
Joined The Chat Group dimensional

Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 67: Embarrassed Cthulhu D, Tony who plays melee combat.

"You really are here!"

Bai Xiangshengzhi shouted to a certain evil god who shamelessly came to eat and watch the play.

"Ara, didn't you say it before? I'll come to see the play.

The evil god D in the JK suit said in that seemingly gentle but flat voice.

The Demon King who had read the original book instantly stood up and became vigilant, with intense anger in his eyes.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to watch the show. After all, otherworld people are so interesting!"

The evil god D looked at Ariel with a face that looked exactly like Shiraori.

"And this Mr. Luo Chen is stronger than me, I don't know how much, and I can't beat others just what I want to do~"

Ariel stared at the evil god D for a while, and finally sat down again.

Ariel whistled fiercely, as if taking the melon in her hand as the evil god D.

Although she was very unhappy with the system she created, and the fact that the goddess Sally became the center of the system.

But it's no use no matter how upset you are.

A god who can tamper with the laws of the planet at will, is not something her little spider can beat.

And she firmly believes that she will be able to save her mother in the future.

"Mother", that's what she called the goddess Sally.

Everything she has done so far, saving the world is just incidental.

Most importantly, save her mother!

Bai Zhi, who was beside him, lowered his head and thought for a while, then stood up silently, and came behind the evil god D.

"Number? Xiaobai, what are you going to do...



Before Evil God D finished speaking, Bai Zhi slammed her head into her head with a punch.

Shiraori withdrew his smoking fist.

Just now, it was her full blow.

The evil god D held the back of his head and pretended to be pitiful.

"What are you doing, Xiaobai!"

Shiraori rolled his eyes at Evil God D and sat back next to the Demon King again.

If there were a little more tears in your eyes, I might almost believe it.

Evil God D instantly put away a pitiful expression, and then said to Bai Zhi: "By the way, Xiao Bai, I haven't officially named you yet!"

Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment and looked at Evil God D.

The name Cthulhu D said was a name with a mysterious factor.

In the original work, the evil god D named Shiraori.

"After all, I like your mouth so much!"

Shirai: "!!!"

Ya blow (bad)!

Why am I so excited after being recognized by this guy!?

It's the same in the original!

A faint blush appeared on Bai Zhi's face.

Like the original, Shiraori will feel inexplicably excited about his identification with the evil god D.

Maybe it's because Cthulhu D is considered his half-mother?

"However, if I really give you a name, it will limit you. After all, to God, naming is very important."

Cthulhu D suddenly approached the spider, and only a short distance away from each other's lips would touch.

"Only freedom can make you shine. But even if you have to tear off the wings of freedom, I want to keep you by my side. It's contradictory, but it's all because of your charm. "

With a gentle and sweet voice, the entire bead of a certain spider almost melted.

What, what is this!

How can this guy say the same words as the original:

It's a foul!

How can I resist this!

The blush on Bai Zhi's face was obvious, and the whole spider was dizzy.


Cthulhu D put down the watermelon in his hand, clapped his hands, and the smile on his face became even bigger.



Shiroi responded dazedly.

"Just ask Mr. Luo Chen!

Cthulhu D suddenly put his hand on Luo Chen's shoulder.


Luo, who was eating melons and watching a play, didn't know why he was dragged in.

The dizzy Spider Zi also suddenly woke up and looked at Luo Chen with a dazed expression.

"Oh, look, if I give Xiaobai a name, it will have a connection effect. This connection will limit Xiaobai, so I will let you help cut off the connection without abolishing the name!"

"In this way, Xiaobai is still mine, and her freedom will not be restricted! As for whether to cut off the connection, Mr. Luo Chen can definitely do it!

"Humph, this will solve it, am I a genius!"

Evil God D said proudly.

This guy, he's really a primary school student sometimes!*4

The crowd silently complained.

When she thinks about her escape to Earth to experience the life of a high school girl in order to skip school, she is even more certain about it.

"I don't care, you ask Xiaobai.

Luo Chen gave a whistle and said silently.

"Mmmm! Mr. Luo Chen is really a kind and considerate person. I can't help but fall in love with Mr. Luo Chen."


Luo Chen, Lin Xiao and Ariel directly sprayed the watermelon in their mouths.

Since the spider just didn't have it in its mouth, it directly sprayed the saliva.

Everyone looked at Evil God D with dazed expressions, and Bai Zhi still had an inexplicable emotion for some reason.

"One thing to say, don't joke, I almost took it seriously.

Luo Chen waved his hand and wiped off all the stains that everyone on the ground had just spit out.

"I'm not kidding!"

Cthulhu D said with a smile.

Luo Chen rolled his eyes at her.

"Really? I can hear it clearly, your heart is excited because you made a joke, the joy seems to be overflowing, and it even reminds me of a certain Mapo priest. ."


Cthulhu D instantly withered.

The smiling expression disappeared, and he directly pouted.

It was the first time she was heard.

She always listened to others.

Good Damn it feeling!

Bai Zhi, Ariel, and Lin Ye all snickered secretly when they saw the evil god D like this.

Among them, Bai Zhi laughed the most in his heart.

Sure enough, you have to pay back when you come out!

"How can you do this! Eavesdropping on people's voices is an invasion of their privacy. Do you know that girls' secrets are very important!"

No, are you still qualified to say that?

The crowd groaned inwardly.

Are you worthy to say this?

Three yuan for a key and three for ten yuan, do you deserve it?

You do not deserve!

are you worthy?

How many do you have!

Bai Zhi used what he had learned from the group owner Lin Xiao when he was bragging and farting in the group, and complained wildly in his heart, and even stared at the evil god D with those ten eyes.

No matter how everyone looked at it, the evil god D was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, don't do it, don't do it anymore, watch the play and watch the play."

