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Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 94: Jiang Ruoxue: Say it again, Xiao Huan yyds!!!

Back in time a little while ago.

Luo Chen and Youlan sneaked into the Phoenix mansion under the hint of Qila's crazy eyes.

No, rather than sneaking in, it's better to say that you can walk in openly.

In the case of Luo Chen deliberately strengthening the magical power of cognitive impairment, Luckett did not notice the two at all.


Luo Chen and Youlan walked unhurriedly on the luxurious carpet.

The two were not nervous at all, Youlan even held Luo Chen's hand, as if this was not a place where the devil was about to break the seal.

"Do you think they can handle that demon?"

Youlan, who rested her head on Luo Chen's shoulder, suddenly raised her head slightly and looked at the man she liked.


Luo Chen smiled and replied without hesitation.

Youlan shrugged her delicate little nose and looked at Luo Chen suspiciously.

"Why? The most powerful of them are only the seventh-order. If you include the white-haired dwarf, there is only one and a half-step ninth-order. You also know the gap between the ninth-order and the ninth-order and below."

"You're ignoring one person."


"A man they thought was the enemy."


Youlan frowned, thinking about who it was.

Luo Chen suddenly reached out and scratched You Lan's nose.

"Don't look at it, it won't be interesting.

Youlan met Luo Chen's smiling eyes and pouted.

"What's wrong! You are allowed to use Luo Xing to see, I can't!"

The knowledge of the gods is enormous, large enough to calculate the past and future to a certain extent.

It's like that sentence - when you know the state and physical laws of all the particles in the universe, you can predict the past and the future.

Although it is an extreme theory in the past life on Earth, it is almost impossible to realize.

But for the gods with endless knowledge, it is very simple!

As the goddess of death, Youlan can easily calculate the cause and result of this incident, which is equivalent to directly "seeing" the past and future.

Luo Chen's "Wise Man" also has the ability of "deduction and simulation", which can be deduced based on known information, and the actual simulation is carried out in the calculation center, and the past and future of a universe can also be easily calculated.

And Luo Chen's own knowledge can do it too.

Of course, this kind of thing is not necessarily accurate, because there is such a thing as "variable".

The "variables" mentioned here refer to those so-called "variables" in fantasy myths and novels that are not predicted by heaven.

And Luo Chen himself is obviously the biggest variable in the world.

Hearing Youlan's words, Luo Chen shook his head and said, "I didn't use Xiaoxing to see, I just observed the person a little, and then based on various derivations and conjectures, I roughly guessed it, not Use Xiaoxing or my knowledge to calculate the past and future."

"Then you think they'll be able to handle that demon?"

"It's definitely not there yet."

Luo Chen looked up, as if he saw the entire "Twelve Realms of Gods".

"You also know that everything is possible, there is no absolute zero probability, I just say that the possibility of failure of the devil is greater."


Youlan lowered her head and thought for a while, then looked at Luo Chen.

"Why don't we try it? Let's not stop the demon from breaking the seal and let them deal with it? Anyway, if they can't figure it out, we will end up."

Youlan made a proposal to let everyone in the Golden Dawn know that they would definitely vomit blood.


Luo Chen tapped his chin with his unarmed right hand.

Good guy, this guy is really thinking about it!

"Actually, I also want to see what interesting things will happen after the demon is broken."

"That's it?"


Luo Chen made a final decision.

"It's also just for them to exercise and play against the ninth-order saints, and they will definitely learn a lot."

As a result, this pair of men and women made such a decision that pitted a large number of people.

At the Golden Dawn, everyone looked in horror at the huge, hideous figure that was more than ten meters high in the sky.

He has dark red skin, a pair of black horns that bend towards the sky on the top of his head, his limbs are very thick, and there are spikes at some joints.

This is an existence that completely explains what a demon is.

Evil, terrifying, and terrifying!

Its existence is like the malignity of the world itself!

Each ninth-order saint will create his own method.

And the magic of the magic saint Thaddex is the law of evil!

All of its existence can be called all the evil in this world! (A certain broken cup:???)


A long and loud bell rang throughout Luotian City.

"It's the most advanced emergency evacuation signal from Luotiancheng!

Qi La forcibly endured the fear in his heart and stared at the demon stubbornly.

The so-called emergency evacuation signal is a kind of escape signal formulated by the Shenluo Empire, which is mostly used on the battlefield.

If it is used in the city, it means that it is difficult to solve the enemy's invasion into the city, and it is necessary for the people to temporarily leave the city through the emergency escape space in the city to teleport the magic circle to a nearby city, or to build a refuge outside the city. area to prevent a large number of casualties.

And the most advanced emergency evacuation signal means that the enemy is too strong, and it is likely to completely abandon the city!

