
JoJo's Stone World (Dropped)

I'm still new to writing so the first few chapters aren't that great and are of poor quality, however it gets better so just power through them. After steeling a vase from an ancient temple, being chased by a huge green tiger, jumping off of a cliff to save his sister, and summoning a genie, Raijin finally achieves the dream of any good otaku and is granted three wishes that he can do with as he pleases. Accompany him to the stone world of Dr. Stone with the power of both hamon and limitless potential to evolve. Watch as he faces both the natural dangers of survival with the help of his family, and the supernatural threats he brought into this world with his wishes. The protagonist is aware that he is in a book and is very meta, it's not meant to be funny, it is there for plot purposes. Just needed to let that be know before more people complain about it. I was uploading regularly at first, however when I first started writing this I wasn't the best at planning or covering plot holes, so over time a ton of them popped up. Now my uploading schedule is a lot slower as I need to think of ways to fill in the plot holes and progress the story without ruining everything. So I will warn you now and apologize for the crappy upload schedule. Sorry.

Brutality · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Ancient Temple

Deep in a snow covered forest, two figure were running at record breaking speed. One of them was running on the branches of trees while showing inhuman levels of acrobatics and athleticism. The other was running through the snow without leaving any foot prints.

These two people were Asami and Raijin.

The only sound that could be heard from them was from Raijin who was quietly singing under his breath.

Sakimidareta nana no you ni azayaka na itami daki

natazumu machi o nukete mayoi no serifu wa sute

(anyone no what this is from? Comment the name of it and the anime.)

"Would you stop that, every animal in the forest is going to know we are here if you keep singing, how are we going to get dinner if they are running away?" Asami started nagging Raijin as they ran.

"Music is something made to inspire people, I think the animals like my singing and would be inspired to be eaten by me, unlike you who has no taste in music." He replied and started to sing louder, which greatly annoyed Asami.

"Whatever, but you have to find dinner then." She said reluctantly as she started to speed up.

Raijin just to continued to sing as the ran through the forest until they reached a cliff and turned right according to the map.

After running for about another ten minutes at their speed, they finally reached the temple. It was a strange looking one, not like the Aztec or Egyptian temples, it looked more circular. Think of the domes they use in mosque but made of ice and snow, like Elsa's ice castle but with a mosque dome.

Raijin disregarded any traps that may be there and just went up the stairs while humming il'vento d'oro. Asami followed him, but more cautiously.

The first room was huge and had icicles hanging down from the ceiling. There was a set of stairs going up to the next floor and three hallways on the left, right, and middle parts of the room.

Asami took out a paper and pen and started writing out the map while Raijin went over to the walls and started knocking on them.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing Raijin? This whole place might fall down if you keep doing things like that." Asami said hurriedly after seeing his actions.

"Relax, this place looks older then a thousand years, if it was going to fall from such a small action, it would have done so by now." He said as he patted her head, to which she slapped his hand away and stomped off.

'Wonder what her problem is lately' Raijin thought as he looked at her curiously.

'Whatever, I wonder what kind of treasures there are here, maybe I could finally get enough money to buy that new body pillow' He thought excitedly as he remembered the merchandise he had come across on the internet.

Although he goes through ridiculously harsh training for most of the day he still gets free time to watch anime or read. And even though his grandfather looks like a caveman, he still has a job as a hunter so he makes enough to pay for internet and other bills, so while they normally don't use the heater, they still have the option to.

Just then Raijin smelled something similar to rusty metal. He followed the smell through the middle passage way and into a basement of sorts. In it was a few interesting things like some carvings on the wall with masks and a pillar in the middle of the room with a vase inside of it. The vase was similar to the ones in the Disney Hercules but with a muscular man in it eating someone.

"Is this a JoJo reference" He said out loud as he looked at the masks on the wall.

Then he Thought 'damn, JoJo is so good that it was even adored by the ancient people, good job Hirohiko Araki'

He then walked over to the vase and went to grab it, completely disregarding the eerie light that was shining down on it and nothing else in the room. But before he could a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Are you seriously that stupid? This is obviously booby trapped why would you just grab it?" Asami said as she pulled Raijin away from it.

She then went over and started inspecting it. She looked at the pillar from all angles and then started sniffing it.