He changed the topic bluntly, and the whole person shamelessly picked up the watermelon again and watched the play while talking.

Everyone was too lazy to say anything about him.

Eat melon to watch the play, eat melon to watch the play.

"Bang"! "Bang"! "Bang"!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang"!!!

Hit, hit, hit!

The two of them stood still, slamming their fists towards each other frantically, and the two pairs of fists collided continuously.

Between the two, there was a continuous wave of airflow visible to the naked eye.

At this time, there should be a wave of lines.

Euler, Euler, Euler, Euler!


Too bad neither of them could shout.


One last extraordinarily powerful punch ended the head-to-head fight.

Both of them retreated a distance with the recoil of their fists.


The flat-headed strong man cursed anxiously in his heart.

Why is Tony Stark's Iron Armor so good!?

It's not like that in the original!

Shouldn't it be a long-range laser missile?


You can travel to other worlds, and you can't look at it as in the original book!

The flat-headed strong man kept thinking in his heart.

"Hey man, keep coming!"

Tony stretched out a finger and ticked at the brawny with a flat head.

A wave of ridicule directly added a few "#" to the forehead of the flat-headed strong man.


The brawny man with the flat head opened his hands, and then clenched them again.

There seems to be a layer of invisible energy on the armed color domineering.

"Sir, it is detected that there is an invisible energy on the armed arrogance of the opponent's hands. According to the comprehensive information, it may be an "armed domineering arrogance, Liu Ying" with an internal attack effect. "

Jarvis' voice sounded.

Tony greatly upgraded Jarvis through the various knowledge he learned in the group files.

Now, what kind of special energy, Jarvis can barely detect it.

"Huh? Oh, knowing that it's hard to get a good deal, you just want to attack me from the inside and hit me directly in the steel suit?"

Tony sneered.

0…for flowers….

"After joining the chat group, I also took into account such a penetrating attack. Using the combination of technology and magic knowledge, I designed a structure for all steel suits to resist penetrating attacks."

"If it is other steel battle suits, the level is too low, and it is difficult to resist, but this anti-power gem armor equipped with power gems can definitely block it!

It's a pity that the helmet has a sound insulation function, unless Tony actively transmits his own voice, people outside cannot hear it.

Otherwise, if he heard the words "power gems" mentioned by Tony, the brawny man with a flat head would probably turn around and run away immediately.

Let's not talk about whether to run or not, but you still have to run.

After all, that's a power gem!

One of the six original stones of the universe!Jarvis "You think I'm standing up straight and I can't resist, can I block him?"

Sir, "According to the previous battle calculation, taking into account the possibility of armed color domineering, sakura and stronger moves, set the normal defense value of the battle suit to 1, and the opponent's attack is expected to have 0.8, which cannot be broken."

"Good, then I'll stand up straight and punch this guy, I'd like to see what expression will appear on his face.

Tony stood up straight and didn't move, just looking at Gail, a brawny man with a flat head.

"Iron, steel!

The brawny man with the flat head shouted loudly, and also used one of the six styles of iron on his arm.

Then, use the instant brake to explode the speed!

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two was crossed.

"Die! Tony Stark!!!"

The flat-headed strong man roared angrily, with a domineering look of armed color, Liu Ying made an iron block, and the steel punch smashed at Tony.

Moreover, the brawny man with a flat head also deliberately went to the energy reactor on the chest of the steel suit.


The fist seemed to have encountered the hardest divine iron in the world, and it did not shake Tony's figure in the slightest.

On the contrary, large cracks appeared on the ground, and they sank a little.

The brawny man looked at Tony in horror.

"Hai, man, your punches are not strong, did you miss your meal this morning?"

Tony sneered at the right time.

"Sir, the attack power of the opponent's punch is about 0.85."

"Cough, not bad, 0.05 more than expected.

When Tony was talking to Jarvis inside the helmet, the brawny man hurriedly distanced himself.

"Shout, as of now, I can only use this."

The sturdy man with the flat head looked fierce, and when he flipped his palm, a syringe-like thing appeared.

"Huh? Is this the kind of thing that often appears in movies?

Tony looked strangely at the syringe-like thing.

The brawny man with the flat head pressed a button, and a needle protruded from it.

Then he slammed into his neck.

"Good guy, it really is a syringe."

Tony was also a little speechless, and he really encountered the plot that only appeared in this kind of movie.

That's not right, you seem to be a movie character, right?

When Tony was thinking, the blue veins of the flat-headed strong man kept beating, the muscles kept shaking, the body directly felt a large circle, and his body was red, and the body was constantly emitting steam.

The whole person has become a muscle monster.

"Rubber second gear? No, no, obviously not. This increased blood flow rate should only be one of the effects of that medicine."

Tony looked at the brawny guy with a little surprise.


A deafening roar sounded.

The brawny man with the flat head was covered with a domineering look of armament, flowing with cherry blossoms, and his body maintained the state of iron and steel all the time.

"Sir, it is detected that the opponent's body is covered with armed color domineering sakura at this time, and every part of the body is in the state of iron and steel. It is predicted that its attack power has reached 3 or more."

"Shh, it's almost quadrupled at once, something, Jarvis, adjust the power of the suit to the normal maximum mode.

You said with interest.

"yes, sir."


The floor occupied by the flat-headed strong man suddenly dented a large piece, and the man disappeared.

Tony knew the opposite direction through Jarvis' detection and quickly turned around and punched it.


"Sir, the specific value has been obtained, the opponent's attack power is about 4.3.

"4.3? Interesting."

Tony looked at the brawny guy who was stalemate with his fist, and the corner of his mouth kissed an arc.

Come on ", guys, let me see how far you can get!" Yu,