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Luo Chen traveled to a different world where magic flourished. – In this world, the strong can easily open up mountains and crack the earth, and even grasp the stars, and there are also terrifying gods aloof and in charge of everything in the world. As a traveler, Luo Chen got his golden finger, a unique skill [Wise Man]. Possesses abilities similar to Moe King [King of Wisdom] but far superior to it. Just when Luo Chen began to work hard to become a god, he suddenly learned that the player was coming? And he also joined Wanjie Chat**? Happy spoiler: “Here comes the newcomer! @All members are rough to welcome the newcomer! There are also newcomer photos!” Playboy: “Welcome to the newcomer, the newcomer is bursting with photos! Let me know if Kangkang is a girl!” Golden Retriever defeated dog: “Upstairs blame Shu Shu is thick, don’t scare the newcomer, by the way @really not a girl newcomer exploded photos!” Really not a girl: “…”

Raizen_3208 · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Chapter 107: Reunion

Speaking of which, I'm just a guess as to whether Nasha is in the underworld.

I'm insane to do this for a conjecture, something purely uncertain.

Destroy a first-class association, bring huge property losses to Luotian City, kill ninth-order demons, become ninth-order saints, and give the world barrier of the underworld a big hole..

I've actually done a lot of amazing things!

A mediocre seventh-order sage can actually achieve this level, I guess I will be the first in the history of the entire "Twelve Realms of Gods", right?

It's a pity that I didn't see Nasha in the end.

But I also sensed a cheerful mood from her breath, as if something good happened recently~?

It looks like Nasha is in the underworld - and doing well!

I don't need to worry anymore...

Father, although I broke many promises, I broke even the most important one.

But in the end, I kept that last and most important promise very well!

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I can tell from the breath that Nasha is very happy now.

After all, that guy from Thaddex has a strong sense of emotion, and I, who inherited all its power, can clearly perceive the joy that comes from the heart.


Ah, after I have no burdens in my heart, I also talk a lot!

In other words, it seems that even if I don't plan this series of plans, Nasha will be very happy, right?


So am I dead in vain?


What a shame!


But I'd rather do it, at least let me know that Nasha is doing well.

...I wouldn't be one of those legendary supergirls, would I?

Uh haha.

It sounds like a voice is talking?

How is that possible!

I am dead after all.

The three basic components of existence have been eroded to death by the force of death.

Because it should have disappeared directly into the world.

How could it be possible to hear a sound!

How could he still be conscious...

I'm still conscious!?

"wake up!"

Luckett opened his eyes suddenly.

"This is..

Luket got up from the bed and looked around.

I found myself in the Phoenix mansion, and this is my sister's room!

Looking down at his body, he found that it was still the half-human, half-demon image after inheriting the power of Thaddex.

The difference from before is that now there are no cracks on his body that were given to the bedroom by the force of death.

Feel it a little bit.

The power of the devil is sufficient, the power of death disappears, and the basic three components...

Wait, only the will is left in the three formations?

Only then did Lucker realize that his soul and body had disappeared, leaving only the will that actually materialized.

"What is this...

Luckett murmured in surprise.

"Cough cough!"

A deliberate cough came.

Luckett was startled and quickly turned his head to look.

I saw a beautiful black-haired Onee-san sitting on the chair in front of the table at some point.

With Erlang's legs crossed, he looks like a queen.

"Are you the one who came with the Golden Dawn before?"

As a ninth-order saint, Luket immediately thought of who the woman in front of him was.

After a pause, Luckett said again: "It seems that you saved me?"

Youlan pretended to be a cold goddess and shook her head slightly.

The will that half-stepped into the realm of the gods had already dispelled the power of death on the will when it broke through the barriers of the underworld.

What Youlan did was to bring Luckett's will here.

"Is that so?"

Luckett thought for a moment, then continued, "So, what's your purpose?"

Although he didn't die just like that, Luckett was very happy, because then he had a chance to see his sister.

But to make him survive in that situation and restore his heyday, the woman in front of him is definitely not simple, I am afraid she is a legendary demigod!

If such a person were to let him down, there must be some purpose.

Hope it's not a bad thing.

This Falling Sky City is too crouching, there is a city master teacher who is a half-step ninth-order, and then there is the Golden Dawn, who can play a weaker ninth-order saint, and now there is another suspected half-step. God guy.

And the girl with silver-white hair who is with the woman in front of her is probably not simple, and it is unlikely that it is the half-step ninth order that Golden Dawn and the others said.

If you can get along so well with a guy who is suspected of being a demigod, 80% is also a demigod.

Thinking of this, Luckett's brain ached for a while.

I've never heard of it before, but now when the trouble starts, all kinds of monsters and ghosts are coming out!

At this time, Youlan spoke up.

"You've already called at my door, what do you think my purpose is?


Luckett didn't react for a while.


I saw Youlan stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers, a strong aura of death permeated the room, and a two-meter-high pitch-black door appeared in the room.

The blond, blue-eyed undead girl who helped carry the bag when Youlan and Luo Chen were dating before walked out slowly from the door.

"Lord Goddess, what's the matter?"

The blond undead girl bowed her head slightly happily to the goddess she admired.

