
344. Irene Jocelyn Kujo and Shizuka Kujo ~Origins~

Irene Kujo is the firstborn daughter of Jotaro and Annalisa Kujo. Shizuka is their youngest daughter, though, is adopted.

Irene was born on July 12, 1992, three years after Dio Brando was killed. Around that time, Jotaro Kujo was 22-year-old and had just finished college because of his advanced intellect. He had received a Master's Degree in Marine Biology. For years, Jotaro had fought Stand-Users around the world.

In 1999, Jotaro met a three-year-old girl along with Josuke while in the park. The girl was invisible, and Jotaro decided to adopt her. She is revealed to be the daughter of one of Yoshikage Kira's victims. Jotaro was forced to adopt the girl and become her father. Her name is Shizuka Kujo. She is named after Josuke.

Shizuka was not very close to Jotaro but was much closer to her adoptive mother, Annalisa. Jotaro was much closer to Irene ever since the Eyes of Heaven incident in 2001.

Irene graduated college at 15 and moved in with her father in New York where she was groomed to become the perfect Head and CEO of The Speedwagon Foundation. She was trained to be perfect her entire life.

Meanwhile, Shizuka was reared to be the new member of the Jump Force one day. They were born to be the Joestars. Heroes that are meant to protect the world.

Miguel Ibarra hopelessly stares at the rain while he is on the bus with Gabrielle, Yurielle, and Josuke.

Miguel thinks, "This is the place where Anne kissed Jedan..."

Yurielle pokes his face.

Miguel gets just a bit annoyed by this.

"What -...? What the hell are you-?" 

"How's your dating life?"


"Well... I never bonded with my Uncle. At least Gabrielle got to bond with a variant of him. So...? Dating life? How is it?"

"Well..." said Miguel. "I didn't want to, but I decided to take it slow with Anne... But she used to cheat on me a lot ten years ago her time... But she promised to change now that Tyrone's burning in hell," he sneered. "But in the end..." he stopped sneering. "I don't think it would last.What about you?" 

"I... decided to date both Jack and Jill because they were fighting over me," said Yurielle. 

"Wait... You're Bi?"

"Well, I am dating a hermaphrodite... You've got a problem with that?"

"I actually dated a couple of guys back in my day around ten years ago my time."

"Oh! Cool... Ooh! Let's share the people we date!" smiled Yurielle. "There's Neil from High School... Jeremy from Middle School... Stacy, who was from Elementary... Bobby, who was from Kindergarten, but I think he goes by Robert now... And Jack and Jill!How about you?"

"Uh... I didn't date until Anne when I was 29. And I did have a sexual relationship with Aunt Erica at 18 to 26 years old. Then, I died, right? So... I dated uh... Lilith... I dated a succubus known as Sonita... I dated uh... I think his name was Angel Dust? I dated Prometheus... I dated a demon chick named Loona... Then I dated her Dad, an Imp called Blitzo... Then I dated Perpetua... Then I dated some goddess thot called Aqua... Then I dated Eris, Goddess of Chaos... Then I dated all three Diamonds... except Black Diamond because she's crazy... Then I dated Death, who goes by Vanessa... Then I dated a Planet called Mogo... Then I dated Gaia... And... a chick called Unity... Then a 4th-World Cop and Gromflomite Hybrid named Scumbagpulous Sam... He was an asshole, though... And there was... A being known as Phil Swift... Then I dated Princess Moana in an alternate universe who was 31 at the time-..."

"Hey!" smiled Yurielle. "We're here!"

"Well... there were 3,000 more years of available boyfriends and girlfriends, but no one cares about that, right?"

The group walks outside and meets Irene and Shizuka.

"Irene and Shizuka Kujo?" asked Gabrielle.

"Yeah?" asked Irene. "We met when you were younger! The Jump Force and our family were kidnapped!"

"Is she telling the truth?" whispered Josuke to Yurielle.

Yurielle listens for her heartbeat.

Yurielle nods to Josuke.

Josuke nods to Gabrielle.

"Okay..." said Gabrielle. "Get in the Cool Dude Bus."

"What? Why?" asked Irene.

"We're having your Earth under lockdown. We think that the League of Anarchy is planning to begin Bizarrmaggeddon again." She speaks into her watch. "Crusaders. Rangers. Have Earth-Star under lockdown. The Jump Force and a few civilians have been captured. May I repeat? The Jump Force and a few civilians have been captured."

Gabrielle sighs. "Get in," she said.

The pair nod and enters the bus.

"Kuya Josuke," said Gabrielle.

"Yeah?" asked Josuke.

"We have to find them," said Gabrielle. "Wanna work together?"

"Sure..." said Josuke. He sighs. "I can't do anything in life, anymore... so... The Jazz Fusion's disbanded and I'm all friggin' alone."

