
JoJo’s Highest Note!

This story takes place in a universe reset caused by Enrico Pucci in a different universe. DIO is defeated, but Jotaro and Polnareff hear some rumors about another evil in Russia. What will happen? Read it and find out!

JoJos_Addict · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Power of the Arrow!

It had been a month since the defeat of the evil villain DIO. Jotaro and Polnareff were in the Russian tundra seeking an unbelievable evil threat even greater than that of the monstrous DIO…..

"Hey Polnareff, I heard rumors about an EVIL SPIRIT causing havoc in a nearby town. We should check it out and see if HE is there."

"Alright Jotaro, but when we get there I need to get a hotel to warm up and possibly take a lady back home too!" Polnareff said with a smile.

"I believe the city is called Samara and is about twenty miles north. When we get there, I'll need your help to find some information on HIS whereabouts. While you explore Samara I'll need you to listen for any information about where HE could be." Jotaro explained.

"If you say so Jotaro, but remember what you promised me if I came along!"

"Good grief, you'll get it once we take HIM down."


"Alright Polnareff we're here, get out of the snowtruck and we'll find a hotel. Once we get into the hotel, we'll rest and then start looking for information."

Alright Jotaro, but first thing I plan on doing is getting some Russian food. I heard it's great around here!"


"So it's been a while….. JOTARO! If I would've known you of all people would be here I would've prepared a welcome party! Now go, my faithful servant, go and DESTROY THEM!"

"Yes my Lord, they will no longer be a problem."

With Jotaro and Polnareff….

"Hey Jotaro, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it Polnareff?"

"What happened to Star Platinum after you beat DIO? I mean your stand obviously isn't the same after the battle."

"That's not important right now Polnareff. I can explain it to you after we go back to Japan, but for now just be on the lookout for anything suspicious."

Just then a group of five people, three guys and two girls, started walking straight towards Jotaro.

"Stop right there. If you come any closer we'll kill you! Who are you and why are you coming toward us? Polnareff, if they come any closer use your Silver Chariot to fill 'em with holes."

"Calm down! We're here because we heard you had some sort of powers. I was told you could move things with your mind by some random guy. I'm not sure why I even believed him but I kinda felt drawn to you."

Just then a loud FWSH is heard as five arrows come flying into each of the strangers back. A loud surge of energy is heard as four of the five peoples wounds are magically healed, but one and only one fell on the floor and passed out unconscious before passing away shortly after.

"What…just…happened? I..I swear I was just shot" the strangers said.

"Jotaro, were they just shot by-"

"Yeah, they got shot by THE arrow. It seems like one wasn't worthy, but maybe if the rest survive they can help us. For now though, you watch these kids, tell them what we know, and I'll go after the attacker. I believe they shot from that building to our left." Jotaro points to a building about a hundred yards to their left. He then starts to run towards the house.

"Alright kids listen up because I'm not going to repeat this more than once. There is a secret system of power called Stands that a few people throughout the world has. You either randomly throughout your life have a manifestation of your spirit, or you get shot by a special arrow that you have a high chance of being killed by. You have a very slight chance of surviving, so the four of you are lucky. Your friend here wasn't so lucky." Polnareff kick the dead girl's body. "Because we're going to help you learn about your stand abilities, you are going to help us take down an unbelieveably strong threat. Now, I'll answer any questions you have after I go help my friend Jotaro, but for now go into that hotel right there (points to their hotel) and tell them you're going to into room 410 and wait there. Get some rest because you'll need it for what is approaching."

Polnareff runs to the building Jotaro ran into.

"Good grief, my life can't ever be normal can it? Hey, if you're in here, come out now or else I'll kill you when I find you!" Jotaro starts to walk around the house while searching with Star Platinum.

Suddenly, a can behind Jotaro is thrown at his head, and Star Platinum knocks it away.

"So, you're behind me? Fine, I'll destroy this building if I have to! STAR PLATINUM: UNLEASH THE WORLD!"

Ten timestopped seconds later, Jotaro is in a dusty kitchen filled with broken cabinets, broken by him.

"DANGIT!" Jotaro smashes the nearest cabinet in frustration. "WHERE ARE YOU!" Jotaro hears a door behind him open and then close slowly. "My plan worked! I acted like I was enraged, and now he thinks he can take advantage of my emotions and attack me from the back!" Jotaro thought to himself.

"Now I've got you!" Jotaro spins around and punches someone in the gut, cracking their ribs and knocking the wind out of them.

"J-J-Joo-Jotaro. What-What the heck is wrong with you?"


"I-I'm sorr-" Suddenly, the door opens and Polnareff flies in.

"Jotaro! I got here as soon as I could. The kids are right behind me. Did you get the- Wait, is that me?"

Suddenly the arm of the injured Polnareff began to swell as a stand arm explodes out of it.

"DANGIT! HE WAS RIGHT HERE THE WHOLE TIME!" Jotaro starts to barrage but the stand easily counters all of the punches.

"Y0^ C4NN0T S10p M3! I AM !N^Incible!" The whole fake Polnareff explodes all at once, revealing a disfigured stand missing an eye and covered in injuries. It lunges at Jotaro and grabs his throat.

"Pol-reff--, help m3. I C4NT br3aTH3."

"Now that is much better!" the stand said, in, was that Jotaro's voice?

Jotaro fell to the floor, unconscious, and barely breathing.

"Now, who wants to die first? Will it be the man I just grabbed, or will it be you Polnareff? That was your name wasn't it?"


Polnareff begins to charge at the stand, unsure where to attack.

"NOW SILVER CHARIOT, SLASH HIM TO RIBBONS!" Silver chariot begins to relentlessly cut the stand, and yet the stand is there, perfectly fine.

"My name is VoiceOver! I have the ability to steal people's attributes just by grabbing the area I want. I mainly steal people's voices, as it is an easy way to incapacitate them and their friends will no longer trust them. They'll think it is an enemy stand! Now come here, so I can steal your life!"

The stand goes to leap onto Polnareff, but Jotaro, having regained consciousness stops time!

"S7AR 9LAT!NUM: UN!EA3H3 THE WOR75!" Jotaro says, though he sounds more like a robot trying to imitate him.

Jotaro crawled to the stand and grabbed its ankle. While time was stopped he managed to use Star Platinum to shatter the stand's ankle, but in the process he strained himself too much and time resumed.

"Good grief, you really managed to injure me didn't you Jotaro?" the stand had fallen onto the floor because of it's injury, but it still managed to spin around and grab Jotaro's hat. "You won't be needing this anymore will you? Well, good night Jotaro, FOREVER! ORAORAORAORAORA" the stand starts to barrage Jotaro using the voice of Star Platinum!

Polnareff, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to strike, shoots out his stand's rapier, his true secret technique. This time, the stand wasn't paying attention to him, so it didn't notice the giant needle flying into the back of it's head. Just like that, VoiceOver was killed, and a spray of blood came out of a plank underneath the floor, about three inches away from Jotaro's head.

"To think that that idiotic stand user would recklessly attack us with his own body so close. Whatever, I don't need to worry about that. Kids, I need your help bringing Jotaro back to the hotel!"

The six of them then slowly trudged through the snow straight to their hotel, where they could hopefully catch a break.

____________________END CHAPTER ONE_________________