
18th July 1992, Part 4

Suddenly they heard a loud noise.

"What is that?" Kazuhiko had to shout, for the others to hear him.

Then they saw it. A small Tornado was coming in their direction. It stopped a some distance away. When the dust was fallen to the ground, they were able to see five men, standing there. 

"That are Teruhiko, he was the one steeling your memories of me, Viktor, the one who controlled the tornado, Thorne, Yoshihiro Kira and one of our newest recrute, Max!" Kage giggled.

"We'll take care of them! Make sure the Kage doesn't escape!" Polnareff shouted towards Kazuhiko and Jotaro. They nodded.

Kage had already turned around and was ready to run away. Jotaro grabbed him, but Kage was able to free himself.

18th July 1992 - 1:17 AM - Room

Josuke smiled. He knew how to escape this place. But his time was running out. He felt the hit again. 

Josuke closed his eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Room shouted. 

"I'm escaping!" Josuke mumbled.

"You can't escape!" Room giggled.

"Well, i don't think so! I felt the a hand grabbing me. I can't hear the outer world, but i can feel it. This is no alternate universe. This is just my imagination. You playing with it. So if i manage to fall asleep, my mind will create a dream, overwriting your commands." 

"Maybe, but you can't fall asleep, being constantly hit!" Room replied.

"Well, there is another way to fall asleep! Crazy Diamond!" Josuke summoned his Stand.

"You know you can't destroy the walls! The attacks will be returned. They won't hurt you physically, but at some point your body will just shut down from the pain!"

"I know! I won't hit the walls!" 

Crazy Diamond turned to Josuke and raised his hand.

"What the... What are you doing?" Room was completely confused.

Josuke fell on the ground. He was unconscious.

"Oh no! I get what you were doing!" 

18th July 1992 - 1:19 AM - somewhere in Vienni

"Fast! He's escaping!" Daijo shouted. His whole body hurt, when he stood up. 

Jotaro started running. 

"Highway Star!" The blue man jumped out of Kage and started falling in thin slides. 

"Fuck!" Jotaro cursed. 

18th July 1992 - 1:20 AM - Daijo's house

Josuke awoke. He was lying on the ground, in front of Daijo's house. It was night. He stood up. So it had worked. He just knocked himself unconscious and woke up. 

He entered the house. Kobayashi was still gone. He went back in the sleeping room. Dio was also gone. Was there another Stand User? Where they also captured by Room?

18th July 1992 - 1:20 AM - somewhere in Vienni

The first slides, started flying towards Jotaro. They were fast! Really fast!

Jotaro was barely able to dodge them.

"Hey! Kazuhiko!" Jotaro shouted. Kazuhiko nodded and Inferno Golem appeared behind him. He swung his sword and tried to slice them. He hit one. Instantly the other slides turned towards him and started hunting him.

Jotaro turned back to Kage. He had already started running. He was running up the hill, towards the house, Kobayashi came from. Jotaro started running too.

Kage reached the house. Jotaro accelerated. Then he also reached the house. He looked down. The others were still fighting the Enemy-Stands.

18th July 1992 - 1:23 AM - somewhere in Vienni

Kazuhiko and Polnareff were fighting two of the five enemies. The other three, probably had no Stands, that were good for fighting. Polnareff was fighting that guy called Max. Kobayashi was fighting that Tornado-summoning guy.

Max summoned his Stand: "Slam Dunk!". A big man, with light brown skin and long orange hair appeared. The skin looked like leather, and a little bit like a basketball

The man put his hands in front of him, and a brown ball appeared in his hands. He threw it as hard as he could, towards Polnareff. Chariot pierced the ball with his rapier.

But the ball didn't stopped. He made his way up the rapier until reaching the protection for Chariots hands.

Chariot had problems holding the rapier. He dropped it. The rapier fell on the ground. The ball starting pulling the rapier with him. 

Now the ball had a needle sticking out in front. The ball was flying towards Polnareff's head. Polnareff tried to dodge the ball, but the ball turned around and flew again towards Polnareff's head. 

So that was his power. Controlling a ball. 

Suddenly the ball stopped. He slowly flew around Polnareff, and back in the hands of Slam Dunk, the Stand of Max. Then the ball dissolved into golden gas.

"You see? Although Slam Dunk is thought for Basketball, it is very useful in a fight!" Slam Dunk let his hands down again.

In this second Chariot's fist hit Max's face. Max nose started bleeding.

"You little..." The ball appeared again in Slam Dunk's hands. Chariot turned around and grabbed his rapier. He turned around again, and raised his rapier. 

The ball started flying again. Chariot tried to pierce the ball again. But this time, the ball dodged the rapier. He flew again towards Polnareff's head. This time, the ball hit his target. 

Polnareff flew on the ground. Slowly he stood up again. The ball was already in his way back to Slam Dunk's hand.