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Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 72: Jiang Ruoxue, the richest player in the game.

"This is the commercial street closest to the Golden Dawn station. There are all kinds of magic props, magic scrolls, magic materials, and magic-related things, which are basically all here."

Luo Chen took Jiang Ruoxue on a bustling commercial street in Luotian City.

Jiang Ruoxue looked around like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

Although I passed by here before, but I was thinking about other things at that time and didn't have time to visit.

And now that she can visit casually, Jiang Ruoxue is naturally curious.

"What is that red stone?"

Jiang Ruoxue stopped abruptly and asked Luo Chen, pointing to the items on the stall somewhere.

It's very much like when a father takes his son shopping, his son who doesn't understand anything asks his father "what's inside".

Luo Chen has such a sense of sight in his heart.

Jiang Ruoxue on the side didn't know why, but suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

However, he quickly put this unpleasantness behind him and looked at Luo Chen expectantly.

Although Jiang Ruoxue has already started to learn magic knowledge, it is only the most basic personal practice.

Magic materials, magic props and other knowledge almost did not learn.

To put it simply, the current Jiang Ruoxue is a newer than super cute.

The new batch is the same as when it left the factory.

"Magic core."

Luo Chen glanced at the red stone and said.

"Magic core?"

"Well, some monsters will condense a stone-like thing in their bodies. This stone-like thing is the source of their 04 power, just like the golden pill in Xiuxian's novel, the magic core can be used to refine magic props. Or it can be used as energy charging or even directly absorbed for cultivation, etc. In short, there are many uses.

"Hey, it's just like in those western fantasy novels."

Jiang Ruoxue thoughtfully propped her chin with one hand, while the other hand touched it.

"You can understand that."

"...Wait, then why didn't I see it when I killed the monster?"

"Only monsters of Tier 3 and above are eligible to condense magic cores, and not all monsters will condense."

"Don't all monsters condense?"

"Yes indeed.

Luo Chen said while walking.

"Monsters also have their own methods of cultivation, and condensing the magic core is only one of the more popular methods. When the strength of these cultivation methods and other monsters reaches a certain level, they will be stimulated from the blood. The specific method of cultivation depends on the The choice of the monster itself."

"And when you reach the ninth order, the monsters who choose to run the training method do not need the magic core, because to become the ninth order, you need to create your own method. already."

"Is there so much to pay attention to?"

Jiang Ruoxue was dumbfounded.

"if not?

Luo Chen rolled his handsome eyes, making Jiang Ruoxue's heart skip a beat.

"The Twelve Realms of the Gods, but the real world where magic flourishes to the extreme, the result of various combinations of knowledge and criss-crossing is endless.

"So don't underestimate the indigenous people, they are all brains. Although they may not be as powerful as the players who have experienced the information explosion, their knowledge is not comparable to the players.

Jiang Ruoxue nodded, and the invisible pride in her heart that belonged to the player's self-consciously superior (indigenous NPC) was gradually put away.

Luo Chen noticed the change in the girl beside him, and showed a gratified smile.


Jiang Ruoxue's mentality has changed.

Previously, Jiang Ruoxue asked Luo Chen to tell her the truth about the game "Miracle", but she was rejected for this reason.

But judging from the current momentum, Jiang Ruoxue's mentality will change to the correct one before long.

"I think you can buy a magic core now."

Luo Chen suddenly made a suggestion.

"Huh? Why?"

Jiang Ruoxue looked at Luo Chen suspiciously.

"I shouldn't use this kind of advanced stuff for me now, right?"

"Yes, normally it is not used, but that also refers to ordinary people."

Luo Chen explained.

"There will be a trace of the spirit of the monster left in the magic core. For professionals of the same class or even one or two weaker, these residual spirits are nothing to be afraid of. When absorbing the energy of the magic core, just absorb it casually."

"But it's different if the level is lower than the third level.

"If the gap exceeds the third-order and the energy in the magic core is forcibly absorbed, the residual monster spirit is likely to directly destroy the spirit of the professional, and directly cause an outcome similar to brain death."

Luo Chen explained slowly, while Jiang Ruoxue listened and nodded from time to time.

"Of course, this is a normal result."

"The abnormal result is that some professionals with powerful forces behind them will limit the spirit of the monsters in the magic core to a certain point, and then let the professionals in the weak period feel the vicious will of the monsters, and use this to grind Exercise your own mental will.

"Can you still play like this?

Jiang Ruoxue said in astonishment.

"Yes, this is something that only the children of big families can play, and most people can't afford it."