"It seems that the City Lord's Mansion already knows that the demon has broken the seal, and yes, how could they not know about such a big movement!"

Qiluo gritted his teeth while trying to resist the terrifying malice that swept in.


Wei Ni, who was trembling on the side, couldn't help but hummed, the great malice naturally emitted by the ninth-order great demon in the sky made her unbearable, and her head was in chaos.

Although the "Blessing of a Thousand Winds" has reduced a lot of maliciousness, the remaining ones still made Winnie almost collapsed due to fear.

"Little Ni!"

Qila and Vera looked at Winnie worriedly, and they both launched a spiritual magic at the same time.


An invisible spiritual link connects Winnie with the spirits of Zilla and Vera.

The fear in Winnie's heart was shared and transmitted to the hearts of Qila and Vera through this link.

It was like three computers, the small one was connected to the other two large ones, and the unbearable files were transferred to the two large ones.

But such a large will bear a greater load.

"Xiaoxue! You establish a spiritual connection with us, and you also pass on your fear to

Qi La thought of Jiang Ruoxue, who was only a first-order, and just wanted her to establish a spiritual link to transmit her fear.

But Zira stopped abruptly.

Because he saw that Jiang Ruoxue was just staring at the demon in the sky with a shocked expression, and he didn't seem to fall into fear at all.

"Xiaoxue, don't you feel any malice?"

Vera asked suspiciously.

"Ah? What malice?"

Jiang Ruoxue came back to her senses and looked at Vera with a confused expression.

"that is,

Vera briefly explained the matter.

0... ask for flowers...

"Anything like that?"

Jiang Ruoxue said that she glanced at the demon who was laughing wildly in the sky.

Endless malice? Existence like malice itself?

Why am I not feeling anything?

Jiang Ruoxue looked puzzled, then suddenly thought of something, raised her right hand and glanced at Little Sabotage.

"Equipment: Little Breaker (named)


"Special effect: meditation, shielding perception.

"Skill: Calm down.

"Passive effect: Ignore all external mental interference. (Invalid for law-based mental interference)"

"Active effect: Entering the state of "Meditation and concentration", the heart is clear, the waves are calm, the concentration is extremely large, and the speed of thinking is greatly improved.

Jiang Ruoxue:

Small broken ring yyds!!!

Jiang Ruoxue was excited for a second, gave a like to Teacher Luo, and then a bold idea suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Qi Si, Sister Vera, use spiritual link magic to transmit everyone's fears to me. The evil spirit of the devil is useless to me. I have the props to resist, which was given to me by Teacher Luo!"

Jiang Ruoxue said quickly.

Qila and Vera were stunned and agreed after thinking for a moment.

They believed in Jiang Ruoxue and the magic props given by Luo Chen.

"Everyone has heard it! Spiritual link, pass on malice and fear to Xiaoxue!

Under the call of Qila, everyone quickly established a spiritual connection with Jiang Ruoxue, and passed on to Jiang Ruoxue the fear that they were forcibly forcibly created by the devil.

Of course, they didn't pass it all at once, but one by one, to prevent the magic props from being unsupported.

Under everyone's attention, Jiang Ruoxue quickly accepted everyone's fear.

"How? Can that magic item still stand?"

Wei Ruo asked with concern.

Jiang Ruoxue said with a smile: "Don't worry, the magic props given by Teacher Luo are very powerful, I don't feel it at all.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Heaven and Earth Demon Saint Sadex also came out of the excitement of getting out of hell and stopped laughing wildly.

The terrifying demon lowered his hideous head and looked at the people on the ground.


Everyone was nervous.

Sadakes ignored the Golden Dawn crowd and looked at Luket who was looking at him excitedly.


The bloody mouth opened slightly, and a voice full of endless maliciousness echoed throughout Luotian City.

"Your plans have been successful so far!"


Everyone secretly said in their hearts.

Indeed, Luckett knew this demon and released it!

"Hahaha, where is it, it's just a strategy that can't be on the table."

Luckett bowed his head and shook his head, and said "humbly".

Then he raised his face full of aristocratic and elegant smiles, resisting the fear in his heart, and said words that shocked everyone at Golden Dawn.

"You must have been hit by the multiple combined curse magic that I cast in the dragon scales, and now you only have about one percent of your strength left.

Curse Magic!?

Everyone looked bewildered + shocked to look at Luckett, who was smiling gracefully.

What's the situation?

Shouldn't it be Luckett helping the demons break the seal, then being transformed into a demonic servant, or being mercilessly killed by the demons?

Did you prank the devil yesterday?

This guy..….

It turned out to be the idea of ​​fighting the ninth-order demon!? Yu,