
88. Careless Whisper ~Spider Lady Serial Killer~

Anne zips all the Eastern Dragon Gangsters vertically in half with Sticky Fingers, killing each of them with a single swipe.


Anne sighs in relief. She presses a button on her Bluetooth earphone and speaks into it. "I'm done killing the triads!" she smiled.

"Okay, good job. Get home quickly and make sure no one is tracking you," said Miguel on the other side.

Meanwhile, Miguel changes the babies' diapers and sighs in relief. "Alright... You kids just wait for your mom... She'd be home in a moment."


"I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in... I'll never meet the ground!!! Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us... We're far from the shallow now!!!"

Anne Zeppeli sang Shallow by Lady Gaga. "In the shallow, shallow... In the shallow sha la la la low... In the -... Huh?"

Anne's Stand emerges, sensing a Stand-User nearby. No, she senses three.

She looks around, left and right, front and back, searching for any potential attackers. Sticky Fingers looks around and prepares her fists.

"You do realize that my Stand is basically 'hacks', right?" asked Anne, as Sticky Fingers raises her Stand's fists. "I can zip you to pieces. If you want, I'd retract my Stand and we'd fight in hand-to-hand combat. And guess what? Miguel made me watch the entire trilogy of Karate Kid and two Ip Man movies. I'm basically a queen at Martial Arts.Haha! I'm kidding!I trained for fifteen years. I'd kill you with my thumb."

Marceline the Vampire Queen appears out of thin air right in front of her.

"OH, GOD!!! TAKE MY MONEY!!! STAY AWAY!!!" yelled Anne, covering her face.

Marceline is wearing long black silk gloves, a red dress, black silk leggings, black high heels, and a large red sunhat. Her fangs show as the sun shines very brightly.

"Hey, Anne!" smiled Marceline.

"Oh... *ahem*..." said Anne, puffing out her chest and posing. "'Sup."

Marceline chuckles. "Peebos needs your help an' stuff."

"Oh!" smiled Anne. "The Princess of the Candy Kingdom, and therefore Ooo, and therefore your Dimension's Earth! Sure, thing! What can I do for her?"

"Oh... We have to hunt down and kill a serial killer," said Marceline.

"Nothing I haven't done before," smiled Anne.

"Oh! Well that's the thing!" smiled Marceline. "The killer's a Jorogumo."

"Oh... Dear God," said Anne. "*sigh*... You can do this. Sure. You'll do it. You can do this."

"You said 'You can do this,' twice," said Marceline, crossing her arms and tapping her fingers on her elbow consecutively. "You think I can't do this? Kinda rude, not gonna lie."

"I was talking to myself," said Anne.

Josuke walks home from the cafe and looks at his payment, which is roughly a hundred pesos.

"Hahaha!" smiled Josuke. "I'll finally have money to buy that game I wanted!"

Josuke suddenly hears his ears ringing like crazy.

Josuke looks up and sees his mother and The Reverse-Flash about 20 meters away from him, staring at him down to the soul.

Josuke bows his head immediately and gasps for breath.

Josuke immediately runs back to the cafe out of fear.


From left to right, the Jazz Fusion: Finn, Jake, Spongebob, Patrick, Gumball, Darwin, and Bodyguard Jedan all sit down at the table.

"So, yeah..." said Jake. "That's my take on the science of Americans and migration. Weird birds, I tell you."

"Jake..." said Gumball. "Americans are a people."

"Oh," said Jake, as he laughed and ate a pie.

"Pfft..." said Bodyguard Jedan. "The guys who genocided the Filipinos in both the Grimm and Prince timelines because they accidentally shot (*ahem*... massacred...) a few of our soldiers? And you call them a people? Nah..."

"Jed. Darwin and I are Americans," said Gumball.

"And you're a cat and a goldfish," said Bodyguard Jedan. "Why am I not surprised? Animals, I tell you. Savages!"

"I like that title," smiled Gumball. "Gumball the Savage. Yeah..."

"Gumball, you cried last week because Penny said that you snore when you sleep," said Darwin.

"That's hurtful!" sobbed Gumball.

"Guys! Guys!" shouted Josuke, grabbing the table. "Thawne and my Mom... They're out to get me!"

They release their Stands.

"Where?" asked Finn.

Josuke points behind him. "Over-!"

Josuke pants out of fear, realizing that there wasn't anyone there.

Josuke actually pointed to a really obese man licking food from his face.

"I'm beautiful the way I am!" yelled the obese man, as he sobbed and ran away,

"Yo..." said Darwin. "You need something to distract yourself."