Luo Chen spread his hands and said.

"According to this, I can be regarded as a professional with a powerful force behind me?"

Jiang Ruoxue thought about the power of Golden Dawn, and then looked at Luo Chen, who was "half-step and ninth-order", and her whole body suddenly became excited.

I also have a backer in this world?

Can you be arrogant too?

"Nonsense, I and Brother Qi are here."

"But let's say it first, you don't want to make trouble everywhere like the young children in those novels."

Luo Chen tapped Jiang Ruoxue's little head, directly interrupting her inner delusion.

"Hey, don't worry, it won't work.

"How could I be the one who can't survive three chapters?"

Jiang Ruoxue laughed a few times around the place where she had just been knocked, and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

For some unknown reason, Jiang Ruoxue always felt that when facing Luo Chen, it was as if she was facing an older elder who had experienced many vicissitudes, so that she subconsciously assumed the appearance of a junior.

Obviously only 16 years old, and he is usually so out of character, and he likes to trick people, but it gives people the feeling of an elder.

She also asked Luo Chen's age in his previous life, and he was only in his 20s.

The two worlds together are less than 40 years old, why does it give people the feeling that they are facing thousands of tens of thousands of years old elders who have experienced many vicissitudes in the world?

She also asked Vera and Qiluo, but neither of them felt that way, as if she was the only one who felt that way.

It's so weird.

Jiang Ruoxue tilted her head and thought, but soon she stopped caring about it. The current focus is to buy a magic core to exercise her mental will.

Jiang Ruoxue dragged Luo Chen to the stall selling magic boxes, looking left and right.

All kinds of colorful magic cores were presented in front of him, Jiang Ruoxue's head was big for a while, and finally looked at Luo with a look of giving up, asking for help.

"Then you say which magic core is better for me to buy?

"No, this.

Looking in the direction of Luo Chen's finger, Jiang Ruoxue was surprised to find that it was the red magic core she had pointed to before.

"If you exercise your mental will, you don't need to take into account the attributes and effects of the magic core. The red magic core you just pointed to is probably a fifth-order monster, and it is enough for you to use the third-order."

Ouch, "This little brother is an expert!"

The hawker who set up the street stall couldn't help but add a sentence when he heard Luo Chen's words.

As for why the hawker calls Luo Chen, who looks like a beautiful girl, "little brother".

That's because Luo Chen cast cognitive impairment magic on himself before going out.

When others see Luo Chen, they will subconsciously ignore his appearance and judge him as a male.

This is also the reason why no one came up to strike up a conversation along the way.

There's no way, it's a sin to look too high~

Luo Chen sighed narcissistically in his heart, and then let Jiang Ruoxue buy this red magic core.

As for where the money came from, of course it is for association benefits.

As the richest association in Luotian City, Huang 353 Jin Liming's member welfare is naturally high.

Members can receive 100,000 magic spar every month.

Yes, you heard that right, one hundred thousand.

And this is just a basic benefit, which is the kind that you can get for free every month without doing anything.

And if you take over some association business, such as shipping a batch of magic props, who will make them, then the person who makes the magic props can earn more.

Earning a million a month is not easy.

This is just personal money.

There is no communal fund for the settlement of associations.

It can be seen how rich the Golden Dawn is.

Fewer people, more money.

Then naturally everyone can enjoy more resources.

Some people may ask how much the 100,000 magic spar is worth.

Let's just put it this way, the magic core of the seventh-order Warcraft is almost the price of 100,000 magic spar, and as the top city in the most powerful empire in the Deva world-Luotiancheng, the highest combat power on the bright side. That's level seven.

And the magic core is the crystallization of the monster's life-long cultivation, and it can absorb a high-level magic core and even understand a little magic knowledge of the monster.

It can be seen how precious these 100,000 magic spar are.

When she got the 100,000 magic spar, Jiang Ruoxue was stunned for a while before she recovered.

There is only one idea in mind.

Will my wife become a big family?

Jiang Ruoxue, who instantly became the richest player in the game, sighed deeply.

The hawker scratched his head suddenly after Luo Chen and the two left.

"Hey, strange, I don't remember the red magic core in my inventory?"

The hawker thought with a puzzled look on his face, but soon gave up thinking.

Forget it", maybe I remembered it wrong.

"Here, help me suppress the spirit of the monster inside."

Jiang Ruoxue handed the red waste nuclear to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen took over the magic core and was about to start suppressing the spirit of the monster inside.


Luo Chen suddenly froze.

Then a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
