
Joining The Demon Academy

Running into a baby crying at the river? Finding out your friend isn't human? What can be worse than Running into a devil. Or rather a baby and changing your life? How are you going to survive these series of events that put you at risk? Run or fight?

Strawberry_Milku · Action
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2 Chs

~Prologue~ The beginning

The wailing of a baby by the river. People walked by, not even bothering to see where it was coming from.

I tapped my friend's shoulder, "Ki. Do you hear that?!"

He turned away from his book and looked at me bewilderedly. "Hear what?"

" A baby crying, perhaps?" I turned my head to look both ways.

" Stop joking. I don't hear anything. Maybe you watched too many horror movies and it's gotten to your head." Ki turned back to his book.

'Ki doesn't hear it?!'

Shivers ran down my spine. "haha... Maybe I'm hearing things.." I ran and caught up with ki.

The wailing continues. Thousands of cries. Nonstop.

'It's definitely a-'

Just as I was going to finished my thought, the wailing of the baby stopped. My shoulders suddenly grew heavy.

I stopped walking. I was dead in my tracks. I couldn't move. If I took a step, I would die.

"You coming or not?" Ki turned around.

" ah... You can go ahead first...."

He stared at me suspiciously. " Alright. See you tomorrow."

"Y-yea.. see you tommorrow," if im still alive by then.

Now what do I do? Stand here till I die? I closed my eyes and the weight on my shoulders gradually lifted.

"Hey, you're not expecting me to kill you or anything, right?"

I springed my eyes open. A baby standing in front of me.

"W-what-" I stuttered and fell to the ground from fright.

The baby walked up to me. " Hm. Why the heck would they want someone so cowardly like you?"

"h-huh? w-who??"

What the heck??? Can anyone else see this baby here?! Is this even normal??!

"People can't see me obviously. You're only able to see me cuz 'they' chose you, specially." The baby crossed his arms.

They? " U..Um.. What do you mean by 'they chose you'?"

"Higher Ups." He rolled his eyes. "Call me Liebe by the way, Akio."

I stared at him in fright. I'm too scared to move.

"Are you gonna move or what?" Liebe glared at me. "If it's that hard for you to talk to me in baby form, I'll switch."

The baby now turned into an adult. Blond hair, blue eyes, red horns, and a red tail.

C-Chotto!!!!!! Isn't that a demon!?!!!!!

I felt myself fall to the ground. My eyes grew blurry, then everything went dark.

Maybe this'll be all a nightmare when I wake up.

Sorry if it may seem confusing. But I wanted to write novels because I love expressing my creativity. If there is anything I can add or change for next chapter please let me know! And suggest some story lines for new novels! I'd love to write them!

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