"They were..." said Josuke. "They were there... Right there! They were going to-... We all need to-... *gasp*... We all need to hide. All of us should go to the cafe's bathroom."

"NOOOOO!!!" yelled Gumball, standing up and slamming the table. He looks at his friends, then everyone in the cafe. He bows and sits back down, embarrassed.

"See? Even Gumball's working on his trauma," said Spongebob.

"Have you tried lobotomy?" asked Patrick, smiling. "Solves every problem. Trust me. It's our family tradition in the Star family to lobotomize our children."

"It works!" smiled Spongebob. "Look at Patrick, now! Absolute mad lad! He is the smartest pal I know!"

Patrick is shown to be eating a spoon from the table, slobbering all over it.

"I'll think about it," smiled Josuke.

"When Jake and I get stressed, we give each other haircuts," smiled Finn.

"And when we're stressed," said Gumball. "Darwin and I do stupid things together. I actually have a summer project that I still haven't done yet! Why? Eh? Pretty dumb!"

"Did it at least decrease your stress?" asked Josuke.

"N-... No," said Gumball. "It actually... worsened... it..."

"I think I'm good, guys..." sighed Josuke.

Josuke walks outside and lets luck take him anywhere. Every time Josuke was around, good things happen to other people. A mugging in a nearby alley goes wrong and the woman turns out to be a cop and unarms the man and pins him down. A man steps forward and steps on a banana peel. He doesn't slip. A child meets a creepy guy, but the creepy guy slips on that banana peel from earlier and is also arrested by the female cop from earlier.

Josuke suddenly bumps into someone.

"Ow!" shouted Josuke, sighing. "Hey! Huh?"

It is Jessica Sonia Polnareff, his ex-crush.

"Oh," smiled Josuke. "Hey!"

Sonia stands up, looking rather disgusted by Josuke.

She completely ignored him and walked away.

Josuke tilts his head to the right.

"I'm sorry for stalking you... before," said Josuke.

Sonia flips him off from behind and walks away.

Josuke bows his head.

"Back to being the loneliest kid on Earth," said Josuke, bowing his head in self-deprecation.


Princess Bubblegum meets Marceline Abadeer with Anne Zeppeli.

"Hey," smiled Princess Bubblegum, as Marceline leaned in for a kiss.

"Cool place," said Anne.

"Hello, there, pardner!" smiled a small anthropomorphic squirrel on the ground wearing what looks like an astronaut suit with a flower on top of its helmet. The helmet resembles a fishbowl. "The name's Cheeks! Sandy Cheeks!"

Sandy offers a handshake.

Anne pinched Sandy's hand and shook it.

"Well..." said Anne. "Hello, there!" she smiled sweetly. "My name is Anne Zeppeli! I work in BedsCorp."

"My name is Sandy Cheeks! I'm a scientist!" smiled Sandy.

"Uh-huh..." said Princess Bubblegum.

"Dictator," said Sandy.

"Sociopath," said Princess Bubblegum.

"Oppenheimer-lover," said Sandy.

"Bear-eating gun-shootin' rootin'-tootin' hillbilly," said Princess Bubblegum.

The two continue to throw insults at each other.

"What's up with those two?" asked Anne.

"Sandy read her files and Bonnie did the same to her. Apparently, Sandy isn't cool with genocide while I'm pretty sure that Bonnie isn't cool with Texas after that incident with the squirrels," said Marceline.

"I hate squirrels, Marceline!" yelled Princess Bubblegum. "And never mention that incident again!"

"Eep..." said Marceline.

"What happened?" whispered Anne.

"You don't wanna know," said Marceline.

"We need your help, Anne," said Princess Bubblegum. "Your abilities are very useful to battle against the Jorogumo named Kya Ghiaccio. She's a Japanese-Italian girl from the Prince dimension. Lately, she had been killing innocent people all over the Land of Ooo for their essence."

"Hm..." said Anne. "In both our dimension and Josuke's dimension, The Hunts are deemed illegal by the Helsing Organization, unless of course, you're a Grimm, since Grimms have the ability to sense who is evil and who is good. Many Grimms, however, end up killing for fun."

"The Helsing Organization?" asked Sandy.

"It's an organization founded by Abraham Van Helsing and Wilhelm Grimm. It's an organization of Cryptids, Grimms, and Stand-Users who work together to protect the world from supernatural dangers," replied Anne. "We're agents of the organization."

