
Jon Bane and the Blade of Heptaseas

God created mankind in his own image and likeness, thus making humans capable of transcending their mortal limitations and becoming god-like. Genesis 1:26-27 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them. But then, not all humans are created equal. Humans possess a diverse range of abilities, attributes, and circumstances that differentiate them from one another. Throughout history, stories and beliefs have depicted certain individuals as transcendent, endowed with extraordinary powers or wisdom that set them apart from the rest of humanity. These exceptional beings are often revered as gods or demigods. In the rugged and remote highlands of the land of Ophir, nestled between towering mountains and thick forests, there existed a clan known as the "Bolo." At the heart of the Bolo clan was Jon Bane, a young warrior of exceptional skill and wisdom. Jon had always been a loyal and dedicated member of the clan. He had mastered martial arts, honed his combat skills, and earned the respect of his fellow clanspeople. Yet, despite his success within the clan, Jon couldn't ignore a yearning that had grown deep within him—a yearning to explore the world beyond the confines of the Bolo clan. #action #adventure #survival #gods #angels #clans #martialarts

GTJLSM · Eastern
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25 Chs

The forgotten Clan

Hannah is taken aback by Jon Bane's question. She was at a loss for words.

"The police officer called you Ms. Nabi; he said you are the daughter of Mr. Nabi of Nabi Corporation," Jon Bane said.

"Aahhm, let's talk about that when we get home," Hannah said nervously.

They arrived at Hannah's house after 15 minutes. A familiar voice called her after she had parked her car. "Hannah! Where did you go, and who's that guy?"

"Umppt, Dad, I thought you'd arrive later this afternoon." Hannah was astonished to see her father arrive so early.

"I had an errand to run, so I came back early; anyway, you haven't answered my question yet. Who's that guy with you?" Hannah's father said.

Jon Bane observed Hannah's lack of response to the question.

"Sir, are you Mr. Nabi of Nabi Corporation?" Jon Bane inquired flatly.

"Yes! That's me, and who are you?" said Mr. Nabi.