
#20 - Closing In

It's the morning.

It's also thursday, so it's either today or tommorrow that we'll find the big obstacle.

Sure, we could also find them saturday, but i highly doubt we'll hit the limit.

So we should prepare.

Today Maria didn't let me skip school, so i had to go now.

A bit of a bother, but i guess it's fine.

There wasn't too much to do.

Black haired boy doesn't have anything new to himself.

I should talk with Apolonia though.


"How could i help you?" She says.

That's weirdly formal.

"Why are you being so formal right now?"

"No reason".

She's smiling.

It's weird.

"Anyways, I'm here to talk about your stand more specifically".


More about the limits of the stand.

"Has the future changed now? Or are we still going to die?"

"I cannot see it"


"I cannot see the future, more specifically, it's blurry, i think it's because it's in construction".

"Makes sense..."

"Then what about the ¨Echoes¨ you mentioned before"

She said something about echoes when she was at the mansion 2 days ago.

"When key events of a future i foresaw are going to happen, i recieve some sort of signal, they feel like some sort of reverberation or echoes".

"Do you think you will be able to feel them when my future comes?"

"I don't know, it's not everyday that i can foresee a fateless's future".

I'm never going to get tired of being called fateless.

Well i don't know what else to ask, so yeah, i think i'll go with casual conversation.

"Oh well, i have time, you have any questions".

"About what?"

"You know, when you made your question barrage and i answered, i'm sure i gave more questions".

"And you have time now?"

"Yeah, I mean it's school time, i can't train Hamon now since it's too flashy, and i don't even have a stand to train it".

Can stands be trained? Or was it only a Dio thing when it was stated that his time stop can be increased with training?.

"You should make your questions slowly this time, I thinking of giving you detailed answers now".

Not fully truthfull though, i will lie if the questions get too close to being about me.

"But why?"

"Maybe you're thinking too lightly of this, but you save my life and the life of my best friend, maybe you think that since you didn't put too much effort in telling me your predictions, then you shouldn't be rewarded, but it's a huge thing to me."

"Plus, even if you hadn't come to the mansion that day, i still would've had to meet you at some point, our fathers have a lot of secrets together, secrets that we will eventually have to learn at some point, so it would be good if we got to know each other".

Did i talk too much? Maybe, but i wanted to make that a little more clearer.

"Well, if you don't mind..."

"I don't, so start already"

"How can one alter their fate?"

"No one can, even if you think you did, that was also part of fate, it's always one step ahead of you".

"Then how can you?"

"Because I'm special, when i was a kid I killed someone really important to the fate of the world, when he exited the current of fate, i used his path to get out too".

Half truth and half lies, but it sounds kinda believable.

Unlike before, She doesn't seem to agitated when i told her i killed someone, she got nervous when i mentioned ¨When i was a kid¨.

"Alright then."

She inhaled and exhaled.

"What's a stand? and How can one get a stand?"

"In general, Stands are simply a visual representation of supernatural abilities or phenomenon, and have been explained throughout history as being spirits, gods, superpowers, and more."

"For humans, a stand is the manifestation of the soul, since everyone has a soul, everyone has the potential to get a stand, but some others are more inclined towards it".

"You can get a stand by 3 ways mainly:

First, you can be born with it.

Second, you can force a stand's awakening through certain objects, such as special arrows and the corpse parts, but this method has dangers.

Third is being hit by various miscellaneous phenomena, such as getting in contact with a devil's palm, or the wall eyes.

"As far as i know, though, there shouldn't be any devil's palm in the world, the corpse parts are lost in time, and the wall eyes won't pop until 200 or 300 years in the future.

She's still a bit shocked that i'm answering so honestly.

"Now, any other questions".

"How do you know any of this? I mean, all of this about stands, souls, and you also mentioned fate and the weird lighting."

"Leave that question for the last".

"Then, What is Fate?"

"Well, everything in the world has a pull, a gravitational pull, towards objets, people, etc.

"This pull determines everything in the world"

"That is fate".

"...Hmm i don't really get it".

"What part?"

"I don't know, it feels like there's information i need for it to connect inside my head".

"Hmmm, maybe it's because you thought that fate is this mystical energy that dictates everything in the world from the shadows, but it's just gravity".

"Yes, it feels a bit... unexpected".

"Yeah, yeah, just ask another thing".

"What about that Hamon thing?".

"The hamon is an ancient martial art that works by breathing in a certain way, to produce an energy similar to the sun, it enhances the body greatly, but the energy is used to kill vampires, ghouls, pillarmen, etc".

"And what's an..."

The bell rang.

"Oops, time run out, let's continue this conversation in another day."

"Wait a moment..."

I'll run away, before she asks me anything more personal.


School's over.

Apolonia's been staring at me with this really hollow gaze that promises she will gain answers.

Thankfully, Jack's been by my side at every moment, so i have a reasonable excuse to not be paying attention to that gaze.

Either way, we're now walking towards the warehouse, kids have a lot of freedom this era, so as long as we're back to our houses by dinner it will be alright.

Well, that or they don't care enough about what we're doing.

The thing is that we have to explore the terrain, maybe plant some traps in there, move some stuff to make a safe spot, anything that can give us an edge in the battle.

I refuse get my feet stuck in a box and die because of it.

Alright, we're here.

It doesn't look like your average abandoned warehouse, there's actually something special about it.

There are various thin plywood walls that seem to be assembled to create buildings.

Some have up to three floors that you can get to by climbing ladders, though i can just jump and go through the wall.

They have windows, but not glasses.

There is some machinery thrown around, but it's mostly there as a placeholder, they feel mostly light, like there's nothing inside them, they are just casings.

Feels like i'm in a fps map.

Well, thanks fate for giving me such a nice space to fight.

It appears to be around 1000 feet squared.

That's a lot, 50 meters large and 20 wide.

With all the obstacles and stuff thrown around, i wouldn't be surprised if the battles extends for hours.

I shouldn't let that happen, but they are battle veterans, they will have no problem in going into a prolonged battle.

Actually, they might have?

I don't know about Dire, but Straizo might, i think he was a quite pridefull character, i mean, he explained how the scarf works to Joseph because he already deemed him finished.

So maybe i can taunt him?...

I can't be sure, and i shouldn't count in that.

Well, at least i have territory knowledge, and seeing how this is completely desolated, they will definitly come tomorrow.

If my prediction is right, they will come by around midday, and be in hiding until the night, when they start looking for vampires.

I'll go to school normally, go back to my house, get my hood and scarf, and quickly go to the warehouse.

Jack and I will launch a surprise attack, hopefully killing at least one of them.


I can see the plans already forming.

But all of that for tomorrow.

"Jack, i have inspected it all, let's go".


Leaving aside something that vagely resembles a car, he exits the warehouse, while i follow behind him.

"So what now?"

"Obviously, we need to train".

"Two days in a row?".

"After this, you can go laze around for a week or something, just get to it".

"Alright, alright...".

Always be prepared or something like that.

As we trained, night fell, and we both went into our houses to have a nice sleep, which hopefully, won't be the last.

Exposition chapter, just to talk to Apolonia

Aroa_alracreators' thoughts