
Joined The Chat Group dimensional

Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 125: Group chat upgrade.

Golden Retriever: "Ha, ha situation? What happened? [Looking confused.jpg]It's really not a girl: "It seems that someone has sneaked away? @The worst elf [squint.jpg]Worst elf: "Alala~, I'm sorry, the one called Jingong Xingyue has been looking at me with that super disgusting look, I couldn't help but kill him.Playboy: "I can't help but finish the task, but it's okay. Shame.jpg]Self-explosive master: "Alas, there is one less chance to earn points. [Poor sigh.jpg]Strawberry Milk Samurai: "Silver Sang, I have become the poorest in the whole group!Spoiler is really happy: "Three-three bulls! "Broken sound.jpg]The worst elf: "Allah.[It is detected that three group tasks have been completed, and the group chat starts to upgrade. ]A message popped up suddenly, and the group members were all stunned.Love Angel: "Upgrade? Will this group be upgraded?"Spider: "Of course I'm back! When I first joined the group, I was promoted once, because the group quest was triggered for the first time."Strawberry Milk Samurai: "In other words, upgrading now is equivalent to the novice period has passed?"Really not a girl: "Almost, I asked about the group chat, and there will be more new features later.Happy Spoiler: "Ask...The spoiler is really happy: "I don't think it's necessary for me as a group leader! What can be hosted by Brother Chen, Achen can also do it.Strawberry Milk Samurai: "That's right! Just abdicate and let yourself go! [Crazy Hint.jpg]Happy spoiler: "Go away! Even if you really want to abdicate and let Xian let you go!"[Upgrade completed, new features--"measures to the system]Spider: "Ooh! Come on!"The unremarkable Emiya: "What is this 'measure against the system'?"Happy spoiler: "Wait, let me see."The spoiler is really happy: "By the way, Ah Chen, you can't speak first, otherwise my group leader will appear very useless! [pitifully begged.jpg]It's not really a girl: "As for what to do, it's up to you.Happy Spoiler: "Yeah! Ah Chen I love you! Muma! [Shy.jpg"Not really a girl: "...Spider: "!!!"Spider : "Master of the dog group! Stinky Lin Ye! He even took the opportunity to be blamed!Golden Retriever: "Wow, a mouthful of dog food. [Ouch~.jpg]Strawberry Milk Samurai: "Damn it! Where's Ginsan's big fff!?"Love Angel: "Ah, love will only affect my game speed!"Self-explosive master: "Wait, wait, I seem to have Yukino, not a single dog.. Coffee, then it's alright."Playboy: "If you have a wife, don't panic." Dese.jpg"~]Strawberry Milk Samurai: "A bunch of dogs are charging now!"The unremarkable Emiya: "Well, I am also a singleStrawberry Milk Samurai: "Shut up! You hyena who jumps the lever and kills the girl by four!"The unremarkable Emiya:""I'm not a Loli control: "Hmph, boring."Strawberry Milk Samurai: "Playing with Loli, you have no right to speak!I'm not a Loli control:Really not a girl: "Yin Sang is very irritable now."Strawberry Milk Samurai: "No way!Strawberry Milk Samurai: "Damn it! You goddamn charge dogs! Blast it! Charge now!"Self-explosive master: "What is it now that I have finally lived to be the person I hated the most! [Sigh.jpg]Playboy: "Speaking of Yinshi, don't you have one too? Xiaobiao, Yueyong, these."Golden Retriever: "Yes, Yinsang, as long as you dare to take the initiative, you will hit home plate on the day!"Strawberry Milk Samurai: "Hey, the life of a down-and-out samurai doesn't need love!"Self-explosive master: "I'm starting to be shy, Yinsang."Strawberry Milk Samurai: "No Road Race (long-winded)!"The worst elf: "Allah, there are so many people in the group, should I find one too?"Happy Spoiler: "Three-Three Find Me!"Worst Spirit: "I refuse."Happy Spoiler: "So decisive!"Worst Elf: "No matter what, my sexual orientation is normal."I'm not Loli Control: "@Spoiler is really happy. Have you read it? What is the system measure?"Finally someone asked the serious question.Happy Spoiler; "Cough Cough!"Happy spoiler: "The so-called 'measures against the system' are measures specifically aimed at the system!Golden Retriever defeated dog: "emmmmmm. Listening to your words is like listening to your words."Happy spoiler: "Oops, I'm not done yet!"The spoiler is really happy: "This measure against the system is the same as those Noble Phantasms in Shirou's world did a special attack on so-and-so. This is equivalent to a special attack on the system, which