
The thin kid had a look of fear in his eyes, cowering as if trying to merge with the lockers on the walls.
The strangest thing was that this was happening close to the facualty. Seriously?
"You gonna do something? Or just stand there and watch?"
A voice asked from my back.
Not many people could AlMOST sneak up on me without my knowing. Whoever was behind me was not normal.
Young male, probably highly trained, and from the perfume they gave off...wealthy as well.
I shrugged,
"I was about to, till you showed up. How about you deal with it?"
The boy snorted, passing by me.
"Can't have the new kid suspended the first day of school huh?"
He was dark haired like me, a bit shorter than my height, and from his posture, hid a lithe but fit physique under the black and white school uniform.
"Hey, about you let him go and I won't break your teeth in?"
The new boy addressed the two bullies.
"Huuuh?? You talking to us? Trying to get a beating too?"
One of the bullies, with blonde hair and a punchable face, arrogantly asked, his attention on the new arrival.
Their victim tried to make his escape, only for the other bully, this one with short brown hair and a square shaped face, to trip the slim boy, sending him to the ground.
"Where do you think you're going? We're not done with-"
"That's it."
The Dark haired boy had enough, clearing the distance in a few seconds and what happened next left me impressed.
In just a few moves, the bullies were on the ground, groaning in pain.
"Judo right?"
I asked, walking up to them.
"You know your stuff."
He turned around and said.
"You'll pay for this Grayson!"
Blonde haired bully swore, dragging his buddy up and making a painful retreat.
"Anytime assholes."
Grayson threw over his shoulder and then his eyes, under the black tint of his sunglasses, landed on me.
"Jon Kent. Without a H"
I smiled, introducing myself with a stretched out hand.
"Richard Grayson, but everyone call me Dick."
He shook it with a smirk, proving my suspicions correct. He was Robin, Batman's sidekick.
"Welcome to Gotham Academy Jon Kent without a H. Let's go get your schedule."
He started walking towards the administration office.
"Let me guess, you got stuck with the job of showing the New Kid around."
I said, catching up.
"Correct. Come's with being in the Student Council."
He flashed me a badge on the inner lining of his blazer.
5 minutes later, we were back on the hallway, moving towards the classes.
"Our schedules match. You have Literature for your first period, same as I. The teacher, Mr. Woski will have you dozing in a second."
Dick said, leading me to my first lesson in the school.
For the rest of the day, he was helpful, showing me around the school compound and basically easing me into the routine.
At lunch, Dick dragged me over to a table with 4 of his friends.
"Hey guys, meet the new kid, Jon Kent."
Dick pointed my way.
The table had two girls and two boys, some of whom we had shared classes. 3 of them looked up at me, one was busy with a book on her lap.
I was conscious of the stares I was getting as I placed my lunch tray down, taking a seat next to Dick.
On his part, he wasted no time acquainting us,
"Jon, these are my friends, Bette Kane-"
A gorgeous girl with blonde hair and pink colored lips winked at me.
"Victor Stone, goes by Vic..."
A dark skinned, athletic-looking guy taller than me, waved my way while munching on a sandwich.
The Victor Stone? Cyborg? No freaking way.
"That's Danny Rand..."
Dick motioned to a blonde boy with long hair in a green T-shirt who nodded with a smile.
Danny Rand? There was something...familiar about that name.
"...and lastly, the book worm is Barbara Gordon."
Dick finished, dodging a piece of corn thrown his way by the red haired girl sitting to his opposite.
"Missed me again Barbs. You know, you'd probably aim better if you looked up."
"And let your dumb face distract my reading? No thanks...Dick."
Barbara threw back, eyes stuck on her book.
The other 3 laughed while Dick looked sour.
"The emphasis she puts on his name irritates the hell out of him."
Bette explained the joke.
"Again with the same old shtick. I'm so whelmed by your lack of creativity Barbs, surely you can do better than that."
Dick said, with an eye-roll. From the way he was spearing his food with the fork, even the blind could tell he was pissed.
"That's what he always says."
Bette whispered.
"I can hear you Kane."
Dick mock glared at her, to which she laughed.
"More importantly,"
Bette said, refocusing on me, her tone changing to a seductive growl.
"You got a girlfriend Jon?"
A piece of corn hit her on the forehead.
"Ouch. What's the big Idea Barbs?"
Bette pouted.
"Stop hitting on the new kid."
Barbara told her, gaze jumping to me.
"She flirts with anyone she meets for the first time."
"Not just anyone."
Bette stared my way with hooded eyes,
"Just the handsome ones."
Another corn hit her.
"Seriously Barbs! What's wrong with a little flirting? You're acting like I'm asking for a date. Besides, Jon doesn't look bothered, right Jon?"
Bette asked.
"I don't mind."
I said with a shrug, turning the table silent.
"And no, I don't have a girlfriend Bette."
Before she could get any ideas, I quickly added,
"Nor am I looking for one."
Strange to say this, but I didn't feel any sort of attraction to Barbara or Bette. Or any girl close to my age really.
Maybe Puberty came late for Kryptonians? Or maybe I just preferred older women?
While she looked initially disappointed, she quickly got over it, and along with everyone welcomed me to their circle. It was obvious they were a tight knit group.
I was surprised to learn that while we were all freshmen, out of everyone, I was the youngest. My 14'th birthday wasn't due for a few months.
Victor was the oldest at 15(held back a year due to his Dad's work moving them around a lot) Barbs was also 15, Bette had just reached 14 and Dick's 14th birthday was in one week.
Speaking of,
"Jon, I'm having my birthday party this weekend. You wanna come?"
He invited me, scratching his head and not meeting my gaze.
"Am I seeing things?"
Vic rubbed his eyes.
"Is Dick actually...embarrased?"
"Shut up Stone or face my wrath."
Dick seethed amidst everyone's laughter.
"Okay dude, I'm shutting up now. Just don't prank me."
Vic held up his hands in surrender.
I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Nobody messes with Mr. Shades over here. Anyone who's ever tried is not alive to tell the tale."
Bette disclosed in a spooky voice.
"Oh please."
Barbara sighed,
"She's exaggerating. Though I do admit, he's...fairly skilled in coming up with interesting ways to annoy people."
Dick was visibly basking in the praise.
"So what's your answer anyway?"
He asked, shaking off the pride.
I thought it over. This was exactly what Mom and Dad wanted. For me to fit in and make friends. The birthday party seemed like an excellent first step towards that.
"Yeah. I'll come. Thanks for the invite."
"Don't mention it."
Dick responded with a genuine smirk, the two of us bumping fists.