
Death Thirteen, Part 1

Daijo walked down the street, to his home. But he wasn't alone. A little shining, light blue bug was following him. Slowly it got closer and closer to him, by jumping from wall to wall. Everytime it touched a wall, its skin turned the color of the wall. 

It jumped again. It's color changed back to the light blue. Suddenly a hand appeared. It grabbed the bug. it threw it to the ground.

The hand belonged to a big man, with long light brown hair, and a beige trench coat. 

"Who are you?" the Bug screamed and loocked at the Stand, sliding out of the body of the man. He didn't answered. 


about 6 hours later

Daijo, who didn't notice anything, was lying on the bed in his room. It was late. Finally his eyes closed, and he fell asleep.


The ground was sandy. Where was he. Slowly he stood up. He was on some kind of beach. But the sand was blue. Even though there was no sun, the sourounding was lighten up. The waves hit the beach.

Suddenly a bird appeared out of the sky. He flew down on Daijo and screamed. Daijo tried to hit him but the bird dodged. He scratched his arm with his claws. Then the bird flew up again. 

Daijo grabbed a stick from the ground, which happened to lay perfectly. He tried to hit the bird. He hit. The bird screamed and fell on the ground.

"Hey!" Daijo heard a voice. He turned around. A small child stood behind him. 

"What? Where are we?" Daijo was confused.

"I don't know! I just woken up here too!" the child answered. It looked like around 7 years old. 

"This is no ordinary beach! Maybe a Stand..." Daijo mumbled to himself.

"A what?" the kid asked.

"Hm? Oh. Nothing!" Daijo replied. Where were they. Daijo looked around a bit more. He saw a forest. In the forest there was a high building.

"Hey! Let's go to that building. Maybe someone is living there!" Daijo said to the child. The child nodded.

They started walking in the direction of the forest.


The man was standing in the garden. He looked up to the window. Behind that, he was lying. Sleeping. He was helpless. That Daijo would fall victim to his newly acquired ability. 

He made a step back and looked on his watch. It was 6 o'clock. The sun was already starting to rise. It was close. But it didn't matter. He would just kill Daijo the next night. 


'Weird. We've been walking for about an hour, but that forest still didn't come closer.' Daijo thought to himself.

"Hey kid! We should take a break!" Daijo turned around. "Hey! HEY! Kid?!" he shouted. 

The child was gone. 


Suddenly Daijo felt a weird feeling. The world got blurry. 

Daijo awoke in his bed. He said up. He dreamed something weird. But he couldn't remember what. 

He stood up and went to his wardrobe. He raised his hand to open it and noticed the three parallel scratches on his right arm.

'Weird. I could swear i dreamed something about scratches. But i couldn't remember what!' he thought.

His mom knocked on the door. "Hey! Come on! You'll be late to school!"

Daijo looked on the clock, hanging on the wall. He was late. How could he've been sleeping so long. He normally awakes pretty early.

If he could just remember what he dreamed. Why did he wanted to remember so bad. His arm hurt. He opened his wardrobe and got dressed. 

But the urge to remember didn't left.

to be continued...