On the side, Luket had completely froze, and his emotions were changing rapidly.

Confused, confused, excited, excited, overwhelmed


The blond and blue-eyed undead girl noticed that the room was a little familiar, and she dared to know that someone else was in the room.

Subconsciously looked up.

The girl also froze in place.

He subconsciously murmured in his mouth:

"..elder brother?"

A call made Luket, who did not give up even in the face of the threat of the ninth-order demon saint and the power of death, burst into tears.

The most important thing in life is in front of him, how can Luckett hold back?

I don't know when, he has already embraced the undead girl.

Holding the person in his arms tightly, as if to melt her into his body.


A soft call made the undead girl who was still a little dazed cry directly.

"Wow, woohoo, brother!"

The undead girl named Nasha tried her best to control herself, so that she would not make a fool of herself in front of the important person who had been away for a long time, but her eyes kept shedding tears belonging to the undead.

Two hundred years later, two brothers and sisters who have experienced all kinds of things meet again!

Naturally, there are countless things to say.

However, before that, Luck gently let go of his sister and reincarnated in the direction of Youlan!

This is the first time in his life that Luckett kneels before someone except to pay homage to his parents and sister!

He put his hands in front of him and buried his head deeply.

The sentence "Lady Goddess has already" when Nasha came out let Luckett know who the black-haired woman in front of him was.

That is one of the twelve gods standing at the apex of "the twelve realms of the gods, the goddess of death who is in charge of the death of all living beings!

"Thank you...really, thank you!"

Luckett said in tears.

"Goddess-sama can let me and my sister reunite, I am really grateful!"

"I'm so grateful for Nasha to be so happy!"

"From now on, I, Luket, Phoenix, I am willing to be the servant of the goddess, and I am willing to give my life to the goddess!"

A man who did not give in to the ninth-order demon saint by himself, and now made this gesture because of his sister.


Nasha looked at her brother, who was both familiar and unfamiliar, with incomparable moving.

She realized only now that Luckett had changed a lot.

It has become half human and half devil.

She probably knew that her brother had suffered a lot over the years.

And, most likely, it's all for yourself!

After waiting for a long time, without hearing the Lord Goddess's order, Luckett looked up slightly in fright, and then...

0... ask for flowers...

People are really stupid.

I saw that the original majestic Goddess was actually holding a handkerchief and wiping her tears, looking very moved.

Are you still whispering something like "Woooo, it's so touching", "It's more touching than the sad movie I watched last time in the magic theater", "I can't control my tear ducts anymore" and so on.

Ah this..

Luckett was a little stunned.

This, this is the goddess of death?


Seeing her brother's dumbfounded appearance, Nasha couldn't help but burst into tears.

Nasha explained to Luckett: "Although Goddess sometimes looks very cold, she is actually very gentle, and she is essentially a little girl.

After finishing speaking, he said to Youlan: "Right? Lady Goddess!!

Nasha, who has experienced the dating bag incident, also understood the nature of her goddess and began to be bold.


No my sister!

Your brother doesn't want a tragedy to happen just after seeing you!

Just when Luckett panicked, Liulan spoke.

"Go, go, you are Hanhan, your whole family is Hanhan!"

The tone is very easy-going, just like the slapstick between ordinary honey.

"Look!" Nasha smiled at Luckett.


It directly made Luckett doubt his life.

This is a silver-white figure appearing beside You Lan.

"Ming, I'm back!

Luo Chen greeted everyone.

Luckett looked at Luo Chen.

He remembered this woman who seemed to be very close to the goddess of death at that time.

Is it also a god?

"Ah, brother, let me introduce, this is Lord Luo Chen, the boyfriend of Lord Goddess, and also a demigod!"

"La la... huh?"

underworld center

Nasha and Luket, who was still in a trance, appeared outside the Hall of Death.

Just now, he was directly fooled by the two identities as "boyfriend of the goddess of death" and "sixteen-year-old demigod".

Still haven't fully recovered.

By the way, the current Luket has become a subordinate of You Lan, and was transformed into an undead by You Lan.

After all, the body and soul are gone, which is equivalent to "death".

Anyway, they are "dead", and it seems that there is no problem in becoming an undead.

Moreover, while repaying the kindness, he can also be with his sister.

This is literally the life Luckett dreams about!

Look up and look around.

It is found that the underworld is the same as the normal world, with mountains and rivers, white clouds and sun...

good environment.

"You are here."

A kindly old voice sounded.

I saw a kind-hearted old man walking slowly.

"Teacher!" cried Nasha.

The old man smiled and nodded to Nasha, then turned to look at Luckett.

"Your business, Lady Goddess has already told me. I'm very happy that Nasha can have such a desperate brother for her."

Nasha glanced at Luckett a little shyly and moved.

She also already knew what Luckett did.

Nasha feels really lucky to have such a brother.

Also, her obsession is to see her brother, and now that her obsession has been completed, she chooses to continue to be loyal to the goddess.

This is how you can be with your brother.

Now Nasha, I really feel very happy.

"My name is Ryan Waltz, Stella Belen, when the goddess is not around, I will manage the underworld."

Having said that, Lane paused for a while, then said with a smile:

"Right, forgot to say.

"Welcome to the big family of the underworld!