"I'll do some paperwork and have the Helsing Organization work in the four other Earths," said Princess Bubblegum.

"So, what's your deal? Some kinda benevolent dictator?" asked Anne.

"Pretty much," said Princess Bubblegum, as she sat down and ate some candy.

"Cool," said Anne. "Me? I simp for Miguel JoJo!" she raised her thumbs and smiled.

"That's your whole thing?" asked Princess Bubblegum. "You let a buff stronger man take a toll on your life?"

"Hey! Miguel may be buff and stronger, but I'm a more powerful character than him. Why?! Hacks!" shouted Anne.

"So you do the zipping and the fighting and the deus ex machina-ing while Miguel takes the cake as President, best-selling author, mafia boss, and Helsing Organization's head?" asked Princess Bubblegum.

"Society..." Anne shook her head. "Anyway... Where do I kill and do I get paid?"

"We traced a map in the city and the map shows that in all of the points... these include the Ice Kingdom, Candy Kingdom, Grasslands, the Human Colony, the Badlands, the Desert Lands, our cave, and the Slime Kingdom..." said Princess Bubblegum, as she brought out a map with a messed up octagon. "...There is the center of the killings where it likely takes place..."

Princess Bubblegum points to the Hole Near the Center of the World.

"Let's do this," smiled Anne. "Who should we be? The Lady Gagas?"

"Ugh..." said everyone else.

"What?!" asked Anne. "That's a good title."

"You're forgetting someone..."

*step step step step*

Anne prepared her Stand. "Y-... Yoshiko..."

Yoshiko Kira licks her lips and gives Anne a death stare. "Hello, putrid wenches. I believe that Princess Bubblegum invited me."

"Yes..." said Princess Bubblegum. "I didn't want your talents to go to waste with your... murdering skills."

"Why women only?" asked Anne.

"Female Jorogumos are known to seduce and murder males," said Princess Bubblegum. "Similar to Succubuses, but instead of using sex, they use sex and poison!"

The group looks at each other and says something in the lines of "Oh... Yeah! That makes sense!" while nodding.

"Let's do this!" smiled Anne.


Josuke walks into school to get his new ID. He walks out of the school, looking rather happy.

"Hey!" shouted Sonia. "Are you following me!?"

"I would if we were going to different schools," said Josuke.

"Ugh!" shouted Sonia, walking away.

"I... didn't do anything," said Josuke.

"What does society know anything about you doing anything?! Hm!?" asked Sonia, pointing at his face while her hand is shaking.

"Wh-..." said Josuke. "What are you-?"

"Ugh!" shouted Sonia, walking away.

"Why do you hate me?" asked Josuke.

Sonia stops walking and grunts.

"I already said that I was sorry," said Josuke. "I tried to be friends with you when summer hit. What gives?"

"Because you're toxic!" yelled Sonia. "You have no idea about bullying me before?! Harassing me to the point of myself going totally like... insane!?"

"I don't-..." said Josuke.

Sonia shows him a text message of Josuke harassing Sonia over and over again.

"I... did that?" asked Josuke.

Images flash in his mind of himself cutting his own wrist and stabbing himself.

Josuke gasps for breath and breathes heavily.

Josuke backs away.

"I don't... I don't remember..." he began to sob. "Why don't I-?"

"Yes..." said the voice in his head... Unlike Miguel's voice... this one is feminine and has a British accent. "Why don't you remember, Josuke Higashikata?"

Josuke began to sob and tremble.


Sonia slapped Josuke in the face, and everyone in the school looked at him.

Sonia, in fear and disgust, runs away from him.


His ears ring.


The Reverse-Flash grabs his heart.

He gasps for breath and trembles in fear.

Yet... no one is there... and everyone is looking at him.

"Am I... the bad guy?" asked Josuke. "Do I deserve this treatment? Was I not the happy-go-lucky goody-two-shoes guy I thought I was? Am I a monster?"

Josuke woges, and his schoolmates who are Cryptids all woge out of fear and back away from Josuke. "What the hell? *GASP*... What the hell am I? *GASP*... I need... I need my friends... Finn, Jake... Spongebob, Patrick... Gumball, Darwin... Jedan...Mr. Reaper... Ms. Kuta... Mr. Kraken... Mr. Ranger...



Josuke falls to and trembles on the ground.

"Please... Someone help me... *GASP*..." Josuke trembled on the ground and hallucinated. "Please! Please... I feel like I can't breathe... Oh, Geez... *GASP*..."


Sonia sees the cartoon characters run toward Josuke and pick him up.