"Great!" smiled Gabrielle. "Let's go kill some bad guys!"

Gabrielle and Josuke enter the front seats of the truck.

Gabrielle prepares to drive. "Well?" asked Gabrielle in the speakers. "Anyone ready for an adventure?"

"We're doing what now?" asked Miguel. "Shit... JBA: The Gospel Truth flashbacks..." he poked his forehead and sighed.

"Welp! Pray to your version of God and let's hope for safe travels!" smiled Gabrielle.

Everyone in the room except for Irene and Shizuka, who only clap their hands and pray, does the Sign of the Cross. Miguel then feels nauseous.

"Are you okay?" smiled Yurielle.

"I'm... fine..." he said, about to vomit.

Yurielle pats Miguel's head rather softly. "There, there!"

Miguel sighs. "Thanks..."


"Let's go ask where we should-..." said Gabrielle. Gabrielle's eyes widen.

So does Josuke's.

So does Yurielle's.

So does Miguel's.

So does Irene's.



Miguel summons a forcefield around them and blocks the pumpkin bombs launched at them.

Green Goblin and The Joker attack the Cool Dude Bus.

"What the hell?" whispered Miguel.

"Can't you just decide that they're knocked out!?" asked Irene. "You're The Chosen One, right? You have divine powers!"

"Well... I have to be able to see my target. And I'm not allowed to kill anyone. Actually, I have an oath."


"First, I'm not allowed to intentionally kill any living creature. Second, because I have no full control over my powers despite 3,000 years of training, I shouldn't get past the Power Stat of 7."

"'Power Stat of 7?'" asked Shizuka.

The bus goes quiet.

"They're gone," said Miguel. "They just wanted to give us a scare..."

"What do you mean by 'Power Stat?'" asked Yurielle.

"A baby's Power Stat is 1. A child's Power Stat is 2. An average person's Power Stat is 3. A person with peak human strength has a power stat of 4. A Grimm and a weak Super Soldier have a Power State of 5. An average Super Soldier has a Power Stat of 6. I have a Power Stat of 7. But, I can control my strength and dial it down to 4, which is my lowest. If I go past 7 and enter a Power Stat of 8, my Stats would randomize into a higher number. If that happens, I would lose control of my power and I could basically accidentally kill anyone. Saiyans can make their Power Stats, or as they call it, Power Levels, higher or lower. Kryptonians are able to do this as well. Wesen, or Cryptids, woge to switch between Power Stats. However, for me, I wouldn't. That's why 11th Worlders and 10th Worlders are incredibly dangerous because of their power, but they have enough time to master their strengths. For me, however, I am a Human. Therefore, I don't have full control over my Power Stats yet. I could hurt myself or even others."

"What are the other oaths?" asked Gabrielle.

"Third, I should never abuse my powers and use them to take advantage of other people. Fourth, I should follow the Ten Commandments: Love God, never blaspheme, respect the Sabbath Day then rest(and when I say Sabbath Day, I mean both days of the weekend because of my religion), honor my family, never kill intentionally, never commit adultery, never steal from the innocent, never tell lies unless it's for the right thing, never covet one's lover, and never covet one's goods. Fifth, I should always forgive. Sixth, I should always love. Seventh, I should never betray God or all known mortals."

"What even is your religion?" asked Yurielle.

"Catholocism. But I invented my own. It's called Migelianism, which is a mixture of every Abrahamic Religion and legal Religion!Mazel-Tov-Allahu-Akbar-Peace-be-with-you-Namaste!" smiled Miguel, as he claps his hands and bows.

"You're a weird guy," said Yurielle. "Why'd you remove the Sign of the Cross?"

"Oh!" smiled Miguel. "That's optional! I only don't because of C-PTSD. My brother, Lucifer, diagnosed me with it! Along with... other disorders that make me pretty dangerous to be the Chosen One."

"You mean 'The Devil?'"

"Well... Yeah! God is the Father! Goddess is the Mother, slash Holy Spirit! Their children are the Archangels... And Lucifer was an Archangel! So! That just means that Lucifer is Christ's brother! Since I'm one of Christ's reincarnations-...!"

"'One of!?'" asked Gabrielle.

"Yes... And I wouldn't want to get into that topic because if I reveal to you who they are, you wouldn't believe it...I'm his brother! And... Mary Magdalene's husband... And... Half-Brother of literally every archangel. And I feel bad for St. Michael. Pretty rough on himself after that battle against Lucifer incident."

"But you're not Jesus?" asked Josuke.

"Nope! Jesus is his own guy! In a way, I'm the youngest brother!"

"Who are the other Messiahs?" asked Josuke.

"*sigh...* Fine! Okay! One invented Buddhism... One is Jesus of Nazareth... One invented Islam... One invented Protestantism... One illegalized Black Slavery in the U.S.A... One has the same name as the guy who invented Protestantism and stopped racism in 1968... And One is me!"