has the characteristics of restraining the system in terms of laws and concepts.""As for the specific effects, for example, some systems have functions of emergency escape or self-destruction and self-destruction, and we can block their functions by group chat; after killing the system host, we can even recover the system and turn it into a group chat. nourishment.""Of course, the recycling system will also have reward points! Each system's recycling rewards start at 10,000!"above!"The group digested the news for a while.The worst elf: "That is to say, will you earn extra points in the future?"Playboy: "Good guy, just get to the point!"It's really not a girl: "It's a very good function. If you encounter a system with such a function in the future, you don't have to worry. After all, even if it's me, I still have to be careful with things like the system. Weird feature."Self-explosive master: "I suddenly feel a pity for the traversers with the system before! There is no recovery for points!The worst elf: "When you say that, I also start to feel distressed.The spoiler is really happy: "Okay, okay, anyway, there should be opportunities in the future, why do you feel distressed?"Spider : "Where are the two systems that were not recycled before?"Not really a girl: "No more."Spider: "???"It's not really a girl: "I asked Xiaoxing to detain all the systems, analyze what can be analyzed, and then directly convert the system into nutrients for Xiaoxing to swallow after playing."Playboy: "That is to say, you have stolen it by Chen?"It's not really a girl: "What's stealing? How ugly!"It's not really a girl: "call the treasure" and "those who have the ability will get it".Spider : "Achen is awesome! "Bao Yin.jpg]The worst elf: "By the way, Chen Sang shouldn't come to my world because of it, why...It's really not a girl: "Don't forget that you have given me the authority to analyze the world. I can still do some small things."Strawberry Milk Samurai: "Hi~[Scared.jpg]Golden Retriever: "How can it still be like this?"It's really not a girl: "Yes, so you pay attention, be careful that I will inform the whole world that you are Kashiwagi Eri old wet." Smile.jpg]Golden Retriever: ~ Brother, I was wrong! [Kneeling and begging for mercy.jpg]The worst elf: "Can you do something small...The worst elf: "Chen Sang doesn't know how to take a bath or peep at other times?"Golden Retriever: "!!!"Happy Spoiler: "!!!"Spider: "!!!"Love Angel: "!!!"All the female members panicked.Not really a girl: "...emmmmmmm, very tempting proposition.Really not a girl: "But, I refuse!!!"Not really a girl: "One of my favorite things to do as a person is say 'NO' to self-righteous guys!"Happy spoiler: "Will you say "Josuke, Mud to Lu Daling" next?"Master of Self-Explosion: "What's the point of this?[Happy spoilers" uploaded the file "JOJO Series"]Happy Spoiler: "Watch it yourself when you have time."Love Angel: "The building is crooked, isn't it a topic of whether Achen will peep?"It's really not a girl: "Okay, don't worry, I promised to only analyze the world and not do anything else.Really not a girl: "So I won't peep, absolutely not!"It's really not a girl: "Although this proposal is very tempting | Whisper.jpg]Love Angel: "Achen, your last sentence was intentional, right?"(Yes) It's really not a girl: "Yes."Love Angel: "Although I know you're probably joking, I still managed to get panicked by you.Golden Retriever: "Damn it! I'm panicking too! I can't be at ease when I go to the toilet, bathe, change clothes, etc.! [Crazy.jpg]It's not really a girl: "You have to trust me Luo Laoshi's reputation!"Golden Retriever: "Luo Lao Shi? You made a typo on purpose! Absolutely!"Not really a girl: "Well."Golden Retriever: "Hey you bastard!"Golden Retriever loser: "@Spoiler is really happy @spiderzi@sin elf, you three also come and talk about him!"The spoiler is really happy: "Actually, I don't think it's bad to be seen by Achen."Golden Retriever:?"Spider : "If it's Achen, although I'm very shy, butGolden Retriever:??"The worst elf: "Allah~ After all, this is something that can't be helped."Golden Retriever: "???"Golden Retriever: "Forget the first two, why are you like Sansan! Tongue?"The worst elf: "Allah~, because I still believe in Chen Sang's character.Golden Retriever: "...Golden Retriever: "I think, the three of you, there is a serious illness in the designated place!"

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