"I sensed something was wrong!" shouted Gumball.

"Let's get him to see my mom!" said Finn. "Come on, guys!"


"PTSD," said Minerva: Finn's mother whose consciousness and soul were uploaded into the internet. "I'm actually not this kind of doctor, but since I'm basically an AI now, so it's fine."

Josuke sits on his chair, motionless and staring blankly on the ground.

"What the heck is up with him, Mom?!" asked Finn.

"Josuke Higashikata is currently suffering from panic attacks, vivid flashbacks that he thinks are hallucinations, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, sweating, nausea, pain, trembling, sweating, and having symptoms of anxiety. Has anything happened to him lately that caused Josuke to act this way?"

"Well... his encounter with The Reverse-Flash had his heart get grabbed by The Reverse-Flash who used phasing via air frequencies..." said Patrick.

All of them looked at Patrick, surprised by such knowledge.

"Wumbo," said Patrick.

Everyone else sighs in relief.

"Oh, thank God," said Gumball.

"Well... that must be it... Just, take care of Josuke for now, okay? He's a very fragile person... However, he may not look like it, but Josuke is actually much more terrifying than anyone thinks," said Minerva. "I scanned his mind... And like all Stand-Users... not only does he have a fighting spirit... but he has another person living in his mind that used to have some kind of symbiotic commensalism with its User... But she has since become parasitic to Josuke."

"'She'?" asked Jake.

"Yep," said Minerva. "Finn, sweetie... It's the Prince Universe's version of your girlfriend, Yoshiko Kira..."

The Jazz Fusion widen their eyes, surprised.


The group walked into the grasslands at night and approached the Hole Near the Center of the World. It is southwest of the Human Colony.

"Sandy, I should tell you that we shouldn't approach the crater," said Princess Bubblegum.

"Oh! What's wrong? 'You too chicken', Ms. Destroyed of Worlds?" asked Sandy.

"Are you?" asked Princess Bubblegum.

"Guys..." said Anne. "I don't think we should-..."

"Ugh! I'm going there if you're insinuatin' that I can't! Because I tell ya, I can and I will!" yelled Sandy.

"Fine," sneered Princess Bubblegum. "So will I."

"Guys?" asked Marceline.

The two ignored Marcy and Anne and walk toward the crater.

The group reaches the great hole and looked down at the bottom of the crater.

"Here?" asked Anne. "It's just a literal crater. How deep do you think it is?"

"We could drop a stone and calculate the height," said Princess Bubblegum.

Sandy picks up a stone and throws it into the crater.

They waited for about a minute.

No sound.

"Hey!" shouted Princess Bubblegum. "I didn't say we should do it! The Jorogumo could still be there!"

"Your fault. You insinuated that I should," said Sandy.

The pair starts arguing as Anne and Marceline sigh.

"Have you ever fought a Jorogumo before?" asked Marceline.

"Nope," said Anne, looking mundane.

Anne looks at the ground for a moment and realizes that the ground is shiny and is glistening under the moonlight.

"Are Grimms capable of fighting Jorogumos?" asked Marceline.

"Huh? Oh... Sorry... I was-... Ahem... Not sure," said Anne, still talking mundanely and looking rather calm.

"You ever dream about spiders crawling out of your eyes?" smiled Marceline.


Marceline teleports away and dodges Sticky Fingers' attack.

Marceline, behind her, chuckles.

"Ugh! Don't scare me like that! What's your Stand Ability anyway?" asked Anne.

"I'm a Time-Stopper," smiled Marceline. "Same type of Stand as of Star Platinum and THE WORLD."

"I recently learned that Time-Stoppers can evolve their Stands," said Sandy. "Their final forms probably allow them to bend reality itself, allowin' 'em to overwrite truth accordin' to their will.Weird that I know more about your girlfriend's abilities..."

"Ugh!" shouted Princess Bubblegum.

"Whoa..." smiled Anne. "No wonder..."

Anne realizes something about the glistening ground.

"Guys... we shouldn't be here," said Anne.

"It's the squirrel's fault," said Princess Bubblegum. "She dared me to go here."

"Nope! All I did was annoy you because of the squirrel incident you couldn't handle!" shouted Sandy.

"What happened anyway?" asked Anne. "Wait... Why did I ask that? We shouldn't be here. Guys!?"

"A bunch of squirrels started chewin' at her skin in Texas because she's GUM FLAVORED!!!" yelled Sandy. "With a hint of nut-flavored perfume."