Note:"Everything I've ever said is a joke."-Felix Kjellberg, PewDiePie.Get it? B-Because... this is just a fanfiction book and you shouldn't take this seriously? Haha... Please don't kill or cancel me...

"Wait, I'm sorry... Jesus wasn't the first Messiah!?" asked Gabrielle.

"He's the first and only one to be biologically God's," said Miguel. "And... actually, the way it worked was that time works differently in the 11th World, so we were all technically born at the same time. AND we exist in one bloodline! It's not creepy that we're brothers at all! Because we're Absolute Constants, we exist in every conceivable Universe. Whether or not we succeeded or failed in saving the world is up to fate. Oh! And more of us are coming. You guys are gonna have to-..."

Everyone's (except Irene's and Shizuka's) eyes widen.

Miguel warps another forcefield as Goblin tosses more pumpkin bombs toward the Cool Dude Bus.


Miguel's eyes widen. He gulps.

Gabrielle and Josuke Erstewoge instinctively, as they tick their wings.

"What!?" asked Yurielle. "Wait... Something's wrong..." She listens closely. "I can hear his footsteps... But... There's no heat coming from his body... No heartbeat... No breath...And there's another... an Aswang...And... two... no... three humans...What's weird is that... One of them..." said Yurielle. "Is you, Miguel."

"I am well aware... hissed Miguel."

Miguel warps the bus away as it transforms into a toy that he pockets.

The group stands before five opponents.

"What the hell!?" asked Gabrielle. Gabrielle hisses in her woged form, sensing danger.

Yurielle's eyes turn black, but she can't see anything. Rather, her ears can somehow sense that he's an Aswang.

Josuke shudders, seeing a violent opponent from his (kind of) past.

Miguel gulps out of fear.

Irene and Shizuka shudder in fear.

"Well, well, well..." said the first man. "Irene and Shizuka Kujo... Daughters of the Man Who Killed Me..."

It's... DIO... But he is no longer the god he was before.

"DIO...?" asked Irene. "I thought Papa-!"

"Your 'papa' killed me once... That other DIO was from the original Universe... I am the DIO of this Universe... his reincarnate... Because he was a god, I regained his memories... Yes...Do you believe... in gravity?Because it truly is bizarre that you tripped over me of all people..." He licks the blood off of his fingers. "I've seen what that one is capable of..." he sneered.

Shizuka gulps.

Miguel stared at a fully-armored MABUS.

"I told you not to come back..." said MABUS.

"What!?" asked Miguel. "I thought you didn't have a Stand!"

"That wasn't me! That was obviously some pathetic variant mutt I've found in another Earth... And you almost killed him..." MABUS mocked.

Miguel snarls.

Josuke stared at a male Kira.

Josuke sighs. "I can tell... that you're-..."

"Yes... and you're not my Josuke... But I can see..." said Yoshikage Kira. "That we fought in your Universe in a similar fashion."

Pucci stares at Irene.

"You're the guy from the prison..." said Irene.

"Hello, Jolyne... Or... Shall I say... Irene..." said Pucci.

"Mortals... Unlike what I wished to be..." said DIO. "Are helpless against people like us... Bill Cipher... Stefan... Me... We are all above you... You mortals, who live helplessly below us... Us, who are meant to rule the Universe... Is that not right, Pucci?"

"Yes, Lord DIO..." bowed Pucci. "Irene..." said Pucci, as Irene and Gabrielle felt a strong chill down their spines. "Irene!" he sang. "Irene! Irene... IRENE!!!"

Gabrielle and Irene kept feeling strong chills down their spines. They gulped.

"You're afraid, aren't you?" asked Enrico Pucci. "Do realize that it was I who killed you in the original Universe... That was all me... I cut your arms in half... Cut you all over... And let you bleed in the stony ocean... And I killed your father..."

Lastly, they met a man who looked like DIO but looked slightly different. Unlike DIO, he didn't have a star-shaped birthmark.

Rather, this one had more malice and a gross aura.

"I've seen your picture in the books," said Gabrielle, with quivering eyes. "You killed my Grandpa."

"Wrry..." he whispered.

"My soul... is... connected with you..." Gabrielle felt like vomiting. "We're not blood-related... But spiritually, we are... Shit... I feel disgusting looking at you... As if you defiled our family a long time ago..."

"I'm feeling the same with this guy..." said Irene, staring at DIO.



DIO blasts a Super-Stingy Space Ripper Blast from his eyes, which Miguel Ibarra hastily (but barely) blocks with his forcefield. Gabrielle's arm is injured and melts off because of DIO's attack.


Miguel's eyes widen out of fear. "Oh shit-!"

Time... stopped...

Shit... Now what? None of these dudes can stop time!

I think that was implied, Author.