
JoJo's Bizarre Demon Slaying

Jonathan just wanted to live a happy life, one of peace and quiet. One where he could keep his honor as a gentleman. One where he didn't need to fight vampires and zombies. One where he didn't need to fight and kill his own brother. But he never got that wish. There he sat, on a burning boat, cradling his brothers decapitated head, as he did nothing but hope for Erina's safety. And as he took his final breath, he passed on, fully accepting the end of his short life. But that wasn't the end, but the beginning. In the next moment, Jonathan jolted awake as he heard a crashing noise. Why was he on a train?

Brutality · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Life Barrier Overdrive

'These damn humans! How did they figure out the method to breaking my spell so quickly? Damn it! That one hasn't even broken it yet and he is still causing trouble!' The demon train, Enmu, thought as he watched the demon slayers running about, slicing off his limbs.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Enmu suddenly shrieked in pain as he felt a large portion of his body suddenly vaporize.

'And now there's this one! This bastard! How can a mere human damage me to such an extent?! This is inconceivable! And what is that yellow energy around him? Is that a demon art? No, I can't sense lord Muzan's blood within him. So then what is it?!' Enmu was enraged by the sudden appearance of another human. And this one wasn't even a demon slayer! Well, he was pretty sure he wasn't, since he didn't have a sword or uniform.

'I will make this one suffer first! I will make him experience the worst nightmare imaginable! And when I'm done, I'll eat him! With this humans size he will definitely provide me with an abundance of energy.' The demon thought. He created more tentacles and shaped them into arms, aiming to grab Jonathan.

But before he could,


He screamed again, feeling a large amount of his arms cut off again. He turned his attention back to the front of the train, only to see two of the demon slayers had actually managed to cut through most of his arms and were about to cut through his neck bone!

'DAMN IT!' Enmu raged as he used all of his strength to grow a mass of arms and grab the two demon slayers, but he couldn't get to them! He used a lot of his energy to grow arms and grab them, he even tried hypnotizing them, but they either dodged, or killed themselves in their dreams. They were just too fast!

He had even tried to trick one of them into killing himself, but that damned boar headed one got in the way!

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Enmu found himself yelling again as he felt all of the arms in a train car disappear all at once. Turning his attention to it, he found that it was that giant human again!

When he had checked the human just second ago he was staying in that car where he wasn't growing arms, but all of the sudden he had decided to go to the next car over, where he was just about to finally eat a human! What is this? Why is this happening?! Enmu was more frustrated now then he had ever been in his life.

That damned human! Why was he interfering with lord Muzan's order! All he wanted to do was kill that Hashira and the with the Hanafuda earrings, but this human came out of nowhere with its weird ability and started destroying him! An insignificant human! He couldn't let this continue! But, he had no choice, the kid with the earrings and the one with the boar head were getting to close to killing him!

Jonathan then moved again, going to the next car.

'What the hell?!' Why did the human leave this car so fast? He stayed in the last one for a over a minute, so why did he leave this one after only a few seconds.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" He let out another scream as Jonathan took his stance once again and almost immediately destroyed all of the arms in that car. He then breathed out and started walking again! It had only been two seconds this time and he was already done?

Luckily for Enmu, while it still hurt, it seemed to hurt a lot less then before and he could still feel most of his connection with the train in that area. It seemed as if that human was losing strength.

'Shit! Those demon slayers.' Enmu was forced to shift his attention once again to the two demon slayers, who were now much to close to cutting his neck bone.

"Damn it all!" Enmu yelled and his voice echoed throughout the train. He used most of his remaining energy to create one massive arm slap the slayer with the earrings.

Tanjiro was forced to defend and had to interrupt his attack to do so. He was hit by the massive arm and launched backward into the train car behind him. He got up as quickly as he could, but was knocked down again by Inosuke, who was also launched back by the arm as well.

"It seems that that human from earlier has reached the limit of his strength, the pain I feel from it now is akin to bug bites. Good, that means I can focus on you two." Enmu said from all directions and began to create more arms using the last bit of energy he had left.

Immediately after Inosuke jumped up and readied himself to attack again, followed by Tanjiro, who stood up and decided that now was the time to use the Hinokami Kagura. He took a deep breath, and started to breath out. A bright yellow and orange flame erupted around his blade as he took his stance, ready to dash forward.

But then he was stabbed.

"Don't interfere with the dream!" The man yelled as he stabbed Tanjiro in the stomach. Tanjiro looked at him with a serious expression and chopped him on the back of the neck, immediately knocking him out.

While this was happening, Enmu used those arms he created a second ago to grab at one of the humans in the front car. But, just as his hand reached the man, it exploded.

"I apologize for taking so long with my plan that more people got hurt." Jonathan told Tanjiro as he looked at all of his bruises and cuts.

"I had never used this technique before, so it took a few tries to learn how to do it properly. I should have practiced more before deciding to venture off to America. Oh, but you cant undertand me can you? Here then, how about this as an apology." Jonathan said and put his hand out, facing his palm toward Tanjiro.

Tanjiro panicked a little when he saw the giant appear in front of him, and even more so when he stuck his hand out, for a second making him think that it was another demon. But then he smelt the mans kindness. So he didn't back off and let the giant do what it wanted. He immediately felt his entire body fill with energy as golden energy flickered around the giants hand. He looked down at himself, only to see that all of his bruises and cuts were gone!

Enmu watched this with confusion and rage. When did this human get here? He was on the other side of the train a few minutes ago, and now all of the sudden he is here! Then he remembered that his arm had exploded. Was that the humans doing? But how?

Enmu turned to look at the human that he had just tried to eat, and at first didn't see anything strange, but after making some larger eyes and taking a closer look, he noticed golden sparks flickering all over the humans body. They were so small and unnoticeable that not even he noticed them.

He hurriedly looked around at the other passengers in the car, realizing that all of them were covered in this energy.

"I had never tried bringing out the Hamon of another person before using my own Hamon, let alone an entire car of people, but I was able to get it after trying it a few times. After that, all that was left was to control it to surround the bodies of the passengers. After all, their safety was the most important thing at that moment." Jonathan explained to nobody in particular.

"Now then, we need to finish off this train vampire!" Jonathan said and took a deep breath, immediately surrounding his entire body in a golden energy. He took a boxing stance.

'This... THIS DAMN HUMAN!' Enmu tried to create more arms, but he was now completely out of energy. He was forced to watch as Jonathan dashed forward at high speed, appearing as a golden blur.

"I am a gentleman! It is my duty to protect the innocent, and you are going against that. And for that take this!" Jonathan yelled as he appeared above the neck bone and brought his fist back. He charged it with his Hamon and punched downward with the force of a strong man swinging a sledge hammer.


From the force of the punch alone the neck bone shattered, but was then immediately vaporized by the Hamon that followed. The entire locomotive was detached from the train and destroyed, landing on the ground in hundreds of small pieces. The rest of the train was also forcefully stopped and as such was turned over to its side, making all of the cars pile up.

"Were gonna flip!" Inosuke yelled while looking at Tanjiro.

"Protect the passengers!" Tanjiro immediately replied and was about to dash out of to the other cars, but was flung out of the train alongside Inosuke and surprisingly the giant. He didn't think a man that size could fly through the air so fast.

Then they all landed with a hard thud on the ground, fortunately for Inosuke and Tanjiro, Jonathan landed first, so they didn't have to worry about being crushed.

To be continued