"First of all..., that was a gift from the Duke of Nuts... Second... YOU HATE ME BECAUSE SOME BOZO GENOCIDED THE SQUIRREL IN TEXAS IN 1886!!!" yelled Princess Bubblegum. "I AM A CHANGED LADY, SQUIRREL!!!"


"Guys! Keep it down!" shouted Marceline.

*clack clack clack clack clack*

"She's near," said Anne, keeping her voice down. "Can anyone turn us invisible and make us fly?"

"Marcy?" asked Princess Bubblegum.

Marceline shapeshifts new arms and grabs all of them as they all turn invisible.

*clack crunch clack crunch clack crunch clack crunch*


*click click click*

Kya the Jorogumo, woged in her spider form, climbs out of the crater with a dead fluffy person in her arms who is wrapped in cobweb. Her fangs show out, pointing outward from her mouth and sucking the blood of the fluffy person. The fluffy person thins and dusted inside the cobweb.

Kya resembles a pale woman, but with black eyes. She has four long black spider legs coming out from the center of her spine. At the center of the leg's joins, she has a pore that pours out webbing.

She walks around searching for them.

"You don't know this, but the ground has my web..." she hissed in a raspy voice. "I could sense the vibrations of your heartbeats with a mere touch of my web... But you levitate...Vampire...My kind's greatest competition...But not like the Vampires in my world...No...Stranger... But the same..."

"Your eyes..." whispered Anne. "You... were there that night."

She smiles.

Anne is turned visible as she makes Marceline let go of her.

Marceline tries to attack with her Stand, a black humanoid with red eyes and long red hair. The humanoid Stand has a feminine body and a red skirt. The humanoid has fangs and pointed ears. It also has wings. The humanoid also has red bat wings and a red tail.

Princess Bubblegum grabs Marceline on her wrist. Marceline turns to her as Princess Bubblegum shakes her head.

"Eradicator was a danger to our plans... I very well thank your husband and his apprentice for allowing us to rise to the occasion and rule this world..." smiled Kya. "Grazie, Anne Zeppeli."

"You killed my mother and brother," said Anne, clenching her fists and hardening her expression.

"Hm? Mother and brother?" asked Kya. "Ah... yes... Elena and Xavier... How petty..."



Suddenly, a needle and thread appear from her pore as it is shot toward Anne's eye.


Anne zips her face in half using Sticky Fingers as she shoots a BUENA Kusai, launching her fist toward Kya.

However, Anne's feet are sewn into the ground, attached by the needle and thread.

"This is my Stand," she whispered in a cold and creepy voice. "Careless Whisper. I even sewed your shoes and your feet together, so you cannot escape."

Kya's long hard gut-churning spider legs vibrate. She crawls while bobbing her head left to right, hissing and howling like a madwoman. Kya cackles horrendously as she prepared to devour Anne Zeppeli.

"BALLROOM BLITZ!!!" yelled Princess Bubblegum.

She grabs a few stones and throws them into the ground. Each of the stones turns into her Stands.

"BERUBI RUBI!!!" yelled her Stand, Ballroom Blitz.

Her Stand is a colony of large pink 8-foot-tall muscular female golems with skirts. Each of the Stands has no faces and looks like pink skirt-wearing mannequins. They are slender. They have high heels and no hair.

They attacked all at once, but she easily sewed them all together. She then sews Princess Bubblegum into a cobweb.

"GRRRR-!!!" growled Marceline.

Marceline teleports toward the Joroguo, but her legs are immediately sewn into the ground by the Jorogumo's needle and thread.


Marceline leaps her Stand toward Kya and stops time. Her Stand, Timeless, punches the Jorogumo.

"REREREREREREREDO!!!" yelled Timeless, punching the Jorogumo over and over again. "REDO!!!"


Kya's Stand, a pale mannequin-like humanoid wearing a black dress appears before Marceline and shoots a needle and thread into her eyes, sewing Marceline's eyes shut. Kya also wraps the needle and thread around her, keeping her arms together.

Sandy's Stand attacks.

"BALLAD OF HIGH NOON!!!" yelled Sandy.

Guns emerge from her hands, summoning point-blank and immediately blasting bullets toward Kya, each curving away from the needle and threat.


Three bullets manage to put holes into Kya's abdomen.

Kya immediately sews Sandy's hands together and her gun's mouths together.

She hisses and charges at Sandy and is about to devour her.


"Ugh!" said Princess Bubblegum in muffled annoyance.