"Why are you sniffing that? I don't think any food they might have put in it will still be there." Raijin said confused. Although he was good at learning and was very intelligent, he didn't have the best common sense and based his way of thinking off of anime.

"Sometimes traps use sulfur and try to hide its scent so that they can set everything on fire. It normally has oil around it though, look around and see if you can find any." She said passively without looking at him.

He nodded and closed his eyes and listened. His grandfather had once taught him how to use echolocation, although it wasn't nearly as good as a bats, it could still differentiate different materials. (real thing, people can actually use echolocation)

He started making a clicking sound and walking around, but he could only hear ice so he stopped and looked at Asami.

"There isn't any oil anywhere, it should be safe to touch." He said went over and grabbed the vase.

"Wait Stop! Damn it Raijin, what if it was a different kind of trap?" She said as she panicked and looked around warily.

"Its fine. Look nothing happened, you're just being paranoid." Raijin said before he heard the sound of ice moving and looked at the pillar, which had a small platform in it where the vase was that was now moving down.

Raijin's eyes widened as he looked at it. "Ahem, yeah so I was wrong I think we should run now." He said while looking at a furious Asami.

They both stood up and immediately ran out of the room, running back to the main entrance room, and finding that it was shaking and the door was closed.

"Shit, You Fucking idiot, now were going to die." Asami started yelling hysterically as she panicked.

"Calm down, we just have to pry the door open, not that big of a deal." Raijin said while trying to calm her down.

"Don't tell me to calm down, obviously there is more to the trap then just the door closing." She said loudly when a circular area in the floor started to open up and make the ground shake more.

From the hole in the ground came a very large beast. It resembled a tiger but it was blue and black instead of white and orange, and it was about three times a normal tigers size and has a very clearly muscularly body. It looked at us with its glowing blue eyes and then at the vase in my hand. It then narrowed its eyes and started giving off a very intimidating aura.

I immediately grabbed Asami and jumped up as high as I could, which was about thirty feet.

"Asami distract that thing while I get the door open!" Raijin yelled as he landed and dashed to the door.

Asami started dodging the cat while it tried to attack her, she did all kinds of flips and rolls while completely avoiding the beast before it could even decide which move to use next. This made the tiger extremely frustrated and it started to get faster and stronger with its attacks very quickly.

Meanwhile Raijin was punching and kicking the thick Ice door, slowly making cracks appear in it. Then he backed up a few feet and charged it while jumping and kicking out. A huge crack appeared in the door and slowly it started to crack more and more until it completely fell apart.

"Asami its open come on!" He yelled as he grabbed the vase, strapped it to his back and ran outside with Asami and the beast following.

"How the hell is it so fast?" Asami yelled as the cat chased them with speed equivalent to a very fast car.

They started running until they reached the cliff and started running along it, hoping the large cat would fall off of it. It didn't.

"Shit" Raijin yelled as they found themselves cornered on a triangle shaped part of the cliff.

"Shit" He said again as the tiger started slowly closing in on them.

"Ill hold it off, go get Grandpa, hurry or this thing will kill me" Raijin continued as he got into a fighting stance meant to combat beasts.

Asami turned and sprinted away after hesitating for a minute. However before she could make it past the beast, it swatted at her, sending her flying off the cliff and into the rocks below.

"ASAMI!" Raijin yelled as he dived after her.

'Well I guess I'm going to die now, to bad, I wanted to see the end of the dr. stone manga, to bad. Well at least Asami will survive, my body should be enough to break her fall.' Raijin started to think at abnormally fast speeds, even for him, as he hugged the terrified Asami and turned so that his body would be faced down.

What he didn't know was that all this movement had caused the vase to crack, and after jumping that vase shattered entirely.

Raijin closed his eyes expecting death and waited, but it never came. He opened his eyes to find himself floating with time completely frozen around him. He also found that he could only move his facial muscles and breath, but he couldn't do anything else.

But the thing that surprised him the most was the giant, blue genie looking thing that looked like the genie from Aladdin but as ripped like Baki.

They just stared at each other in surprise for a while before the genie spoke up,

"So how has your day been?" The genie asked awkwardly as it could easily see that we are falling to our death with a giant blue tiger chasing us.

Raijin smiled and replied, "Not that great."