Anne observes Kya's needle and thread, and she realizes that it's loosening the moment Kya approaches Sandy who is across them.

"Her Range is fifteen meters," said Anne to herself. "And... She's only been using one thread this entire time... PRINCESS!!! USE YOUR GOLEMS TO HOLD HER DOWN!!!"

(theme begins)

Princess Bubblegum struggles and manages to find an opening in the cobweb and reach out her hand. She then shot candy from her palm, which struck some rocks and turned them into Golems. They each leaped toward Kya and held her down, but Kya uses her needle and thread to stuck many of them off the ground.


Anne launches herself upward. She Kusai'd her feet, but instead of her feet launching, she launched herself instead.

The needle and thread try to follow her, but it stops as Anne reaches more than 15 meters in the sky.

She then launches a Zipper Kusai, launching her fist and grabbing into the grass 20 meters away from her adversary.

Anne pulls herself toward the ground as she lands 20 meters away from Kya.

Kya's needle and thread cannot reach her.

Anne zips two circular cuts off the ground where her feet are as she retracts her Stand toward herself. The needle and thread lose their grip on Anne as her feet are freed.

Since the first target was freed, the needle and thread lose their grip on everyone.

"Guys!?" asked Anne. "Secret technique!"

"What? What's your secret technique!?" asked Princess Bubblegum.

"It isn't my secret technique. It's the technique taught to my uncle by my fiance's father," said Anne.

Anne immediately runs away.

(theme ends)


The three roll their eyes and follow after her.

"DON'T GO AWAY!!!" hissed Kya, as she crawled after them.

"Tch-!" whispered Anne.

"I have an idea!" shouted both Princess Bubblegum and Sandy.

"What?" asked Anne.

"Marceline! Distract her using your time stop while Sandy thinks of something!" yelled Princess Bubblegum.

Sandy smiles at her.

"Okay," said Sandy. "Anne... Listen very closely..."

Suddenly, the four turned invisible.

Time stopped. Time resumed.

Kya is facing the wrong direction.

"Huh!?" asked Kya.

Suddenly, Marceline is in front of her.

Her needle and thread are shot toward her.

Marceline teleports behind her.

Kya tries to sew her once more.

Marceline then teleports around her repeatedly as Kya repeatedly tries to catch her.

"You may be quick..." said Marceline, teleporting around. "But I can stop time."

Suddenly, the needle and thread managed to touch the tip of her finger and start to travel in Marceline's veins.

Marceline smiles and uses the secret technique once more, running toward a direction.

20 meters away, Kya loses grip of Marceline and Marceline is freed.

Kya suddenly falls into a zipped hole in the ground and into a pocket dimension that Anne created as Anne then shuts the hole shut.

"NOOOOO-!!!" yelled Kya, as she is zipped inside.

"We should leave her there!" smiled Anne.

"Yeah!" smiled Princess Bubblegum.

"No... That's inhumane and against Maharlican law..." said Marceline.

"Fine," sighed the pair.

"We'll have her arrested not sooner than a bull finishin' up a poker game!" smiled Sandy. "Oh, and Bubblegum! Sorry for all that prejudicin' earlier. I should've been better and more mature to a fellow scientist."

"Yeah," said Princess Bubblegum. "Pretty messed up what you did there."

Marceline then elbows Princess Bubblegum.

"I'm sorry, too... For my prejudice," smiled Princess Bubblegum.

"All's well it ends well!" smiled Anne. "Miguel said that cops will be here soon!Oh, dear, God... MIGUEL!!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO PUT THEM TO BED TONIGHT!!!Sorry guys! GTG!!!"

Anne calls Kariel and is teleported away.

"This is why I never want kids," smiled Marceline. "Haha!"

"Haha... Yeah..." said Princess Bubblegum, grabbing her arm out of nervousness.


Josuke brushes his teeth silently in the night. He opens the bathroom cabinet to get more toothpaste. He closes it and sees his mother. Josuke begins gasping for breath as he tries to calm himself down. "You're... *gasp*... not real... You're not... *gasp*..."

Josuke takes out a jar full of his meds and tries to drink one, but he drops all of the meds on the ground because his hands were trembling. He tries to pick them up, but he ends up falling to the ground, shaking.


"I feel terrible... I don't want to do this to my baby..." sobbed Maria.

"Don't worry, Maria Higashikata..." said The Reverse-Flash. "The more we do this... The sooner her breaks... and his true self shall come... Hahahahaha..."

The pair are standing in the same void... in the Edge of Existence... a place of pure darkness and spots of twilight...